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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/05/14)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/05/16)>>>20200515 
malc_ ator, sebras: IIRC i've been told in the past that it is impractical to report svg issues, but given recent sebrases successes with keyboards and hilarity of this particular mupdf misrendering here goes - https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Tux.svg13:19.52 
sebras malc_: that one will have to wait. it's easier for me when there is an error message. :)14:22.31 
malc_ sebras: hah :) excuses excuses14:22.58 
ator the missing gradients and gaussian blurs are one thing (probably never going to be implemented) but I'm surprised we actually see as much as we do!14:23.22 
  the face going all melty and warping away, that looks like another transform issue maybe?14:23.39 
  a more trimmed down example would help14:23.54 
malc_ is it possible to change substitute font to something that is not noto?17:09.34 
  ator: 'Uses the system tools "unar" and "zip".'21:33.07 
  perhaps you meant unrar?21:33.22 
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