Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/05/09)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/05/11)>>>20200510 
akko why does windows defender detect mupdf as a virus?04:36.46 
  only version 1.17 though04:38.50 
sebras akko: I don't know, but that seems wrong.04:51.48 
  akko: what is the name of the virus it claims to have?04:52.41 
akko it said trojan04:56.07 
  lemme run it again to see what it specifically said04:56.31 
  sebras: Trojan:Win32/FormBook.OIMTB04:57.12 
  Alert level: severe04:57.18 
sebras akko: I'll look into it.04:57.27 
  akko: where did you get the file? mupdf.com?04:57.40 
akko mupdf.com/downloads/index.html04:57.57 
sebras akko: just to be sure, can I ask you to verify the SHA1 checksum of the download?04:58.25 
akko sure, you'll have to teach me though :304:58.40 
sebras akko: if you were on Linux I could have, but I don't really know how to do this on Windows. :)04:59.03 
akko on my pc I run windows but I have gentoo on my laptop04:59.29 
  gimme a sec04:59.31 
sebras aha! on Linux, you should be able to run "sha1sum filename" on a terminal and get a checksum.04:59.57 
akko they look the same apparently05:01.23 
sebras ok, good.05:01.44 
  akko: do you know specificallly what file it complained about? mupdf.exe? mutool.exe? mupdf-gl.exe?05:13.13 
akko i'm not sure :c05:16.23 
  sebras: mupdf.exe05:17.04 
  sebras: https://prnt.sc/se0pyg05:17.39 
sebras akko: I also see windows complaining at the file.05:36.52 
akko :o05:47.32 
sebras akko: I'm not sure if this is a real problem or a misdetection by Windows Defender at the moment.05:52.43 
akko its most likely the latter05:53.44 
  but yea at least you're aware of it now :)05:53.59 
sebras akko: I hope so, but even so we need to do something so it is not misdetected. thanks for reporting this.05:54.53 
akko no problem man, i'm glad i could help :305:57.04 
irc_user Hi, I'm trying to write a JS script for mpv, but it won't let me import child_process. Is there any way to execute a binary (ffmpeg in this case) with mujs?17:04.21 
sebras irc_user: I don't think so, but ator is the expert on mujs. he'll be back on monday during european business hours.17:12.15 
irc_user Damn, alright thanks. Maybe I'll just write it in LUA then :/17:12.52 
malc_ ator: https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/issues/239418:02.25 
  in https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/issues/2394#issuecomment-626254448 behdad suggests wrapping old bitmapped fonts in an opentype shell, something unifont did for misc-fixed... hmm18:27.05 
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