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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/07/25)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/07/27)>>>20200726 
malc_ chrisl: bought myself a Leopold, boasted abut the purchase to the friend he mentioned his "keys" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33006060286.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.3cc84c4dPVkZR2 i think it's you who had been looking for ergo keybard with decent switches04:54.35 
chrisl malc_: Not me, no - maybe Robin_Watts?07:59.37 
malc_ chrisl: hmm... the conversation was prompted by an American Psycho business card spoof08:01.06 
  then me calling someone "english"08:01.23 
  (after this scottish person mentioned that he had to go to London to buy something)08:01.46 
  given that Robin is english it couldn't have been him08:02.04 
chrisl True. And I am Scottish.... but I also never got on with ergo keyboards08:02.55 
malc_ chrisl: do you remember reacting to the AP keys video?08:03.51 
chrisl No08:04.06 
malc_ aha08:04.08 
  so it wasn't you... definitely08:04.19 
  chrisl: FWIW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHt01D6rOLI08:05.13 
chrisl Will watch later - I don't have speakers on this computer :-(08:05.43 
malc_ chrisl: gotcha, one has to be familiar with source material to appreciate the video more08:06.59 
  it was kens08:09.35 
chrisl Ah, well he his also Scottish08:09.47 
malc_ chrisl: does any of you speak glaswegian?08:10.28 
chrisl pedro_mac (who's sometimes on here) is from that area - I'm from Edinburgh, and I forget which part of Scotland kens is from.08:11.25 
  Both kens and I have lived away from Scotland for a long time, so our accents are pretty soft08:12.03 
malc_ yet the hell i received when calling one of you english instead of brittish...08:13.45 
chrisl I don't tend to get too uppity about it, but I definitely correct the misconception08:14.59 
malc_ thank gods for the logs - <kens> Who are you calling English ? O.O08:19.31 
  chrisl: sorry once again08:19.36 
  feels like i have an anti scott bias of sorts08:20.02 
chrisl malc_: Meh, not to worry.... :-)08:25.00 
malc_ after all, all i can take is your life and never your freedom..08:26.11 
chrisl malc_: Quoting that Mel Gibson film offends more as a movie fan than as a Scot ;-)08:32.37 
malc_ :))08:33.04 
sebras here I'm an american, but not actually.08:33.48 
chrisl sebras: You're English language is too good to be an American!08:34.34 
  Or, "Your"08:34.43 
malc_ it's funny how original mad max was dubbed into american because original soundtrack had an ozzie accent that was too strong, and yet here we have him butchering (buchering?) scottish08:34.57 
chrisl Forgive me, it's a Sunday morning08:34.58 
sebras :)08:35.01 
chrisl I find it hard imagine Mad Max without the Australian accent08:35.47 
malc_ chrisl: now consider this... gibson is a yankee originally :)08:36.11 
  brought up in ozlasd sure, but american nevertheless08:36.34 
chrisl Crumbs.... I think may I have known that before, and forgotten it08:37.03 
Robin_Watts malc_: It was me that wanted a mechanical ergo keyboard.11:53.47 
malc_ Robin_Watts: cool, then the link is for you11:54.06 
  the one who gave me the link says it's good11:54.23 
  and he is in ergonomics... like herman miller chair into it11:56.15 
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