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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/03/29)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/03/31)>>>20200330 
hex_ Hi! How large is libmupdf.lib supposed to be on windows? I am compiling with Visual Studio 2019 and the on the debug build libmupdf.lib is ~100MB! Is this normal?17:29.50 
Robin_Watts_ Let me check here.17:58.16 
  93Meg here.17:58.44 
  It's much smaller when actually linked.17:59.03 
  mutool is 48Meg for instance.17:59.29 
  *Most* of that is stuff like fonts.17:59.52 
  Release mutool is 36Meg.18:00.11 
hexomancer thanks18:02.30 
Robin_Watts_ You can choose which fonts/cmaps/document handlers/plotters etc are included to reduce the size massively.18:08.58 
  but if you want the most general build, to cope with all files in all formats in all languages, that's what you end up with.18:09.24 
hexomancer thank you, that was very helpful18:21.58 
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