Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/08/31)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/09/02)>>>20200901 
newhere hi :-) Is there a way to use a config file for muPdf on linux? I would like to see all the documents with a ceretain tint color (-C option)14:53.23 
sebras newhere: no, there is no config file.15:00.23 
newhere is this feature in the backlog? i think it will be useful for a lot of people15:06.03 
sebras newhere: no, not really. we've been asked to conside a configuration file for mupdf before, but in the end ator has never wanted to add it.15:12.51 
  newhere: you could just make a wrapper script that starts mupdf-gl with the options you prefer, right?15:13.06 
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