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kiwi_86 Hello, I'd like to use mutool to spit a PDF file into pages, where one page = one PDF file. The following don't work:09:28.22 
  mutool draw -o %d.pdf input.pdf09:28.24 
  mutool draw -F pdf -o %d.pdf input.pdf09:28.33 
  Is there to get mutool to do this? Thank you.09:28.42 
kens In what way 'deosn't work' ?09:28.53 
kiwi_86 It only creates a single, bigger PDF with every other page black09:29.12 
kens OK so what version of MuPDF, on what operating system, is there somewhere someone can download the file to try it out ?09:29.45 
kiwi_86 1.16.0 on Windows 7 32 bits09:30.00 
  I'm uploading the file09:30.15 
kens OK then we cna look09:30.23 
kiwi_86 https://we.tl/t-g2jCkK0UX009:31.49 
kens Righto one moment09:31.55 
  Good grief 449 pages09:32.48 
kiwi_86 Sorry09:33.33 
kens Well its more than I expected :-) Give me a minute, I just built fresh from source09:33.52 
  Hmm, yes, I get a file with %d in the filename, that's less than ideal09:34.48 
kiwi_86 It's the file I'm experimenting with, so it's better I send that one instead of another that might not show the problem.09:34.49 
kens Absolutely the right thing to do yes09:35.00 
  Let me see if I can summon someone better equipped for this09:35.39 
ator kiwi_86: for N in $(seq $(mutool show input.pdf Root.Pages.Count); do mutool clean -g input.pdf page$N.pdf $N; done09:39.02 
  kiwi_86: for N in $(seq $(mutool show input.pdf Root.Pages.Count)); do mutool clean -g input.pdf page$N.pdf $N; done09:39.13 
kens ator thaniks :-)09:39.16 
ator you want to use mutool clean to split out pages, not mutool draw09:39.29 
kens Umm is that bash ?09:39.32 
ator mutool draw reinterprets the page (like pdfwrite in ghostscript), mutool clean just copies the actual page data untouched09:40.03 
  oh yeah, but you've got bash with msys/cygwin on windows :)09:40.37 
kens Should be possible in Windows scripting though09:40.55 
kiwi_86 Thanks much. I have MSYS instead so I can give it a try. Thanks much for the infos on draw/clean.09:41.08 
kens for %s in (....) do mutool....09:41.15 
ator mutool draw -o pdf isn't set up to do multiple files, it always just outputs to one file09:41.34 
kiwi_86 Good to know. You might want to update the doc.09:41.53 
kens Hmm, that's not what the usage message implies09:41.54 
ator mutool draw is robin's baby, the code is too hairy for me to straighten out :)09:42.17 
kens LOL09:42.22 
ator I've gotten myself into trouble with the %d handling in there before... not going there again voluntarily :)09:42.43 
kens Fair enough, it was surprising to me though, so I bet it is to other people too, I was going by the usage meessage09:43.15 
ator yes. I've been wanting it to be able to handle multiple pages too, but the need hasn't been pressing enough to push me into doing something about it.09:43.47 
kens Fair enough, thanks for answering anyway :-)09:44.02 
kiwi_86 Thanks again.09:44.09 
ator I'll stick a note in my TODO file09:45.05 
kiwi_86 Hello, I'm back :-)13:21.18 
  mutool builds a superb HTML file from a PDF file, but 1) the file is way too big for my e-reader to read in one chunk, and 2) pictures are13:21.21 
  embedded as base64. FWIW, I used this: "mutool draw -F html -o out.html in.pdf"13:21.21 
  1. Should I use clean/convert/draw to turn a big PDF into one page=one HTML file?13:21.26 
  2. As a way to build lighter HTML files, is there a way for mutool to extract the pictures as PNG/JPG with links within the HTML files?13:21.28 
  3. Can mutool include Previous/Next links at the bottom of each HTML file, as poor man's navigation tool?13:21.30 
  Thank you.13:21.34 
kens kiwi_86: we've had the question about external images and embedded links before. Currently there is no way to do that. Clerly the code could be extended13:22.07 
  The other questions I can't answer I'm afraid :-(13:22.26 
  Maybe ator could help13:22.30 
ator kiwi_86: you can ask it to not create images, but not save them externally (as that gets into a whole other dimension of complexities with paths and possibly over-writing files, etc)13:24.33 
  and the same issue with mutool draw to split pdfs, there is currently no way to ask it to create one file per page. you'll have to manually loop and call mutool for each page you want to convert.13:25.34 
kiwi_86 What is the right tool to split a big PDF into one page/one file HTML? Convert, draw, or clean?13:26.14 
ator you could do most of these things by writing javascript scripts for use with 'mutool run'13:26.21 
  mutool clean reads and writes PDF files13:26.45 
  mutool draw reads any file we can read, and writes out in most formats, but it does it by interpreting the graphics and creating the output file from scratch13:27.15 
  any extra PDF information like bookmarks and links are lost in the process13:27.27 
  mutool convert has a simpler interface than "mutool draw", and also provides more detailed options to many of the output formats. mutool draw is primarily intended for bitmap output.13:28.05 
  so both mutool draw and mutool convert do the same thing, but the interfaces are different13:28.46 
kiwi_86 I'll see what I can do with HTML files as output by mutool. Thank you.13:30.32 
ator kiwi_86: "mutool convert -O preserve-images=no -o out.html input.pdf 1" to convert page 1 to an HTML file without images13:35.19 
kiwi_86 Thanks!13:38.05 
paulgardiner It looks like appearance stream generation for combed text within text widgets is broken.15:45.14 
kiwi_86 Hello again,15:48.10 
  When reading a PDF, my e-reader has a hard time displaying tables.15:48.13 
  I'm thinking of 1) extracting those pages, 2) convert them from "text PDF" to "image PDF" (like taking a screenshot), and 3) remerging all15:48.16 
  the pages into a single PDF.15:48.17 
  It looks like both convert and draw can turn text into pictures.15:48.20 
  1. Which command do you recommend?15:48.22 
  2. For convenience, can mutool convert some pages directly without having to perform a a extract > convert > merge cycle?15:48.24 
  Thank you.15:48.27 
  My browser disconnected, and I can't see if there were any reply to my questions :-/16:09.28 
ator kiwi_86: (for the logs) mutool convert -o temp.cbz input.pdf; mutool convert -o output.pdf temp.cbz16:34.35 
vtorri hello19:47.17 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.19:47.17 
vtorri ator are there differences of compilation command of mupdf 1.17 compared to 1.16.1 ?19:48.19 
ator vtorri: that that I know, why?21:57.43 
malc_ this made no sense21:59.23 
  one of the thats ought to be not21:59.43 
ator malc_: eh, yes. I'm obviously too tired to type coherent sentences :)22:09.53 
malc_ ator: :)22:10.27 
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