Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/04/03)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/04/05)>>>20200404 
kammerer Hello, I have a question about explicit `destroy` call for Page/Device (and so on) on Android. Should I call it explicitly or mupdf engine will free all obtained memory on `document.destroy()`. Is engine perform any memory cleaning until `document.destroy` call? Do it have any limit or will occupied all avaliable memory?06:38.33 
  There is also a wrong link in channel header: last dot included in url: `MuPDF development & discussion. Log: http://ghostscript.com/mupdfirclogs.`06:42.15 
ator kammerer: you don't need to call Page.destroy explicitly, the garbage collector will take care of it eventually09:41.47 
  kammerer: but the option is tehre if you want to free it manually before the GC runs09:42.10 
kammerer ator As i see `finalize` is deprecated in JVM 9: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/lang/Object.html#finalize--09:47.43 
  Not sure how android would deal with it in future11:10.14 
ym Sup. After last apt upgrade in debian mupdf writes error messages like: error: cannot allocate jbig2 context15:31.29 
  warning: Ignoring error during interpretation15:31.29 
  mupdf: warning: Errors found on page. Page rendering may be incomplete.15:31.29 
  Package: mupdf15:31.58 
  Version: 1.16.1+ds1-215:31.58 
scottschafer hey, I got busy with other stuff but returned to it this morning. Made progress. I am now returning a basic JSON array with some annotation attributes. Here's my C code: https://pastebin.com/embed_js/3WPPLMMs16:39.14 
  I started to hack together my own JSON writer, but then thought to look for something open source and found this: https://github.com/jonaskgandersson/jWrite. License here: https://www.codeproject.com/info/cpol10.aspx. Any objections if I add this to the WASM build?16:40.35 
  JSON is preferable to XML for web apps of courseā€¦and especially because that's the pdf.js format16:41.53 
  Oh yeah, I found "pdf_page_from_fz_page". Do I need to drop the pdf_page that returns at all?16:49.07 
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