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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/05/17)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/05/19)>>>20200518 
pedr0 hi all, I've started to use the C API of mupdf and I am getting this error when opening a document with fz_open_document() 'error: No document handlers registered'. I guess I am making some classic novice mistakes13:02.07 
  The context I pass is coming from fz_new_context( NULL, NULL, FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED ) and the path points to a valid PDF file13:03.00 
ator pedr0: see docs/examples/example.c for the missing call. you need to call fz_register_document_handlers(ctx) after creating the context.14:36.54 
pedr0 ... fz_register_document_handlers(ctx) ...21:01.28 
  Hi all, I am trying to build a program which 'filters out' certain instructions. Would it be possible, within the context of a device, to know where I am in the stream being executed ? Or maybe I could use an fz_document_writer to do that ? It seems an interesting 'object' even though it does not provide facilities to filter out, or select, what should be passed on. It merely writes on the device what's coming from the stre22:26.36 
  am being processed. Ideally I could implement my own processor which delegates to another processor based on certain conditions but I've found it difficult to do so. I'd appreciate any hint.22:26.36 
  At the moment I am experimenting with a fz_document_writer in combination with the fz_run_contents() function22:28.34 
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