Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/06/11)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/06/13)>>>20200612 
txt23 Does muPDF has a viewer like PDF.js that we can use as SDK on web?17:36.01 
Robin_Watts_ We have a demo of that, yes.17:37.39 
txt23 Can we see it?17:38.00 
Robin_Watts_ If you contact sales@artifex.com they can help you out with that.17:38.14 
txt23 We are trying to load PDFs via SDK and then add our own Fabric.js on top17:38.15 
  Sending email now17:38.22 
Robin_Watts_ It's designed to offer the same API as pdf.js so it should be pretty much a drop in replacement.17:38.57 
  but it will do "proper" annotations etc.17:39.13 
txt23 Nice.17:40.16 
  All we need is Canvas load the rest we've built in.17:41.46 
  Issue with PDF.js is its not working on iOS17:41.54 
malc_ txt23: how come?17:42.13 
Robin_Watts_ Hmm. The web version of mupdf relies on wasm.17:44.30 
txt23 WebAssembly might be solution here17:45.54 
Robin_Watts_ If you want to target ios, then why not drive mupdf natively? It'll be faster etc.17:46.51 
txt23 We have to have web compatible version17:47.16 
Robin_Watts_ ok.17:47.26 
txt23 Its one of those must have req. for us17:47.29 
Robin_Watts_ Well, if WASM is acceptable, then we should be able to help you out.17:50.10 
txt23 Yes it should. Having correctly loaded PDF is all we need. The rest we can do in-house. Will wait for a reply back from sales. Appreciate your help Robin_Watts_17:51.04 
Robin_Watts_ np.17:52.49 
akko hi! just wondering if you guys managed to figure out what was triggering windows defender on mupdf18:00.50 
Robin_Watts_ akko: Does an up to date windows defender still trigger on it?18:01.12 
akko it doesn't :o18:02.40 
  what was it?18:02.43 
Robin_Watts_ duff windows defender signatures.18:02.59 
  i.e. a bug in the data that MS released for windows defender.18:03.12 
akko what a surprise XD18:03.40 
sebras akko: I reported it to Microsoft and asked for a manual analysis. within a day they had concluded it was of no hard.18:43.50 
  because some other online anti-virus services also claimed that mupdf contained malware I sent it to F-secure for a separate analysis. they also confirmed that it was clean.18:45.07 
malc_ the sentiment that i have expressed on ocaml channel few days ago and is probably worth repeating, in presence of thompson's hack it is in general very hard (if not impossible) to prove presence/absence of malware18:49.17 
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