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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/08/10)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/08/12)>>>20200811 
pedr0 1 hi all, I am using the pdf_processor and more specifically the pdf_filter_processor roughly following the pdf-clean.c source file. In my case, as a test, I am feeding an empty pdf_filter_options, memset'd to zero. It turns out that this no-op filter actually screws a particular document an d text is overlapping in the new generated document. Would you be able to point me into the right direction ?13:53.22 
  hi all, I am using the pdf_processor and more specifically the pdf_filter_processor roughly following the pdf-clean.c source file. In my case, as a test, I am feeding an empty pdf_filter_options, memset'd to zero. It turns out that this no-op filter actually screws a particular document and text is overlapping in the new generated document. Would you be able to point me into the right direction ?13:53.40 
  hi all, I am using the pdf_processor and more specifically the pdf_filter_processor roughly following the pdf-clean.c source file. In my case, as a test, I am feeding an empty pdf_filter_options, memset'd to zero. It turns out that this no-op filter actually screws a particular document and text is overlapping in the new generated document. Would you be able to point me into the right direction ?13:53.45 
  I apologize, something went clearly wrong with my clipboard13:54.12 
  what a mess13:54.14 
sebras pedr0: at least we all got your message...13:55.19 
pedr0 don't make me feel like that13:55.38 
sebras pedr0: :)13:55.43 
  pedr0: unfortunately I can't help you with your issue right now.13:55.55 
pedr0 Thanks anyway, and sorry for the splash13:57.06 
  repetita iuvant :-)13:57.44 
malc_ sebras: https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/issues/14513:59.50 
sebras malc_: nicely replied.14:04.03 
malc_ sebras: thanks for confirming the decency of the reply... with robots you never know14:05.03 
sebras malc_: how do you know I'm not a robot?14:06.28 
kens Turing test time14:06.49 
malc_ sebras: you make mistakes14:06.51 
  also, no robot in his own mind would pretend to be a swede living in .tw14:07.23 
kens That just shows you hwo clever it is14:07.44 
malc_ that's a possibility yeah14:08.32 
  sebras: tell da truf is ju robot?14:09.10 
sebras malc_: Hello, I am EZEBRAZ. How are you today? What would you like to discuss?14:11.49 
malc_ sebras: tudej aib dajing tu deeskaz ze orijin ov ze 12in .se sajz14:13.50 
sebras someone ought to already have ported ELIZA as an ircbot.14:16.02 
pedr0 https://www.igaia.ch/eliza/14:18.02 
malc_ sebras: consider this: Emacs has an irc cilent (using it right now) emacs has elise implementation... combining the two is a minute job for anyone whos elisp is half decent :)14:18.57 
ator pedr0: I don't think that should happen. can you reproduce with 'mutool clean -c in.pdf out.pdf' and 'mutool clean -s in.pdf out.pdf' options?14:19.16 
  if yes, please open a bug report and attach the file and I'll see what I can do about it.14:19.33 
pedr0 Thanks a lot, will do and report back.14:19.59 
  Right, it does happen with 'mutool clean -s ...'14:21.14 
  I am about to fill a bug up in the tracker .. that's the one right ? https://bugs.ghostscript.com/14:22.20 
ator pedr0: yes, that's the one.14:29.15 
pedr0 Done, thanks.14:32.30 
  Of course let me know if I can be of any help.14:32.47 
malc_ are all swedes similarly ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx6Tn8sRInU14:36.34 
  ) ...gifted14:36.47 
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