Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/09/20)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/09/22)>>>20200921 
paulgardiner Would someone review the commit on my master branch please. It's just a one-line change to the Makefile, allowing specifying of C++ specific flags.13:06.43 
ator paulgardiner: LGTM13:08.21 
paulgardiner ator: thanks13:08.46 
fossegrim Hello. Can I get some help with building 1.17.0 on OpenBSD? I installed gmake and ran gmake prefix=bin/ install, but it complains about "unrecognized command line option "-std=gnu++11"". I installed gcc 8.3.0 which has support for that extension, but I don't know how to make it compile with that gcc version. The binary of the new gcc is called egcc14:14.31 
ator make CC=egcc14:15.54 
  or make CC=clang (or whatever compiler you want to use)14:16.18 
fossegrim https://0x0.st/ilLc.png14:22.46 
  Ignore the botched scrot command14:24.32 
ator make CXX=eg++ maybe?14:27.06 
  CXX is the C++ compiler, CC is the C compiler14:27.19 
fossegrim It compiled!14:32.49 
  Thanks for the help!14:55.54 
  Is index navigation like in zathura possible with just mupdf?20:10.33 
sebras fossegrim: you are better off asking the zathura developers this question.20:54.55 
  they do pop in here, sometimes, but there might be a more direct way to contact them.20:55.23 
 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/09/20)Forward 1 day (to 2020/09/22)>>> 
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