Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/08/24)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/08/26)>>>20200825 
malc_ the lookup metadata changes are rather... uhm... bad the name of the function hasn't changed and the external signature stays the same, yet the contract/behavior is different...17:41.16 
sebras malc_: didn't I just add nice names for the metadata?17:43.44 
  malc_: I don't think I changed anything, did I?17:43.57 
malc_ sebras: nah you are innocent here17:44.15 
  sebras: 8f0dfec10bff15809e1c3a44fa97ff4ea99742b317:45.29 
sebras malc_: that commit probably does not compile under java...17:47.21 
malc_ sebras: make libs worked and that is all i need/test17:47.52 
sebras malc_: yeah, but not for java/android.17:48.10 
malc_ i'm selfish that way, unskyld17:48.10 
sebras malc_: oh, now I see. we preallocate a buffer in java.17:58.24 
  malc_: which implies we might truncate the returned metadata17:58.38 
malc_ sebras: basically, my point is the usual the functionality has changed so should the name... not my idea originally (obviously)18:00.21 
  a tid zu schlaffen, tidlydo18:32.59 
i3 Hi19:31.53 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.19:31.53 
i3 Does anybody know if it is some way to create or edit OCGs with some GUI application?19:33.02 
  for example, Libreoffice instead of editing by hand the pdf file.19:33.28 
  or mupdf19:33.57 
  I mean, to create/edit two layers and then their actions in between19:35.09 
  By the way, OCGs = Optional Content Groups, that is, Layers19:38.42 
  or is this channel the right place to ask this question?19:41.29 
specing Hello20:27.21 
mubot Welcome to #mupdf, the channel for MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.20:27.21 
specing does mupdf have a dark mode?20:27.31 
  i.e. replace #ffffff with a shade of gray?20:27.48 
sebras specing: mupdf-gl allows for inverting the rendered image.20:30.12 
  specing: press 'I' to enable/disable it.20:30.37 
specing cool, but not what I want :/20:38.52 
  it's still an eyesore20:38.57 
sebras specing: ok, can you better explain what you want?21:02.14 
  specing: what platform are you on?21:02.41 
specing sebras: I'm writing latex in emacs, and on the side I'd like to see the pdf21:02.54 
sebras specing: ok. mupdf-gl should be able to show that, and allow you to press 'r' to reload the file when you've updated it.21:03.39 
specing my terminal background is dark, and i'd like to have the same in mupdf21:03.51 
  I've also noticed that mupdf doesen't rerender when the pdf changes on disk D:21:04.09 
sebras specing: where is it not dark?21:04.11 
specing zathura does that21:04.13 
sebras specing: zathura is not mupdf though.21:04.23 
specing I know, but I've used zathura in the past21:04.35 
sebras mupdf-x11 had an option to send SIGUSR1 (I think) to cause a reload. that makes it possible to automate this from e.g. a makefile.21:05.00 
  I'm not sure mupdf-gl has that feature (or if it will ever get it).21:05.15 
  specing: are you talking about the colors in the search bar and annotation UI, etc?21:15.59 
  specing: if so ator is preparing a commit that has not yet reached master: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/tor/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=868441deb4f68ed7584f75e50336906becd96d0a;hp=f8d0e902fb516cbbb9db152cf6af0a84530f36af21:16.19 
specing I'm talking about color of the background21:21.04 
  of course making the background white requires making letters brighter21:21.18 
  err, whitier21:21.30 
  however, I find ffffff to be an eyesore for text21:21.45 
  so my terminal scheme uses gray21:22.00 
sebras specing: I don't know what background color you are talking about.21:34.27 
  specing: the paper color of the document?21:34.37 
specing yes21:34.40 
sebras specing: the UI elements in the search?21:34.43 
specing no21:34.55 
sebras specing: originally I thought maybe you were on android.21:34.56 
specing I'm on GNU+LInux21:35.06 
sebras specing: ok, so why isn't inverting the document colors using 'I' sufficient for you?21:35.31 
  specing: if you do that, then the normal white page color ought to become black.21:35.50 
  specing: what is wrong with that?21:35.54 
specing sebras: pure-white on black is even more eye sore than black on white21:36.52 
  I use #D3D7CF as text colour in terminal21:37.15 
  I'd tell you the background colour, but xfce term doesen't want to tell me which one it uses :|21:37.41 
  but it's some lighted black21:37.51 
sebras ok. can you try e.g. mupdf-gl -B 303030 -C FFFFF0 doc.pdf to see if that fixes your issue?21:38.28 
  -B is the black tint color and -C is the white tint color21:38.50 
specing it does not, it seems like there was no change21:39.10 
sebras specing: what if you try with other hex color values?21:40.33 
  specing: does anything change at all?21:40.38 
specing yes mupdf-gl -B 302110 -C 4FFFF0 makes the background seem cyan21:41.56 
sebras I just downloaded https://ghostscript.com/~tor/pdfref17.pdf then I ran mupdf-gl -B 303030 -C FFFF7F pdfref17.pdf what I see looks like this: https://ghostscript.com/~sebras/tmp/pdfref17.png21:42.33 
specing mupdf-gl -B FFFFF0 -C 303030 seems more like it21:42.37 
  you flipped the switches21:42.42 
  The foreground colour is ok, I just need to extract the background21:43.18 
sebras specing: you are asking me to help you with your color issues when it is 5:43am here....21:43.23 
specing ... from my terminal21:43.28 
  sebras: good morning :)21:43.45 
sebras I'm going afk now. play around with the -B -C switches and 'I' and see if you can come up with something you like. dark mode-ish colors for UI-components is pending.21:44.47 
specing yes, I will. thank you21:44.55 
  :/ what on earth is this, 64-bit colours?21:49.06 
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