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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/07/26)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/07/28)>>>20200727 
paulgardiner I placed the ios sdk at /home/git/mupdf-ios-sdk.git on casper, but it doesn't appear in the project list at git.ghostscript.com.13:09.58 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Does it have a git-daemon-export-ok file (or whatever it is?)13:11.06 
paulgardiner Ah no. I think Tor mentioned the need for that too earlier, but I forgot.13:11.40 
Robin_Watts I've added one.13:11.53 
paulgardiner Ta13:12.53 
Robin_Watts Still not showing up for me.13:15.03 
paulgardiner Nor me. Strange13:15.50 
Robin_Watts Try now?13:17.18 
paulgardiner Is it one mechanism that controls both what is available via git:// and what appears in the web listing?13:17.31 
Robin_Watts pass. I added a symlink in /var/lib/git to mirror the other ones and it seems to be there now.13:18.00 
paulgardiner Ah yes. That did it.13:18.28 
ator paulgardiner: there's a directory of symlinks13:24.07 
  the git-daemon-export-ok is also required, or cloning will fail (but it will still show up in gitweb)13:24.32 
malc_ ator: as usual i'm in the dark whether you've seen my privmsgs or not..14:09.33 
ator malc_: I have not seen anything today14:32.23 
malc_ ator: it was few days ago...14:33.41 
ator malc_: then it's probably lost in the ether somewhere...14:35.06 
  or I saw it and forgot over the weekend... the possibilities are endless :)14:35.28 
malc_ reminds me of this LotR joke14:35.55 
  Gandalf: Frodo put it into fire see if that reveals anything14:36.17 
  Frodo: some weird lettering is starting to develop14:36.30 
  Gandalf: what does it say??14:36.41 
  Frodo: Made in China!14:36.53 
  Gandalf: That's what i was afraid of :(14:37.08 
  ator: basically i have this very large and not pulbically accessible PDF and bounds caluclation look bogus (i use it for trim margin like functionality in llpp)14:39.18 
  i can share the file if you promise not to covertly learn russian and read it gratis..14:39.43 
ator malc_: send me the file and I'll take a look14:39.46 
malc_ ator: 180M14:39.55 
ator malc_: can you cut it down in size to reproduce the problem? mutool clean -g huge.pdf small.pdf 114:40.38 
  if one page is enough to show the problem14:40.47 
malc_ 46 pages ought to do it... let me try14:41.22 
  damn... even cleaned 46 page long snippet is 45M... this i can put somewhere though14:45.36 
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