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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/06/25)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/06/27)>>>20200626 
avih ator: i just had a weird issue for the first time. error: Object is not callable on line 441 here https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/player/javascript/defaults.js#L441 i think it refers to the `timers' array because i don't see what else it could refer to. if you follow this function, you'll see that `timers' starts as an array and stays that way till line 441. the script which uses this has been running for many hours and invoked every few11:13.09 
  milliseconds. any idea?11:13.09 
  maybe some integer value wraps or some other similar issue?11:13.58 
  actually, i'm not sure what "object is not callable" means...11:15.06 
  obviously i can't reproduce it.11:15.51 
  the call stack is quite short: process_timers (defaults.js:441) <from> mp_event_loop (defaults.js:743) <from> run_script (native)11:17.11 
  and the full error is "TypeError: object is not callable"11:18.11 
ator the error means you're trying to call a value that's not a function11:20.29 
  most often if you try to call something like foo.bar()11:20.45 
  and bar is undefined11:20.47 
avih can it refer to anything other than timers.forEach?11:20.53 
  assuming it got the line right...11:21.00 
ator so if you have the line right, I'd double check the type of 'timers.forEach'11:21.17 
avih i can't. the script died11:21.32 
ator is it really a function?11:21.33 
avih on uncaught exceptions i print the trace and the script thread exits11:21.48 
ator print(typeof timers.forEach) on the line before11:21.51 
avih well, this code has not been modified for years, and it's the first time it errors. try to follow the process_timers function where it's reported. timers is set to [] and nothing changes its type11:22.52 
ator oh right, can't reproduce :/11:22.54 
  are you calling any C functions? maybe something is messing up the stack11:23.23 
avih so it's like the forEach method dissappeared from timers11:23.25 
ator maybe something replaced 'timers' with an object that doesn't have Array in its prototype chain?11:24.11 
avih at process_timers? probably only one to get the current timestamp as a double in ms since the application (mpv) started at the now() function11:24.19 
malc_ ator: just to be certain, seen my privmsg?11:24.20 
ator or something messed up the Array.prototype object and deleted forEach from it11:24.27 
avih nothing in all my code touches the array prototype11:24.57 
  ator: i suspect/near-certain it's a mujs issue, if it wasn't clear.11:25.22 
ator ah, it says "*object* is not callable"11:25.36 
avih yes11:25.42 
ator that means the timers.forEach is an object, just not a function11:25.44 
avih hmm.. should it be an object?11:25.57 
ator we used to print "value is not callable" without saying what the type of the value is11:26.03 
  functions are objects11:26.10 
avih wait, how new is this change from value to function/object?11:26.26 
ator with an internal class 'Function'11:26.30 
  from march 18, 201911:27.08 
  "Issue 95: Improve error message when trying to call a non-callable."11:27.15 
avih ok, so not new11:27.16 
  this is so weird. this code was literally unmodified for years (it's setTimeout/setInterval implementation), and used by many scripts. the script which uses it where it happend now is also used for a long time.11:29.12 
ator blame some cosmic ray for flipping a bit!11:29.41 
avih so it looks like something got corrupted somewhere11:29.48 
  fwiw, it has been running for 83155 seconds which is just more than 23 hours11:31.42 
  ator: are there some integer counters in mujs which could reach the capacity if used enough?11:32.28 
malc_ avih: http://www.bash.org/?299911:35.28 
avih malc_: sorry, i don't follow11:36.00 
malc_ avih: sorry, your seconds hours comment just reminded me of this bash quote11:36.46 
avih right11:37.00 
  fwiw, this is on a 50ms setInterval timer. so that value of seconds multiplied by 20 to count the number of times this function was invoking the timer callback11:38.43 
  (could be a red herring, the function is probably called even more times, but only calls back this number of times)11:39.46 
  ator: interestingly, when i change the interval from 50 (ms) to 0 (i.e. as fast as possible) it ends up calling back about 50000 times/sec, and another such weird error happened. still not reproducible, but a similar thing happened at least once more for now.12:01.29 
ator avih: possibly the garbage collection iterator counter, but if that overflows nothing bad should happen12:03.48 
avih can't reproduce still. when it happened the second time, the script was running for few seconds (iirc less than 10). but in followup attempts it has not happened again12:04.05 
ator avih: if you can trigger it once, try to do a try/catch around it and print the offending forEach value12:04.12 
avih ator: it now happened someplace else. i didn't write down the line because i thought it became reproducible, alas, it has not12:04.40 
malc_ road to madness usually begins with "i thought"12:05.14 
  ends with Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate12:05.55 
avih but anyway, it was that that script which iterated 50k/sec on this function, but the error was different, at a different function, and i don't recall where12:06.24 
  that same*12:06.34 
  malc_: i asked the maintainer of 0x0 about the tor issue. i'll let you know once/if i know more12:11.42 
malc_ avih: תודה!12:13.16 
avih :)12:13.24 
  malc_: <mia\> the firewall blocks tor exit nodes12:13.49 
  <avih> is it explained someplace?12:13.49 
  <mia\> hm nope12:13.49 
  <mia\> maybe i should add a note12:13.49 
malc_ thought so...12:14.43 
  pastebin is even worse it just relies on cloudflare12:14.59 
  which is basically no go for tor12:15.07 
  for TOR :)12:15.25 
ator for meeee?12:15.42 
malc_ i should probably see if there is a onion emoticon in the latest unicode code charts12:16.47 
  or drop this on the channels with scandinavians12:17.11 
avih i so hate intermediate issues.12:19.26 
  especially those which don't happen frequently12:19.36 
  ator: if that gc counter uses signed int, maybe you can deterministically zero it at some stage? i signed wraparound is UB, is it not?12:20.24 
  or use unsigned?12:20.33 
ator avih: my bad. gccounter does not wrap around (it's reset each gc cycle)12:23.56 
  and the gcmark just toggles between 3 values12:24.03 
avih right, so not that.12:24.14 
  the fact that such unexpected exceptions happened twice inside 10 minutes or so is not insignificant IMO. especially that i never got that before. but i still couldn't make it happen a third time...12:25.27 
ator avih: I agree it's worrying.12:25.54 
avih ator: anything at the commits past 1.0.7 which you think might be somehow related?12:26.46 
  faulty ram could always be an issue, but i haven't seen signed of it otherwise12:27.52 
  and it's a relatively new system (6 months or so)12:28.54 
  cosmic rays shower could be another explanation, though probably unlikely...12:30.35 
ator avih: gremlins!12:33.33 
avih omg, i did not consider that!12:33.47 
ator I don't see any commits post 1.0.7 that ought to be able to affect it12:34.00 
avih hmm.. that's worrying to me...12:34.13 
ator the only things that have changed since 1.0.7 is removing recursion from the GC and the UTF-8 changes12:34.50 
avih i know. but we've already seen two bugs from it, one of them indeterministic.12:35.16 
ator if the GC changes were faulty, we'd se a lot more fallout12:35.19 
avih though this one is more likely to be a gc issue, if at all, imo. like some objects were not tracked correctly12:36.22 
  but it's just guesses, and unfortunately i cannot make it happen even in some frequency12:37.09 
ator do you have/use exceptions in the normal flow of things?12:37.44 
  if not you could try running it in gdb and setting a breakpoint at js_throw12:38.06 
avih not with default.js, but i'll check if the script where it happened (twice) does. sec.12:38.26 
  no, it doesn't use try/catch12:38.44 
ator and call js_trap(J,0) in the debugger to get a much more detailed stack trace (with stack values, etc)12:38.55 
  before it hits the longjmp and bails out of there12:39.12 
avih the general use of mujs in mpv is like so: mpv loads defaults.js (to provide glue to mpv, and some functions like setInterval, require, etc), and then loads a user script. each defaults+user is independent in its own thread and isolated mujs context.12:39.50 
  ator: so i should call js_trap(J,0) where i otherwise print the stack trace?12:41.11 
ator no, at that point the data is long gone12:41.43 
  you need to call it before js_throw does the longjmp12:41.48 
  if you just want a quick hack, put js_trap(J,0) at the top of js_throw()12:42.12 
  and it'll print a full debugger trace everytime an exception is raised12:42.27 
avih interesting. i can do that.12:42.42 
ator or just jsR_dumpstack if you want a little bit less detail (js_trap prints the bytecode of the functions as well)12:43.35 
avih ator: you mean at jsrun.c:1263 ?12:43.43 
ator yes.12:43.56 
avih so it will dump the data even if it's caught?12:44.27 
ator that will dump the data for all exceptions that are thrown, no matter where and how or what happens to them later12:44.47 
  every single exception that gets thrown goes through that function to do the actual throwing12:45.14 
avih right. should still be fairly minimal. i might use intentional try/catch to test things in some scripts, but it's at most one-off, not recurring12:45.27 
  ator: like so? https://0x0.st/iJKV.txt12:47.15 
ator y12:47.25 
avih not inside the if?12:47.31 
ator doesn't matter12:47.37 
avih k12:47.48 
ator the if is just whether there's an actual try/catch environment, or if it should call the PANIC!!! function12:48.01 
avih jsrun.c:1285:13: warning: conflicting types for 'jsR_dumpstack'12:49.16 
  static void jsR_dumpstack(js_State *J)12:49.16 
  jsrun.c:1285:13: error: static declaration of 'jsR_dumpstack' follows non-static declaration12:49.16 
  jsrun.c:1265:2: note: previous implicit declaration of 'jsR_dumpstack' was here12:49.16 
  ok, i added declaration.12:50.32 
  hmm, i get tons of printouts initially, but i guess i can ignore them for now.12:52.01 
  ator: what can i add before dumpstack to somehow identify its origin? (filename, line, etc)?12:53.28 
  i don't quite get what it does, it prints tons of source code. how is this supposed to be stack info?12:54.53 
ator avih: run mujs command line script13:15.11 
  type 'debugger'13:15.13 
  the 'debugger' statement calls js_trap (which calls jsR_dumpstack)13:15.38 
  you should be seeing stuff like:13:15.50 
  stack {13:15.58 
  0: [Global]13:15.58 
  1: [Script [string]]13:15.58 
  > 2: undefined13:15.58 
  3: undefined13:15.58 
  that is the JS stack, the > shows the start of the stack frame for the currently executing function13:16.23 
  that right there should be enough to pinpoint what/why timers.forEach is going wrong13:16.55 
avih ator: i already said, the second time it happened was at a different function. not at timers.forEach.13:28.22 
  by "it" i mean unexpected exception.13:28.41 
  and i didn't write it down because i thought it became reproducible.13:29.10 
ator avih: that's why I suggested this, so you could get a good stack trace regardless of where it occurs13:48.15 
avih yeah. it may be useful. but i have a problem that stderr or wherever it's printed is not really "wired" anywhere unless i execute mpv from a console - which i usually don't. i need some way to capture the output to a file. i might add some hardcoded thing to write it to some file.14:14.08 
  or maybe use js_report for it. mujs reports can be logged to a file in mpv14:16.06 
  ator: i don't think it's anything rational. look again at the code of that timers.forEach https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/player/javascript/defaults.js#L44115:18.12 
  timers is set to [] initially, and nothing touches it till .forEach is called15:18.31 
  between it calls back the user's callback of the timer, but timers is hidden from the user's script. it's not accessible by scripts except via the timer functions.15:19.08 
  so there's nothing at the code which can make timers.forEach not be a function15:19.49 
  basically, i _really_ don't think it's an actual code issue. it looks more like some corruption someplace, and i don't think a trace would help making sense of it15:20.44 
ator avih: a trace could help us see how and what was corrupted15:46.26 
  btw, I won't be around next week.15:47.15 
avih k, enjoy15:47.27 
  i'll try to hardcode something which appends traces to some file with some info like date etc. maybe i'll be able to capture something.15:48.28 
malc_ ator: you should really switch to my build.bash, it's nauseating the way current makefiles mismanage things... (the only thing current build.bash lacks are parallel builds... biggie i know... but current Make/root/file situation is bad)16:04.21 
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