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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/05/18)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/05/20)>>>20200519 
conhector Hi there, quick question: Does MuPDF have a feature like Acrobat Reader's Night-Mode?02:20.40 
sebras conhector: MuPDF mini for android doesn't currently have a night mode feature, no.06:04.38 
conhector sebras: Thank you for the info.11:08.34 
ator pedr0: you will probably have more luck looking at the pdf_processor stuff11:26.01 
  pedr0: or just use the pdf_filter_page_contents function11:26.54 
  pedr0: see pdf_redact_page for an example of how that stuff is used11:27.46 
malc_ make build=native started yielding - https://tpaste.us/XgMl , i don't know when this started to happen (`make build=native libs` is what is used to build things over here)12:15.44 
pedr0 ator: thanks a lot16:22.52 
  I've done so and it's all pretty OK in a small example, but as soon as I try to do something 'real' I stumbled upon a SEGSEV. I am using a document_writer and somehow it explodes when I execute the fz_close_document_writer - within a fz_always block16:26.51 
  Fine, that was me being a silly man and having forgot what lexically scoped means.16:48.04 
hisacro is there a way to change table of contents colors.. mupdf-gl 1.17.020:28.23 
  this https://pictshare.net/jvz17d.png to be exact20:31.32 
sebras hisacro: not without changing the source code.20:44.55 
  hisacro: whether it will ever be is up to the main developer, ator. my best bet is that it is unlikely to be configurable.20:45.32 
  s/to be/to ever be/20:45.47 
ator hisacro: platform/gl/gl-app.h, line 200-ish defines various colors for the UI, such as UI_COLOR_PANEL, etc.21:09.49 
  hisacro: changing those should be enough, I think21:10.17 
hisacro ator really appreciate it thanks!21:12.13 
malc_ ator: no comment on the freeglut issue i have alluded to earlier?21:22.20 
ator malc_: never seen it before, sorry.21:25.31 
  hisacro: https://pastebin.com/raw/um8ZR1n5 something like this should be a decent start21:26.52 
malc_ ator: never seen my message or the problem i described in the paste?21:28.19 
ator the problem21:28.25 
malc_ okay, guess i will have to debug it on my own21:29.15 
sebras malc_: ator: fg_gl2.h declares fghGenBuffers. that header is included in both fg_gl2.c and fg_window.c21:32.02 
malc_ sebras: it has no guards or something?21:32.36 
sebras s/declares/defines/21:33.00 
ator I can't replicate the build errors with build=native and CC=gcc nor CC=clang21:33.08 
sebras this likely only happens when GL_ES_VERSION_2_0 is not set.21:33.25 
malc_ i just replicated it with empty build (i.e. without build=native)21:33.45 
ator but maybe you have different opengl headers and that's messing things up?21:33.47 
malc_ all with gcc21:33.50 
sebras ator: that seems to be quite likely.21:33.59 
malc_ ator: i have usual mesa.... it might be quite a bit newer (20.0.7) than whatever you are using though21:35.41 
sebras malc_: on my system GL_ES_VERSION_2_0 is not set.21:36.18 
  running nm on fg_gl2.o and fg_window.o reveals:21:39.21 
  0000000000000008 C fghGenBuffers21:39.35 
  for both files.21:39.37 
  "C" The symbol is common. Common symbols are uninitialized data.21:39.43 
  When linking, multiple common symbols may appear with the same21:39.44 
  name. If the symbol is defined anywhere, the common symbols21:39.44 
  are treated as undefined references.21:39.44 
malc_ sebras: not sure what GL_ES have to do with it though21:39.50 
sebras malc_: so it seems to me like the linker should accept multiple symbols of that name?21:40.15 
  malc_: are they of type C in your case?21:40.27 
malc_ sebras: nope: 0000000000000000 B fghGenBuffers21:42.46 
sebras malc_: that's interesting.21:42.56 
  so gcc-10 thinks they should up as BSS.21:43.11 
  ator: we should take that commit ^^^21:47.11 
malc_ zebraz: great investigative work (again) thank you21:49.36 
  and things do build with clang so yeah gcc 10 is the culprit here21:52.00 
pedr0 is there any documentation for mutool poster ?22:00.44 
  can't find it here : https://www.mupdf.com/docs/index.html22:01.03 
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