Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/06/17)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/06/19)>>>20200618 
sebras ator: if I run "./build/sanitize/mutool draw -F png -o /dev/null -B 10 -T 4 -s t ./pdfref17.pdf N-1" I rather consistently get "warning: assert: overwrite hash slot with different value!" and "warning: assert: overwrite hash slot with different value!"16:42.05 
  twice, but twice only.16:42.17 
  I'm not quite sure that we want this to happen.16:43.05 
  I haven't nailed down the reason for this, but it is related to the color convertor some how.16:43.23 
  I'd like your input before spending more time on it. it might be threading-related as I can't repeat it without -T 416:43.49 
hisacro I built mupdf from source (debian) I cannot get mupdf-gl to work, it outputs blank window20:52.37 
  rebuilt with "make sanitize" here's log http://ix.io/2pxo20:52.54 
  did a search on the web, I believe it has to do with memory allocation but I not sure any pointers in right direction is much appreciated20:54.39 
malc_ hisacro: i would guess that it's asan error you cite (where it fails to allocate shadow memory)20:57.23 
  ie its an error within asan itself not mupdf20:57.59 
hisacro malc_, version of asan present http://ix.io/2pxw21:00.06 
malc_ hisacro: i doubt that even if it worked it would have helped you to pinpoint the issue, what graphics card/library do you have there?21:01.10 
hisacro malc_, Intel UHD Graphics 620 & NVIDIA GeForce 930MX maybe I'll try reinstalling nvidia driver21:05.43 
malc_ hisacro: does mupdf21:06.30 
  hisacro: does mupdf-x11 work? is what i was trying to say21:06.52 
hisacro it does21:07.05 
  without any errors21:07.11 
malc_ and you need the gl version cause....21:07.37 
hisacro to see contents menu I suppose and have an interface?21:08.14 
malc_ hisacro: okay, if you build things from source anyway might i suggest https://repo.or.cz/llpp.git ?21:09.49 
hisacro malc_, thanks for the suggestion I didn't know that exist21:17.59 
malc_ hisacro: i would be interested to know whether that works with this hybrid nvintl thing you've got there21:18.55 
hisacro malc_, nope it didn't give segmentation fault21:41.06 
malc_ hisacro: not entirely sure what you mean by it here21:42.32 
hisacro llpp produces sementation fault when run21:44.25 
malc_ hisacro: you just gave two contradicting statements, (1) nope it didn't give segmentation fault (2) llpp produces sementation fault when run21:46.54 
  so which is it?21:46.58 
hisacro I was answering to this "i would be interested to know whether that works" no it didn't work21:48.02 
  it gives "segmentation fault"21:48.16 
malc_ okay, not quite sure how to interpret the "nope it didn't give segmentation fault" but okay, can you run it under gdb and get a backtrace at segfault site?21:49.18 
hisacro sorry, I left a comma21:49.58 
  malc_, http://ix.io/2pxH21:56.04 
malc_ hisacro: it's ocaml runtime.. not llpp nor mupdf code21:59.02 
  nope sorry!21:59.44 
  it's in iris_gl which was built without symbols22:00.15 
  try this: LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 mupdf-gl file22:00.47 
hisacro malc_, wow worked22:07.56 
  hearty thanks!22:08.08 
malc_ hisacro: nah, you just instructed mesa to use software rendering, ie your nvidia and intel are not utilized22:09.31 
  which sucks22:09.35 
hisacro I'm not using non-free drivers, I might load those modules and try later (does it make any change?)22:12.11 
malc_ hisacro: using nouveau? also i have no idea what "those modules" mean22:13.35 
hisacro yes, I mean I'll reboot and load non-free kernal modules22:15.30 
malc_ hisacro: good luck22:16.06 
hisacro http://ix.io/2pxO22:16.12 
malc_ hisacro: i would suggest discussing this with ator, sebras or Robin_Watts_22:17.37 
  anywho time to get some sleep22:17.48 
hisacro thanks, appreciate your time figuring.. I'll try and get back later.22:18.12 
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