Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/06/21)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/06/23)>>>20200622 
paulgardiner Working on a new machine, so having to install things every now and then. Is there anything I need to run mupdf-gl? mupdf.exe works fine, but attemtps to run mupdf-gl.exe complain about missing MSVCR100D.dll.15:10.19 
  Ah, freeglug docs may be helping15:16.38 
wasamasa hello17:50.21 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.17:50.21 
wasamasa I've been notified that mupdf is built with an executable stack on arch and that debian applied a patch to work around this: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=94481717:50.58 
  could this Makefile change be applied to upstream, thereby making the debian patch unnecessary and fixing it for all distros?17:51.50 
sebras wasamasa: as ar as I can see that debian-specific patch is the same as the one Tor applied a few days ago: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=e52e0c2c0297d70d0e4fc293ccd047becb18f322;hp=a86b1fa0119edef1683dc06f035bd329b54613a517:53.53 
  wasamasa: are you the package maintainer?17:54.23 
wasamasa no, just a random security person17:54.33 
sebras wasamasa: ok, we didn't hear about this from the package maintainer, but from another user of our software, which prompted us to make the change.17:55.15 
  wasamasa: at least that is to the best of my knowledge.17:55.27 
wasamasa so if I understand correctly, rebuilding from git will resolve the issue?17:55.31 
malc_ jumps...17:55.38 
wasamasa lol, malc_17:55.49 
malc_ look at me... please look at me....17:55.50 
sebras wasamasa: this change will be included in the next release (but I don't know when that will be).17:55.58 
wasamasa yeah, llpp has the same issue17:56.00 
sebras malc_: :)17:56.13 
wasamasa sebras: that's fine, so no further action on behalf of arch is necessary17:56.23 
malc_ wasamasa: i kind of convinced tor to fix it in mupdf proper17:56.38 
sebras malc_: did you get a poke from debian too? (like kenru)17:56.58 
wasamasa I mean, that ocaml compiler always builds with exec stack17:57.04 
  or is it just because of mupdf?17:57.16 
malc_ sebras: nope, just noticed warnings in dmesg ... all by myself!!! (/me jumps some more)17:57.48 
  wasamasa: NO17:58.07 
  it was purely a mupdf build issue17:58.19 
sebras malc_: oh? ok. thanks for helping us have a good answer for wasamasa. :)17:58.22 
malc_ wasamasa: i have even created v32 which was synced with "fixed" mupdf revision17:59.36 
  llpp 74e6f8d66132636958f72bf1840d36de7a409ee1 or v3217:59.48 
wasamasa alright, I'll rebuild mupdf from git, rebuild llpp and see whether both look nicer in checksec17:59.50 
malc_ wasamasa: damen... i should read my own commit messages, looks as if it was you all alone... (/me stops jumping and crawls back into the shit hole whence he came form)18:01.41 
  sorry for stealing thunder18:01.50 
wasamasa yup, mupdf-git resolves this, llpp, not sure and it looks a tad more involved to build18:05.22 
  I'll just believe you18:05.37 
  thanks for the quick assistance18:06.35 
ator malc_: more thunder please! :)18:40.56 
malc_ ator: your wish is my command https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL1ocqstoIQ18:43.59 
ator malc_: is it real thunder, or somebody wobbling big sheets of metal? :)18:57.08 
malc_ ator: oh it's real, the sottish play demands authenticity19:03.16 
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