Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/04/11)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/04/13)>>>20200412 
kammerer > We don't do any other sort of synchronisation, because we don't believe we need to.12:49.56 
  Robin_Watts_, yes I'm totally agreed. But 'simultaneous' word in docs looks confusing: "No simultaneous calls to MuPDF in different threads are allowed to use the same context/document". In JVM world synchronization is required not only for non-simultaneous execution, but also ensures that all cached memory (in processor caches) are uptodate. But13:18.30 
  mupdf doc says nothing about last thing (maybe it's something self-evident in the native/c world)13:18.31 
  Looks like that Mupdf.drawPage is overssynchronzied, because page rendering is performed under lock after display list extraction13:20.52 
  What is penalty for intermediate step with display list compare to direct page rendering without it (in terms of performance/memory/time for example for heavy-weight pdf documents with large scanned pages)?13:25.26 
Robin_Watts_ kammerer: For android, at least, we draw into a Bitmap.14:05.47 
  In order to be able to draw into an array of pixels, we need to lock the pixels so the JVM can't move it above.14:06.04 
  Accordingly we have to lock/draw/unlock.14:06.21 
  kammerer: display list construction/playback overhead is not huge.14:06.54 
  Images are inserted into the display list as references, so no bulk data copying is required.14:07.30 
kammerer Robin_Watts_, "Images are inserted into the display list as references, so no bulk data copying is required." If I destroy page would display list still be valid? Would I get new image after page rereading and display list construction or it would be same object as referenced in first display list?14:22.22 
  So bitmap 'lock/unlock' implicitly triggers some kind of synchronization mechanism?14:24.45 
Robin_Watts_ If you destroy the page, the display list will still be valid.14:25.26 
  Images from within the page will be kept alive by the references from the display list.14:25.43 
  If you reread the page you should get the same image reference back, yes.14:26.08 
  I can't remember the details on bitmap lock/unlock immediately.14:26.40 
kammerer NB: As I see there are a lot of 'synchronized' function in MuPDFCore, but I'm interesting in raw synchronizations mechanism. You pointed that 'When you init mupdf, you pass in a set of lock/unlock functions' but MuPDFCore doesn't perform such thing14:37.52 
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