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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/05/12)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/05/14)>>>20200513 
paulgardiner sebras: thanks for the review and picking up the typo. The potential crash bug didn't impinge on the release. In any case, refactorings tend to introduce one or two of those.09:22.02 
ator pedr0: I can't find any examples that use "toIndirect". where did you see that?10:22.47 
  pedr0: see docs//examples/pdf-portfolio.js for some code that reads a stream and saves it to disk10:23.40 
pedr0 It may be me having an older release maybe10:44.14 
  I found that in pdf-merge.js10:44.32 
  line 810:44.36 
  I've managed to read a stream into a Buffer - now what I'd like to do is to use that as a string, so I can run some regexes on it. Forgive my utter ignorance in JS - how can I do that ? What's not really clear to me is where the line between JS types and MU types is - is a buffer a MUd defined type ?10:46.27 
  I am on 1.16.110:50.29 
darkdragon-001 What is the difference between the android versions -mini and -viewer? They both have the same size...11:06.43 
  2. Is it possible to implement select&copy functionality with your library?11:07.07 
ator darkdragon-001: 1. slightly different ui, mini doesn't have slick animations and swiping. mini has much simpler source code, it's designed as a jumping off point/tutorial for how to use the library. viewer is more refined, but much harder to understand code.11:16.16 
  2. yes.11:16.19 
  in terms of actual functionality, they're pretty much equivalent, and which one you prefer is up to you.11:16.59 
darkdragon-001 thanks!11:24.16 
pedr0 is there any alternative that using the Buffer as an array and looping through it to build a string ?11:40.09 
ator yes, that sounds like a much older release. we changed toIndirect into asIndirect to be compatible with the naming in the Java version of the same APIs11:49.34 
  a long time ago.11:49.38 
  pedr0: there is no function to turn the buffer into a JS string.11:52.00 
  even if there was, what encoding would you expect? JS strings are unicode strings. a Buffer is just an array of bytes.11:52.24 
pedr0 okay, but when I use mutool clean I can get the stream to be 'readable' in a regular editor like vim11:52.52 
  isn't there anyway to achieve the same effect in the JS world ? Is the buffer containing the stream's data as it is in the file or has it gone through some processing first ?11:53.41 
ator some streams. the stream for a JPEG image would be hard to read in a text editor.11:53.53 
pedr0 *any[space]way11:53.58 
  I am talking about page's content streams11:54.16 
  sorry, I should have clarified that11:54.28 
  what I am after is the flow of PDF instructions that draw a page11:55.01 
ator page content streams can also contain random non-ascii bytes. like when drawing strings using 8 or 16-bit font encodings.11:55.02 
  inline image data can also be binary11:55.11 
  I have on my TODO (on a rainy day) list an item to expose the PDF operator processor API to JS and Java11:56.42 
  which would possibly help you do what you're looking to do11:57.01 
pedr0 I am probably missing something, or more than something here. When I use mutool clean with the correct options I can see the flow of pdf instructions there. What has happened to the stream to be readable ? I thought it would be de-compressed but I never considered the encoding aspect11:57.13 
ator pedr0: well, it really depends on the pdf instructions11:57.35 
  some PDF instructions can contain binary data11:57.42 
  like the instruction to draw text can contain binary data in the string that is drawn11:57.54 
pedr0 I get that, but I am happy to see the operators only.11:58.10 
ator and the instruction to draw an image (BI, ID, EI set of instructions) embed a binary data stream in the middle11:58.13 
  so you want the content stream tokenized?11:58.31 
pedr0 what do you exactly mean by tokenized ?11:58.45 
ator turned into tokens11:58.59 
pedr0 okay but what's a token, you meant instruction by instruction ?11:59.29 
ator numbers, strings, and operators11:59.54 
  and comments12:00.11 
pedr0 I'd like to have the same stuff that I get from mutool clean, really.12:00.44 
ator what do you want to do with bytes that are not ASCII bytes?12:01.25 
  that's my original question.12:01.30 
pedr0 leave them as they are12:02.02 
ator that does not compute. a JS string is an array of unicode characters.12:02.38 
  a content stream in PDF is an array of bytes.12:02.52 
pedr0 unicode stored in memory un-encoded (32 bits) per-char ? Oh, right12:05.55 
  but I still don't get it and sorry if I ask again12:06.12 
ator JS is 16-bits per character12:07.06 
pedr0 but when I run: mutool show pdf pages/1/Contents and I get the stream printed out in the terminal- is that the stream as it is simply un-compressed12:07.21 
ator if you jsut want to turn the bytes into characters and use latin-1 encoding, then you'll have trouble trying to save that out (because writing it will encode as UTF-8)12:07.38 
  mutool show pages/1/Contents converts non-printable and non-ASCII characters into "." and wraps the lines at 80 columns12:08.51 
  mutool show -b pages/1/Contents will print the raw bytes12:09.03 
  which your terminal may or may not make sense of. use at your own risk.12:09.36 
pedr0 stty sane is your friend in that case12:10.06 
  so the stream in a buffer is what it is in the file - uncompressed if I am using readRawStream()12:13.36 
  thanks for your help, it seems I can't really do what I wanted to do then12:14.20 
  sometimes I can hack a stream by using a combination of mutool clean + sed and I was hoping to consolidate the whole thing into a JS script12:17.45 
ator yes, compressed (but decrypted) if using readRawStream12:18.33 
  readStream is decompressed as well12:18.45 
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