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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/08/16)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/08/18)>>>20200817 
paulgardiner I'm looking at supporting the addition of a signature field to a document. I've been experimenting with adding to an existing form. Unsurprisingly and pleasingly, mupdf reports the original MDP signature has become invalidated. That's all good and as expected, but AR doesn't report a problem, but instead just fails to display a signature panel. Is there some way to get AR to display document...11:53.59 
ator paulgardiner: I haven't a clue, sorry.12:15.45 
malc_ this expression always puzzled me... "i have not a clue", i.e. i have something which is not a clue... thanks for letting us know random stranger... our lives are so much better now... IOW shouldn't it be "I haven't got a clue"?12:18.45 
kens paulgardiner: Acrobat Reader *rarely* complains about broken PDF files. If it does its a pretty good sign the file is utterly corrutped12:35.51 
  If it offers to 'save changes' on exit then it fixed soemthing, but in this case I suspect its simply ignoring the problem.12:36.17 
  malc_ the expressions are synonymous in English English12:37.22 
malc_ kens: sorry the last thing i will do is blindly trust a Scott in the matters of the English, i've heard how how you speake Mel Gibson demonstrated it perfectly in the Brave Heart... there is also Connery and Caltrane and Ewan McGregor), thanks though, your input is swept under the rug but highly apreciated12:41.44 
kens Mel Gibson ? The *Australian* ?12:42.04 
malc_ kens: know your normals, he's a yankee12:43.19 
  only brought up in Oz12:43.25 
kens Close enough ot being Australian12:43.35 
malc_ for generation his portrayal of Wallace defined Scottis image in the minds of immature youngsters such as mysef though12:44.23 
kens Either way he''s not a Scot anyway12:45.22 
malc_ kens: who is? Connery is irish, Bale is welsh12:46.12 
kens I'm Scottish, despite living in England for the last 40 years12:46.39 
  I believe my father has traced teh family back to 1661. Something I have no actual interest in :-)12:47.02 
malc_ :)))12:47.12 
  kudos to your father... that... ought to have been... difficult12:47.44 
kens I suspect it was, though there are a lot of genealogy resources these days.12:48.11 
malc_ oh... yeah Gerard Buttler is Scottish12:48.18 
paulgardiner kens: AR isn't complaining. The one sy13:18.15 
  The one symptom I see is an empty signature panel.13:18.41 
kens I thought you *wanted* Reader to complain, and I was tryign to say there's no real way to make it do so. If you have Acrobat Pro you oculd try using teh preflight checks.13:19.05 
  But in general Acrobat says nothign in the face of broken PDF files13:19.26 
paulgardiner kens: you were right as to my request. I just misunderstood your reply13:19.54 
kens :-)13:20.04 
paulgardiner I do have Acrobat Pro13:20.08 
kens Then I'd give the Preflight check a try13:20.19 
paulgardiner Where do I find that?13:20.43 
kens err....13:22.01 
  just a mo13:22.03 
  On my Acrobat X its the pane on the right, select the 'Tools' tab. Then Print Production, then preflight13:22.42 
  I'd then use PDF analysis and select 'Report PDF syntax issues'13:23.59 
paulgardiner Ha! Print Production put a bar at the top with one button labelled close.13:26.22 
  Ah got it13:26.39 
  I assume a magnifying glass icon with with a tick means it didn't find any problems.13:29.27 
kens Wel it comes up with a green tick on mione13:30.10 
  For no problems13:30.15 
paulgardiner Ah, actually it has found something. Most useful. Thanks.13:34.12 
kens NP13:35.37 
paulgardiner bah! A problem that was also in the original document before I changed it.13:36.32 
kens :-)13:36.51 
  Its possible that there's nothing actually *wrong* with the signature, syntactically speaking ?13:37.14 
  I'm not really up to speed on digital signatures13:37.24 
ator malc_: braveheart, as in the crime against everything history? https://twitter.com/fakehistoryhunt/status/1267960944757538817/photo/114:05.08 
malc_ ator: oh, c'mon! :) though14:09.27 
ator malc_: kilts and blue face-paint is at LEAST three centuries out of fashion by the time braveheart is set to take place...14:11.08 
malc_ ator: btw... silent reds are great... alternatively - lepopold knows how too proprely cook silent reds14:11.18 
  ator: yeah... paint is a pict thing i've been told14:11.40 
  as seen in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdyuv1Osub014:12.38 
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