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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/08/20)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/08/22)>>>20200821 
malc_ sebras, ator: i'm out of my league with https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/issues/105 (both PDF and LaTeX wise) you would really do me solid by looking at it05:47.23 
sebras if the destination file and a suitable program to open it can be found, it is opened without issues on my machine.06:45.16 
  if you run "mutool show minimal.pdf pages.*.Annots.*" you can see that the /A action field for each link states that the action type is Launch and you can see the filename under the /F field.06:45.39 
  mupdf-gl will call fz_is_external_link() and then call open_browser() which in turn runs xdg-open on linux.06:46.37 
malc_ sebras: tack! i have made some adjustments (https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/commit/0f99d0636e3e67b40b654ea0d2cdfba75b982d24) wanting for bug reporter to provide some more info... and fwiw the action is /F07:03.40 
Tamir_Evan I'm having problem cloning https://git.ghostscript.com/thirdparty-tesseract.git (and https://git.ghostscript.com/thirdparty-leptonica.git ), as suggested by 'thirdparty/tesseract.txt'. I get: "fatal: repository 'https://git.ghostscript.com/thirdparty-tesseract.git/' not found".07:14.52 
  Also, though I can browse the git repos of thirdparty-tesseract or thirdparty-leptonica with my web browser, I don't see either listed on https://git.ghostscript.com/ , nor can I reach their summary pages (like https://git.ghostscript.com/?p=thirdparty-tesseract.git;a=summary ).07:15.05 
kens ghostscript.com is beign slow for me this morning07:23.29 
  Possibly there is an internet problem, or the server is swamped or something07:24.07 
Tamir_Evan kens: I've noticed slowness myself, when browsing some pages, cloning the mupdf repo, or updating the submodules, but none have failed right from the start (and consistently so), as those two have. I can wait, and see if it improves later today.07:33.34 
kens Tamir_Evan: yes sorry I can't say for sure thsis is your problem, merely noting that, for me, right at the moment, the ghostscript.com domain seems slow07:37.46 
malc_ sebras: https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/issues/105#issuecomment-67809532507:46.01 
ator Tamir_Evan: try now08:05.07 
  they were missing the git post-update hook that runs git-update-server-info that is required to fetch over http08:05.54 
Tamir_Evan ator: Yeah, they seem to be working now. Thanks.08:27.07 
sebras malc_:11:28.56 
  malc_: so you end up in gotoremote?11:29.08 
  but the links in minimal.pdf are /Launch links, so their URLs are probably not pointing to PDF filers.11:30.08 
  whenever mupdf-gl sees a link annotation for which fz_is_external_link() returns true, it tries to open it using $BROWSER if set, otherwise xdg-open.11:32.37 
  if fz_is_external_link() returns false, it is considered document internal link, so you just jump to that page.11:33.06 
  malc_: is it the case that you want to detect if the external links point to PDFs and in that case immediately open using llpp instead of depending on xdg-open?11:33.45 
malc_ sebras: a) i don't use xdg-open, i leave the door open but it's not the default b) the file in question opens stuff with llpp by default, which fails because the paths do not exist11:52.39 
  hope that makes some sense11:52.43 
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