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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/05/08)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/05/10)>>>20200509 
Starz0r small question, does mujs have any actual way to yield?05:07.28 
  i've been trying to use the project for something small, but I don't see any API that would actually allow me to yield out of the vm05:08.04 
sebras Starz0r: you should probably wait for ator to return here. he'll be back on monday during european working hours.07:50.19 
  Starz0r: he's the author of mujs.07:50.30 
Starz0r monday? guess that's what I get for taking so long to ask my question09:12.52 
sebras Starz0r: well, the mupdf devs are usually here during work days.09:26.59 
malc_ ator: http://tpaste.us/8X8K10:25.03 
xace https://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=blob;f=platform/x11/pdfapp.c;h=2dc9484bec792e384ac0e69de38b997435b56568;hb=HEAD#l1966 line 1966, the variable `sel`, what unit are these numbers in? pixels? points? inches? cm?16:53.43 
  i followed the CTRL-C for copying region selection to find this piece of the code...16:54.20 
  my goal is to add support for cropping the selection (on my local copy)16:54.33 
sebras xace: this is not my expert area, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it is likely to be user space coordinates.17:08.16 
  xace: what do you mean by cropping?17:09.06 
  xace: I'm guessing you mean reducing the size of the selection somehow, but it is not clear exactly what you mean. :)17:09.39 
  xace: ator is the one that knows the coordinate systems best, he's back on monday though.17:09.53 
xace sebras: alright, well i can work with the rest of the setup and adjust the numbers later. my gosl is: i frequently quote pdfs, either by snippets of text or figures. i find it annoying to fall back to raster graphics. so my idea is to use mupdf to select the region of interest, and then create a new pdf only containing the selected region, and finally import that cropped pdf17:15.02 
sebras xace: I suggest you return on monday during european business hours. you are likely to get better answers then. :)17:16.49 
xace cool :)17:17.17 
  seems like that sel i link and sel.y0 = app->page_bbox.y0 - sel.y0; works for me not sure w/e unit that is but ghostscript likes it17:57.55 
  not exactly true, but close enough, glad this was resolved quickly :D18:10.14 
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