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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/07/06)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/07/08)>>>20200707 
avih ator: ?08:49.49 
ator avih: looks not unreasonable :)08:55.24 
avih :)08:55.35 
  ator: so how do we get on with it?09:08.38 
  fwiw, i also have a commit which reuses alloctions - https://0x0.st/iygU.txt but it didn't yield meaningful performance improvements over the v8 bench tests. it did improve, but in the sub 10% range.09:12.00 
  like, theoretically i thought it would have a really meaningful impact, and the approach is really nice and behave as expected (generally pretty much fixed memory usage), but it just didn't yield meaningful improvement.09:17.09 
malc_ sebras, ator: yay... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUA_k4V809A i now have a way to learn swedish17:44.30 
sebras malc_: prima delfiner!18:11.06 
malc_ sebras: you have lost me :)18:12.19 
sebras malc_: this is what the sales man selling oranges says a minute or two into the video.19:50.51 
  malc_: it literally means "best quality dolphins"19:51.09 
malc_ sebras: that i managed to decipher actually19:51.28 
sebras oh! cool!19:51.44 
malc_ but there's a raging rain outside making it impossible for me to hear swedish dubbing!19:51.58 
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