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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/04/26)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/04/28)>>>20200427 
_YKY_ "home" and "end" keys do not jump to beginning and end of document17:43.49 
Robin_Watts In what viewer?17:45.12 
_YKY_ X1117:48.03 
Robin_Watts mupdf or mupdf-gl ?17:49.23 
_YKY_ mupdf-X1117:49.38 
  it's mupdf17:49.47 
  not the GL one17:49.59 
Robin_Watts G takes you to the end of the document.17:51.10 
  g takes you to the start.17:51.18 
  123g takes you to page 12317:51.25 
_YKY_ I see17:55.09 
  but it'd be nicer to bind the obvious keys17:55.29 
Robin_Watts It's open source. Have at it.17:55.38 
_YKY_ but if I change the code the new version may override it17:56.34 
malc_ _YKY_: fwiw home/end in my, mupdf based, viewer do what you want. you can try it out at https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/18:14.51 
_YKY_ I'm new to how open-source works, used to just rip off code for my own projects18:33.37 
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