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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/04/09)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/04/11)>>>20200410 
Regor greetings friends 😀️ . how to use mupdf -U CSS-file feature for epubs . i tried some .css files but it made fonts almost unreadable . do i need some specific .css file to be used with epubs..?15:47.09 
Robin_Watts_ Regor: You probably don't want to just be picking a random one off the net.16:18.50 
  Your best bet is probably to start from the one we use and tweak it gently.16:19.04 
Regor yes..i get it..16:54.29 
  please link the file so i can use it16:55.39 
  i am on debian buster ... also on android using mupdf/fdroid so .css file would be probably usable on phone too.17:09.16 
  Robin_Watts_: please link the file17:32.55 
Robin_Watts_ Regor: https://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=blob;f=source/html/html-parse.c;h=b6ed0e0e81d672936334e3e1b18c0b42730049f5;hb=daa735136831874a5ab53e39f0f318391f86fd4d23:02.57 
  That's the C file that contains both the default html css and the default used for fb2.23:03.22 
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