Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/06/14)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/06/16)>>>20200615 
pedr0 ator: thanks for pointing out, a few days ago now, about the pdf_redact example which illustrates how to use a pdf_filter, that was exactly what I was looking for.09:21.48 
  pdf_filter_processor allows for the removal of text and images nonetheless it does not deal with graphic elements being drawn my other means, for instance creating a path and filling it. Is my understanding correct ?12:54.30 
hisacro I'm trying to build mupdf from source on Debian-based (MX-linux), I couldn't find lcms2mt.h package14:15.25 
  https://packages.debian.org/source/sid/mupdf have installed all dependencies mentioned here14:15.42 
  here's log http://ix.io/2pfy14:15.50 
kens You'd probably be better pulling the source from our Git repository14:16.03 
hisacro I did pull from repo14:16.16 
  I just reference there are dependencies14:16.28 
kens OK that wasn't clear to me14:16.37 
hisacro s/reference/referenced/14:16.38 
kens dir you do the submodule update as well ?14:17.11 
  (BTW I am not a MuPDF developer, but time zones and vacations mean there's hardly anyone else around today)14:17.52 
hisacro yeah I did indeed, the problem is even for that repo package I'm getting the same error14:17.58 
kens I know lcms2MT was update recently, give me a minute to refresh my checkout14:18.40 
  So in the MuPDF checkout folder, you should have a thirdpart folder, which shouold contain an lcms2 folder, with an include subfolder, which is where lcms2mt.h should be found14:20.57 
  I deleted teh file from there, then ran git submodule update, and the file was retrieved again.14:22.22 
  So do you have that file ?14:22.26 
hisacro no I didn't have thridparty modules, I'll rebuild in a moment14:23.51 
kens well the "git submodule update" should pull in the thirdparty files.14:24.17 
  What's the URL of the repository you are using ?14:24.28 
hisacro there's Makethrid14:25.17 
kens makethird is the makefile for the third party libraries14:25.45 
  But there should be a thirdparty directory beneath that point14:25.57 
hisacro sorry I made a clone of https://salsa.debian.org/koster/mupdf14:29.12 
kens OK then I would suggest that you instead use our Git repository:14:29.41 
  Otherwise I'm afraid you'll have to take it up with the package maintainer for that distro14:30.03 
hisacro my mistake.. cloning again thanks for the help14:30.32 
kens Distros usually use system shared libraries, not built in static libraries. Our code uses built-in static libraries.14:30.33 
  No worries14:30.37 
malc_ kens: i thought there is a (makefile)define that controls whether mupdfs build system uses system or bundled third-party libraries14:32.25 
kens malc_: I'm afraid you have now exceeded my understanding of the MuPDF build system :-)14:32.46 
malc_ kens: woohoo! :)14:33.15 
kens Its a pertty low bar.....14:33.35 
malc_ and i never had bubka aspirations14:34.46 
kens is lost by that reference....14:36.04 
malc_ kens: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Bubka14:36.56 
kens Ah the pole vaulter14:37.04 
Robin_Watts_ malc_: Our makefiles do allow for system libs or not in at least some cases.14:37.17 
  But distros all too frequently "know better than us".14:37.34 
malc_ Robin_Watts_: given how pervasively you modify some of the thirdparty submodules it's not a wise choice on distros14:38.35 
IAEON how reading a .cbr comic book22:22.23 
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