Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/08/30)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/09/01)>>>20200831 
ator myopia (for the logs): try mutool convert.08:29.52 
malc_ holds his breath to see whether "for the logs" works or not09:09.15 
ator malc_: it didn't last time, but one can always hope09:21.26 
malc_ ator: hmm.. my wish for getting an answer to the PrivMsg was granted, maybe yours will too!09:22.31 
  myopia: the suspense is killing me, so: "<ator> myopia (for the logs): try mutool convert. [11:29]" you were only half an hour late09:25.15 
myopia somehow the power cable for my router dropped off last night09:28.48 
malc_ that is no excuse09:34.46 
  shame on you09:34.49 
myopia yes, shame on me. I appreciate how this channel and #ghostscript works and I have zero intention of exerting influences to the other direction. being without a safe email and hence a registered account for a while, these two channels are one of those registration-free holdouts all the while closely knit09:44.51 
sebras myopia: well, we use this channel both for development discussions and for support questions.10:00.16 
  having it for registered users only would make no sense.10:00.25 
malc_ livet är meningslöst10:07.52 
clam /cle/ar10:08.27 
malc_ right10:08.39 
sebras malc_: det håller jag nog inte med om. :)10:09.49 
malc_ Deg aer en optimist!10:11.09 
  once again sorry to Swedish for butchering it10:11.26 
myopia at first sight i thought it were dansk10:58.58 
malc_ jeg snakke ikke dansk11:22.44 
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