Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/06/09)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/06/11)>>>20200610 
malc_ ator: https://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2020/06/10/412:20.44 
  ator: whole thread is worth checking out12:21.44 
sebras malc_: ator is back next week.12:22.41 
malc_ ator: for the logs12:22.50 
  sebras: tack!12:22.56 
sebras malc_: varsågod!12:23.04 
malc_ or however thanks is spelled there east of the true viking land12:23.56 
 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/06/09)Forward 1 day (to 2020/06/11)>>> 
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