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avih ator: i think one of the commits past 1.0.7 can cause mujs to enter an infinite loop in some cases.06:11.33 
  i don't have a reproducible test case yet. so far it only happens in mpv, and i don't know where yet. i only just realized it's probably mujs.06:12.16 
  looking at the commits, i'm guessing maybe the gc de-recurse06:12.53 
  hmm.. could be two issues. the gc de-recurse seems fine, but the following one "0261579 Support embedded 0 in strings by using modified UTF-8" causes some/all scripts to not work for me, but without 100% cpu.06:27.13 
  and the following commits (832e069 Support 4-byte UTF-8 sequences) makes some scripts work, and some not work and having 100% cpu.06:29.06 
  this is with my utf8 wrappers. i'll now try to remove my wrapper.06:29.19 
  ok, the issue happens also without my utf8 wrappers.06:31.47 
  both issues happen in those commits.06:32.34 
  (without my wrappers)06:32.50 
  ator: with the embedded 0 commit, this piece of code which is the first thing i run in mujs in mpv for all scripts, fails on (some?) of my scripts with "SyntaxError: @/norm_err.js:1: unexpected token: '{' (expected ';')": https://0x0.st/i47U.txt06:45.09 
  i think it happens with all scripts.06:46.23 
  could it be the script name which i set which starts with @ ?06:46.45 
  the funny thing is that the next commit (utf8) makes the issue intermittent. some scripts work, some hang with 100% cpu.06:47.49 
  if i change the \ at the end of each line to \n\ (to add actual newlines), it still fails with the same error on line 1 in all scripts06:51.58 
  it's executes like so: https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/player/javascript.c#L41406:53.14 
  ator: reproducible case with commit 0261579: mujs <this file: https://0x0.st/i477.js > errors with "SyntaxError: [string]:1: unexpected token: (identifier) (expected ';')"07:01.17 
  and it doesn't happen with the earlier commit (331c5ec)07:03.22 
  (it's the first time i try mujs with these commits past 1.0.7 - i didn't update it back then when you pushed them)07:04.56 
  amusingly, the next commit (utf8) "fixes" this issue with this specific test script, and in mpv most scripts run, but in mpv some scripts hang with 100% cpu07:06.42 
  iirc my opinion in the past was that the embedded 0 commit should not make it into master. it just adds noise. i still think the same now.07:13.48 
  (because embedded 0 on its own was never an interesting thing as far as i can tell. the related interesting thing is to preserve arbitrary blobs, but mujs doesn't do that anyway, so i don't really see the point is adding support only for embedded 0)07:43.26 
  though maybe it does have a value of supporting arbitrary codepoints.07:46.14 
  (but not 100% sure i see the value in that)08:29.39 
  (especially considering the size of this commit)08:30.02 
ator avih: you're right, there snuck in a bug in "Support embedded 0..." that was fixed in the followup "Support 4-byte" when I split them up from a bigger combined commit09:50.00 
  if you can find a script that fails with commit 832e0690493eaa6b9875e477c79ea3200c2c4310 that would be helpful10:01.45 
avih ator: with HEAD (i assume same as 832e069 because HEAD itself is no-op)i can reproduce it inside mpv, sort of, because it's intermittent. it's hard to reduce a test case becauseit always loads a big script first (to add the mpv APIs etc). but i can test patches if you have some10:29.56 
  most scripts work fine, but some just hang with 100% cpu. i don't know where exactly, because it's hard to tell. i think from the mpv side it's just inside mujs10:30.43 
  ator: fwiw, i have a hunch it could be related to comments. mpv always load the "base" scripts (defaults.js) and then the user script, and it happens for me even with a user script which contains only comments10:32.09 
  i don't really know how to start reducing it..10:33.02 
  my defaults.js definitely cannot be made to run outside of mpv. its the glue between the c code and user scripts, and highly mpv-specific10:33.42 
  ator: fwiw, defaults.js is this https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/player/javascript/defaults.js but i don't think it matters. when the user script is https://0x0.st/i4FQ.txt then the issue happens, and when it's an empty file - it doesn't happen10:50.30 
  i.e. there shouldn't be any difference, it's just comments, and yet when i go back and forth between empty and these comments - the issue go away and come back10:51.17 
ator avih: can you attach a debugger and get a stack trace?10:51.20 
avih no10:51.25 
ator run it in the debugger, ^C to interrupt the process and see where it is10:51.37 
avih wait, i should do one more thing. i didn't test if there are any syntax errors when the issue doesn't happen10:51.46 
  no, no syntax errors.10:52.35 
  ator: i don't think i have a working gdb setup for mingw binaries. i don't know if one even exists10:53.02 
ator or 'sudo perf top' to see which function is eating up all the cpu10:53.24 
  oh, windows?10:53.29 
avih and i didn't build mpv on linux for now10:53.35 
  well, the stand alone reproduce case was on linux. easy to build mujs there, but mpv is harder10:54.20 
ator well, that issue was a trivial bug (forgot to change the type of Rune to signed when adding checks for EOF)10:54.47 
avih i can add debug prints on places you suspect could hang10:54.53 
  ator: "that" being? the embedded 0? or something else/new?10:55.21 
ator avih: take out the "Eliminate recursion in GC..." commit and see if the "Embebdded 0" and "4-byte UTF" commits on their own cause the hang10:55.47 
  one hunk in that patch sequence ended up in the wrong commit.10:56.23 
malc_ ator: ermm... signed Rune? glfont always had them as unsigned, no? and i cant remember what original Pike(s?) code looked like10:56.53 
avih ator: sorry, i still don't follow. do you think there's an unpatched issue on HEAD now?10:57.04 
ator avih: mujs origin/master should be fine.10:57.28 
avih right, ok, we're past the embedded 0 split commit issue. i'm now testing only HEAD10:57.47 
ator malc_: changed Rune to "int", not unsigned short10:58.04 
avih and that's where i reported the "only comment makes it hang" issue10:58.06 
ator malc_: to allow for -1 as an end-of-data signal10:58.19 
  avih: and I wonder if you can get a backtrace or at least function name of where it's hanging10:58.41 
malc_ ator: there is a qualifier missing (i think) , IOW who changed?10:58.42 
  ator: gotcha10:58.48 
avih ator: i'll try your suggestion though of removing the gc recurse commit.10:59.16 
ator malc_: I changed it when adding support for modified UTF-8 "nul" bytes and code points outside the BMP10:59.22 
malc_ ator: okay... naughty naughty10:59.48 
ator avih: thanks. it's either in that commit, or a typo somewhere in the embedded 0 commit. I can't imagine the changes in the 4-byte commit could cause a hang.11:00.06 
avih k11:00.21 
  ator: happens also without the gc commit after: git revert 331c5ec11:01.49 
malc_ ator: btw i ended up modifying punctuation in font forge by hand... not that anyone cares (evidently) but still... now i have a perfect typographical setup here11:02.53 
ator avih: hm. try without the 'support embedded 0' commit (that one should be possible to revert without affecting the 4-byte UTF-8 sequences)11:03.07 
avih ok11:03.18 
ator malc_: oh, and to answer your question from a few weeks ago -- no, I don't know of a simpler tool to remap the 3 to dzhe. maybe by editing the 'cmap' encoding subtables, but that will likely also involve fontforge scripting.11:04.07 
avih ator: it does not revert easily. conflicts at least at the docs11:04.18 
ator or dumping to sfb and editing the text file and the regenerating the ttf11:04.22 
avih i ignored the docs diff. the code itself reverted ok11:05.01 
malc_ ator: thing is dze/ezh thing i can automate with python, period,coma,semi "scaling" not so much :(11:05.09 
ator malc_: be glad you're not in the dark ages when there were no open source font editing software available :)11:05.41 
  in the transition era between bitmap and truetype fonts11:05.52 
malc_ nuc:~11:06.13 
  - fc-list -f '%{family}\n' "$@" | sort | uniq | wc -l11:06.13 
  - fc-list -f '%{file}\n' "$@" | sort | uniq | wc -l11:06.16 
  how bloody cool is that?11:06.27 
  ator: yes!11:06.33 
  williams(?) really deserves a monument in his honor11:06.51 
avih ator: issue seems fixed after reverting the embedded 0 with this commit https://0x0.st/i4F9.txt . i went back and forth with this commit at least twice, the issue goes away and comes back as "expected"11:07.46 
ator avih: thanks... now to reproduce it in a debugger11:08.23 
avih i've spent quite a lot of time on it, setting it up in a debugger is going to be a PITA. maybe you want to add some debug prints at some places? i could apply such patch and retest11:09.16 
  the conflict markers at this revert commit were left intentionally, because only the docs had conflicts.11:10.17 
  ator: remind me again why it's good to support embedded 0's ?11:10.55 
ator avih: because JS code is allowed to use "hello\u0000world" strings11:11.52 
avih right11:12.16 
  well, it's a pretty big commit to add this support. kind of annoying it has to be that big11:12.49 
ator avih: put a printf in jsY_lex, before and after it cals jsY_lexx, see if that's where it gets stuck11:13.13 
avih ok11:14.41 
  ator: indeed, after quite a few calls, it hang and does not return11:17.33 
  ator: using this diff print https://0x0.st/i4FW.txt11:17.56 
  specifically, 5076 successful calls, and one which does not return11:19.16 
ator avih: print out J->lexline, maybe gives a hint to where in the input source11:20.03 
avih before each call?11:20.23 
ator yeah, before the "[LEX0"11:20.34 
avih k11:20.38 
  J->lexline is null-terminated char* ?11:20.55 
ator no, it's an int line number11:21.10 
avih oh11:21.55 
ator J->source has the null-terminated char* if you want to print that instead11:22.00 
avih and the filename?11:22.02 
  (there are two scripts involved)11:22.21 
ator J->filename11:22.24 
avih k11:22.27 
  and J->source is the line or the whole file?11:22.50 
ator J->source is the text of the source code, at the position where we start scanning for the token11:23.23 
  so it really is where the error occurs11:23.30 
  printf("source: (%.50s)\n", J->source)11:24.10 
  prints the next 50 characters in the string being parsed at that point11:24.48 
avih ok. it points to the file name with the comments-only, but it's wrapped inside common-js wrapper code, so it points at a line outside the actual source file, though i expect it's also outside the wrapped file. it says line 59, but the file is only 12 lines of comments, and the wrapper prepends code without newline, and appends just one line11:25.38 
  i think it reads out of bounds11:25.43 
  i'll try the %.50s now11:26.22 
ator avih: I suspect I've found the error11:28.47 
  a // comment at the end of the file11:29.14 
  would not detect the end of file11:29.21 
  I've put a commit on tor/master11:31.06 
  " Fix typo in lexlinecomment"11:31.14 
avih hmm.. well, it points to the start comment actually. that's the user file where it fails https://0x0.st/i4FQ.txt and that's the first 100 chars of J->source: https://0x0.st/-k.txt (including single quotes by the print function)11:31.34 
  sorry, first 100 chars: https://0x0.st/i4Fx.txt11:32.17 
ator avih: yeah. it scans and ignores the comments looking for a token, at the final comment it runs past the end of the file11:32.26 
avih it's "eaten" the first / if the // at the first line, and J->source is the second one11:32.43 
ator avih: yeah. that confirms my hunch. thanks!11:33.00 
avih ator: you mean when the last line at the file is a comment11:33.23 
ator avih: yes. and is missing a newline.11:33.35 
avih yeah, i.e. last line, which is not empty and only has a comment11:33.51 
ator the last line which has a comment and is not terminated with a \n11:34.10 
avih right11:34.18 
  ator: so why is J->source starting at the first line and not the last?11:35.07 
ator avih: we don't return comments as tokens11:35.43 
  so it keeps looking for the next token, so it parses all of the comments in one go11:35.59 
avih so it doesn't "progress" inside the source file if all of it is comments?11:36.09 
ator not at the jsY_lex level, no11:36.20 
  it eats up comments and whitespace looking for a token to parse11:36.35 
avih right11:36.43 
ator give the "Fix typo in lexlinecomment" commit a try11:37.11 
  that should be the only one, I combed through the file looking at all other while loops11:37.23 
avih ator: will do. so the intermittent behavior was because out-of-bounds memory is arbitrary?11:39.04 
  hmm.. i don't see this commit yet.11:39.50 
ator avih: yes11:42.04 
  avih: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/tor/mujs.git;a=commit;h=9f3e141d805cddec7cce1fae38373a82c61e330011:42.41 
avih i see it http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/tor/mujs.git;a=blobdiff;f=jslex.c;h=3da6b550e5f928d45112200e11404a3bb60efc50;hp=446d2c8034cd6d2453602bf9eb3e1dcc51f723b3;hb=9f3e141d805cddec7cce1fae38373a82c61e3300;hpb=ac25ac54fa79dad253cbc156c22c6685013f849911:42.51 
ator git remote add tor http://git.ghostscript.com/user/tor/mujs.git11:42.53 
  git fetch tor11:42.55 
avih yeah, i have it, just don't fetch it frequently11:43.05 
  i look at the web interface if you have new commits, but not recently11:43.18 
malc_ ator: that's not how you taught me... for me you have used git remote update...11:43.28 
ator avih: don't rely on using any commits on there, though. they often get rebased and reworked before they land on the main repo.11:43.40 
malc_ damened TMTOWTDI11:43.40 
ator malc_: or git remote update :)11:43.53 
malc_ kewl :)11:44.08 
avih ator: i'm not. i'm aware it's the wild west there :)11:44.20 
ator malc_: git config remote.thisUserSucks.skipDefaultUpdate true11:44.41 
  malc_: git config remotes.foo 'origin malc tor sebras' and then git remote update foo11:45.18 
malc_ ator: nuc:~11:45.21 
  - grep remup .gitconfig11:45.21 
  remup = remote update11:45.21 
avih ator: seems to fix it.11:45.31 
ator so you don't have to fetch everything every time11:45.33 
malc_ typing more than necessary is overrated (even on topre)11:45.41 
avih let me now try with all my scripts back. 2 mins.11:45.45 
malc_ ator: tack!!11:45.57 
ator malc_: too long. up = remote update11:46.19 
  and also psuh = push11:46.26 
avih ator: looks good. please push :)11:46.47 
malc_ ator: https://tpaste.us/yZQn11:46.56 
avih sorry, psuh11:46.58 
ator one psuh coming up!11:47.11 
malc_ :)11:47.15 
avih :) thx11:47.17 
malc_ i'm not dyslexic :) and don't type at 120WPM and by extension do not mistype psuh all that often11:47.55 
ator malc_: I blame dvorak11:48.06 
  psuh is as common as the11:48.18 
malc_ I AM ON dvorak!11:48.18 
ator t e h11:48.21 
  damn autocorrecting hexchat!11:48.28 
  malc_: oh, I thought for some reason you were on colemak :)11:48.50 
malc_ i ditched workman because of `picture` (IIRC)11:49.01 
  ator: never used colemak -- so pedestrian :)11:49.20 
avih teh is my favorite. i mistype it so many times when i type quickly.11:49.30 
malc_ aj newa mistajp zose finks11:50.04 
  and given how t h e are located in Dvorak i would say you have serious right/left hemisphere issues! go see a neurologist11:51.09 
ator malc_: I hit t-h and e at the same time. it's all just random whether the e happens between or after the th pair11:51.42 
avih same :)11:52.06 
malc_ bloody hell11:52.19 
ator much less often with dvorak than with qwerty though!11:52.30 
malc_ you guys should join the same institution or something11:52.51 
ator same issue with push. if I move from p-u too slowly, the u comes between the sh pair instead of before11:53.29 
malc_ ator: did anything good came out of your remapping the keys so that you press proper letter when the opposite shift is pressed? did it help?11:54.04 
ator the hazards of typing with dvorak -- misplaced vowels because they're all on the other hand11:54.07 
malc_ vowels are overrated just ask Semites11:54.44 
ator yh wht gd r thy nywy11:55.02 
  ts sy t rd wtht vwls11:55.28 
malc_ some people consider Y to be a vowel :)11:56.09 
  myself included11:56.14 
ator it's a semi-vowel, like w11:56.23 
  and english r11:56.27 
  in swedish y would be a vowel, in english it's not-quite-a-vowel11:56.57 
malc_ if Norwegian is of any indication y is really ы and thus a vowel indeed11:57.55 
  and as for "english" r whatever that might be, native scotts speakers will vehemently disagree11:58.27 
ator yeah, swedish is the same where y is just a variant spelling of i11:58.42 
  malc_: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhoticity_in_English here spend another afternoon on wikipedia :)12:00.00 
malc_ one of my norwegian friend's second name is Trygve, he remarked that another friend of ours (Canadian with Romanian roots) had significant difficulty with it :)12:00.31 
  just what i need12:00.56 
avih malc_: there are some vowels in semite languages, mostly for o and i, but not for a and e12:01.35 
ator avih: does א count as a vowel?12:02.18 
malc_ avih: there are TONS of vowels, it's just that (usually) the short ones are not indicated (maybe with diacritics, in childrens book Quaran and Torah)12:02.25 
  at least that's what aforementioned Wikipedia told me a while ago12:02.39 
avih but also, the full writing does include "dots" which define the exact pronunciation, it's just not needed once you're familiar with the language12:02.43 
malc_ ator: א is a glottal stop i think12:02.57 
  and Kantors faworite letter to name things with12:03.42 
avih ator: it can be both, but usually a consonant12:04.06 
ator I'm showing my ignorance :) Just assuming it'll be an 'a' because it's the origin of the word 'alphabet'12:04.29 
avih ALEPH is usually pronounced like the U in umbrella12:04.33 
malc_ avih: how is gemal pronounced?12:05.31 
  it's camel right?12:05.37 
avih but it can be pronounced like the first i in insulate, or the first e in emotion12:05.44 
ator avih: those are all short stressed vowels, really quite similar12:06.19 
malc_ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DxMSufIIqY12:06.43 
avih the letter GIMAL or GIMEL is like a "hard" g, like in geometry, but not like in gibberish12:06.48 
malc_ avih: gotcha thanks12:07.11 
ator wait, how do you pronounce geometry?12:07.18 
malc_ jeometry12:07.33 
ator hard g as in graphics (let's not get into how to pronounce GIF)12:07.38 
avih no, same hard g, but GEOMETRIA12:07.49 
ator /dʒiˈɑmətɹi/12:08.52 
malc_ ator: once again - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DxMSufIIqY Bally manages to pronounce GIF proprely!12:08.53 
  fick mich... ipa12:09.09 
avih wait, i was wrong. indeed geometry is like with a j. so i meant like in gallop12:09.17 
malc_ avih: i beg you to watch the video too12:09.39 
  and read the Chaos poem12:09.48 
avih but in hebrew it's a hard g for geometry12:09.53 
malc_ there is no correct English pronunciation, full stop12:10.26 
  ditto in russian12:10.39 
  because... greeks12:10.50 
ator avih: thanks! that's what had me confused :)12:11.03 
avih these days i actually read and write more english than hebrew, though i still speak hebrew more :)12:12.02 
ator malc_: nice ending touch to the video "libary"12:13.20 
  at 3:1612:13.35 
malc_ ator: :)12:15.01 
ator Try asking americans how to pronounce cavalry. No, it's not the hill Christ was crucified on.12:15.05 
malc_ Calvary is a nice movie though :)12:15.25 
avih ator: the fix looks good so far. thanks :)12:18.56 
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