Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/06/15)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/06/17)>>>20200616 
malc_ wonders if (correct rendering of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_acute_accent à la https://boblycat.org/~malc/scratch/double-accute.png) is the norm or an exception for "most" people09:26.51 
ator IAEON: convert to CBZ. unpack the files, then repack them as ZIP, and rename the .zip to .cbz09:55.04 
chrisl Does no one think that PDF producers should be held responsible for producing crap, rather than bitching at the PDF consumers about it?? :-(10:11.41 
malc_ chrisl: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robustness_principle10:13.00 
kens IMO an error message 'your file does not conform to the specificatioon' is quite robust enough10:14.00 
  Trying to guess what Adobe Acrobat will or will not accept is too much like hard work10:14.30 
  There;'s a specification, its not as good as the PLRM but people should follow it.10:14.51 
  Even if software accepts broken PDF files it should say 'your file is broken' so you know10:15.04 
chrisl malc_: Being well behaved in the face of broken input is not the same as happily accepting and trying to "fix" blatently broken input. I don't think producers should be permitted to just ignore the spec, and expect consumers to make sense of it10:15.11 
malc_ chrisl: i am not too fond of Robust principle, iow you are preaching to the choir10:16.09 
chrisl Perhaps the next time gcc errors out on some of my typo ridden C code, I should just open gcc bug, rather than fix my code!10:18.11 
malc_ you should! after all search engines do that all the fucking time! why can't a bloody compiler just DWIM??10:19.45 
chrisl Psychic software: do what the users wants, not what they tell it to do!10:23.27 
malc_ yep. that's the plan. we all be better off with as little human involvement as possble10:28.27 
  ator: mupdf fails to properly render trema/umlaut over A for all the fonts in distribution (even for Noto Sans a font with which diacritics are correct, at least, in firefox) (demonstration - https://tpaste.us/re4z)13:26.06 
ator what fonts? which distribution?13:39.40 
malc_ ator: fonts found in mupdfs resources directory13:40.33 
  Noto, Charis, DroidSans13:40.53 
ator malc_: I blame Harfbuzz...13:48.19 
  maybe I'm not setting a correct flag, or it's just not capable13:48.42 
malc_ firefox uses hb too13:48.56 
  (i think))13:48.59 
  damn extra paren... i should go commit sepuku13:49.17 
ator malc_: your script doesn't work for me. it's loading a font-face but not using it.13:59.07 
  with those fixes, some fonts work, others not so much (depends on the presence of a GPOS opentype table)14:00.29 
malc_ ator: doh, sorry14:00.51 
ator the built-in Noto Serif font works14:01.06 
malc_ noto sans works too14:01.52 
ator the Charis ones don't because we ship a stripped down version14:02.05 
malc_ so sorry for insinuating that firefox is better14:02.12 
ator the original (bloated) charis sil font works14:02.14 
malc_ does original charter work?14:02.35 
  ator: any idea if this https://github.com/moosotc/snippets/blob/master/bin/3ze.py https://github.com/moosotc/snippets/blob/master/bin/3ze.sh can be simplified (not requiring fontforge)?16:09.05 
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