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Robin_Watts_ sebras: https://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=b1037fff88caf6bb54e804b9d3c728e9af91c915 (ator seems happy with it, but it'd be good to get your opinion too)10:46.09 
ator Robin_Watts_: I've got two commits on tor/master10:47.45 
  I might've missed something in the CHANGES update10:48.05 
Robin_Watts_ looks10:59.26 
  ator: CHANGES looks good to me, modulo my crap memory.11:01.36 
  the fax one... it's a change in behaviour in the encoded_byte_align && end_of_line case, I believe.11:02.05 
ator yes. there's an analysis in the bug report.11:02.35 
Robin_Watts_ I was expecting a change in behaviour in the encoded_byte_align && !end_of_line case.11:03.05 
ator end_of_line already aligns, IIRC11:03.58 
Robin_Watts_ In the old code, in that case, we did eat_bits(fax, (12-fax->bids) &7);11:04.31 
  now we do nothing.11:04.38 
ator I believe the EOL eating code will eat the padding bits11:05.11 
Robin_Watts_ but if you're confident, then fine.11:05.17 
ator if there's alignment, it will see the '0' bits and eat them until it finds a real EOL code11:07.01 
Robin_Watts_ ator: I'm looking at the customer request for merging pages from java.11:07.13 
ator with the patch, if encoded_byte_align is set but the fax stream doesn't align, it will now work11:07.23 
  Robin_Watts_: mutool merge equivalent?11:07.38 
Robin_Watts_ If we expose pdf_flatten_inheritable_page_items, then in theory it can all be written in java.11:07.44 
  (well, I guess we could reimplement that in java too...)11:08.08 
ator we have PDFGraftMap, so yeah, I think it should be possible11:08.22 
Robin_Watts_ but I'm thinking that actually just having a pdf_graft_mapped_page would be useful.11:08.44 
  which we'd expose as PDFGraftMap_graftPage11:09.08 
ator flattenInheritablePageItems would have to be applied to the source document before copying the page object to the new document, right?11:09.45 
Robin_Watts_ yes.11:10.04 
ator might be better to have a graftPage method then11:10.07 
Robin_Watts_ Yeah, crap. I was hoping to avoid changing the source doc.11:10.25 
ator graftPage could copy and flatten non-destructively11:10.50 
Robin_Watts_ And I was planning to use flatteninheritablewossits inside graftPage.11:10.57 
ator maybe we should add that to the C api too :D11:10.57 
Robin_Watts_ ator: Oh, yes. I was thinking add to the C api, and then expose it.11:11.12 
  And it'd simplify pdfmerge.c11:11.19 
ator well, grafting a page leaf would copy all the parents too11:11.24 
  that would then get garbage collected11:11.40 
  all rather messily11:11.42 
  better I think to indeed add a pdf_graft_page that copies and flattens the page object's inheritable properties11:12.30 
Robin_Watts_ yes, that would be nicest. but hard, I fear.11:12.54 
  Maybe not so bad. I'll have a crack.11:13.32 
  graft maps point from a src doc to a dest doc, right?11:15.03 
  Why then does the graft map only know about the dest doc?11:15.17 
  Ignore me. It knows about both.11:15.41 
ator yes. the graft maps are used to not copy the same object more than once.11:15.42 
  so it remembers copied object numbers11:15.54 
  both in the source and destination document, obviously :)11:16.13 
  it should be easy, I think11:16.32 
  I can have a stab if you run into issues11:16.44 
Robin_Watts_ ator, sebras: What version of java are you running?13:23.03 
  I have jdk1.7.0_79 here. I've been avoiding moving to java 8 for some reason.13:23.27 
sebras 11 something i think, let me check13:30.20 
  Robin_Watts_: 11.0.813:31.21 
ator 11.0.8 here as well13:32.40 
  OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.8+10-post-Debian-1deb10u1)13:32.51 
Robin_Watts_ Is that an oracle thing? or an openjdk thing?13:32.51 
sebras openjdk.13:32.57 
Robin_Watts_ any reason why you stop at 11?13:33.33 
ator it's what ships with debian13:34.04 
  haven't given it much thought13:34.17 
sebras yean, openjdk-12 is not available.13:34.34 
  didn't know one existed.13:34.43 
Robin_Watts_ https://jdk.java.net/13:35.06 
  That has 15 as latest stable and 16 as 'early access'.13:35.32 
sebras well, then we won't accidentally use new library functions introduced after 11. ;)13:38.59 
ator openjdk.java.net for the open source versions13:40.06 
sebras ator: oh, there is no openjdk-12, but there is openjdk-13 and openjdk-14.13:40.24 
ator looks like they're emulating firefox and chrome's versioning number13:40.48 
  bump the major number every two weeks13:40.52 
sebras ator: default-jre depends on openjdk-1113:41.30 
  ator: might not have been packaged into debian though.13:41.45 
ator they do two releases a year, looks like13:42.19 
  march and september13:42.22 
sebras btw, does it matter which one we run?13:42.41 
ator I don't want to faff about with updates and bleeding edge versions that break everything. java's a stable enough language, I see no urgent need for newer features. especially not given how annoying java is to install outside of the linux distro package manager.13:43.45 
  remember to uncheck the checkbox that lets oracle install spyware on your computer, etc.13:44.04 
sebras do they do that on linux too nowadays?13:44.25 
Robin_Watts_ openjdk.java.net doesn't include windows versions, AFAICT.13:44.35 
sebras mcafee isn't available on linux, I hope.13:44.44 
ator dunno, it was a nightmare scrubbing that shit off my windows machine last time I wasn't paying attention...13:44.45 
malc_ ator: pardon my ignorance but wtf is faff?13:44.49 
  nm urban has it13:45.10 
ator malc_: you got it :)13:45.20 
sebras there is an openjdk-15 in debian/unstable13:45.55 
malc_ ator: yeah! i waste time doing nothing as we speak13:45.59 
  however no... i learn completely pointless newspeak13:46.14 
  ho well13:46.15 
Robin_Watts_ sebras, ator: ReleaseJava builds won't build for me...13:59.33 
  valid &= com_artifex_mupdf_fitz_PDFAnnotation_TYPE_RICH_MEDIA == PDF_ANNOT_RICH_MEDIA;13:59.42 
  valid &= com_artifex_mupdf_fitz_PDFAnnotation_TYPE_PROJECTION == PDF_ANNOT_PROJECTION;13:59.58 
  Also, I get lots of warnings about: return jni_rethrow(env, ctx);14:00.32 
sebras PDFAnnotation_TYPE_PROJECTION seems to be missing.14:01.40 
ator Robin_Watts_: yeah, broken for me too14:06.35 
Robin_Watts_ am fixing now.14:06.49 
sebras http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/sebras/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=caa8772dca0fc9a131b275540450235f72452cf414:08.54 
  Robin_Watts_: ^?14:08.58 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Yup. Though you caught more cases than I had so far. Will copy yours.14:09.42 
sebras Robin_Watts_: I see not warnings about jni_rethrow().14:10.06 
Robin_Watts_ In C, you can't do return void_function();14:10.29 
  MSVC spits many hundreds of dummies about it.14:10.46 
ator Robin_Watts_: sebras: odd that GCC allows it without warning14:13.27 
  the spec does forbid it though14:13.35 
  "A return statement with an expression shall not appear in a function whose return type is void."14:13.45 
sebras clang doesn't say anything either.14:13.45 
  clang 9.0.1-14 that is.14:13.57 
ator though that wording is new in C1114:14.07 
sebras ator: no, jni_rethrow() returns void14:14.30 
ator if the function returns void, you can't use return <expr>;14:14.51 
sebras ator: and then I do return jni_rethrow(), -1; where -1 is the actual return value.14:14.53 
  jni_rethrow() is just to do the exception conversion.14:15.26 
ator jni/nativedevice.c: return jni_rethrow(env, ctx);14:15.39 
  does not return anything14:15.48 
  Buffer_writeByte is another example14:16.09 
  C++ allows it, https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/return14:16.54 
  "In a function returning (possibly cv-qualified) void, the return statement with expression can be used, if the expression type is (possibly cv-qualified) void. "14:17.17 
sebras why does everything I touch turn in to a cesspool of shit.14:18.00 
ator I thought we could use return (like in C++) in C too14:18.38 
  but if they're taking away that in C11 we better adjust14:19.03 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: It's not you. It's "computers" :)14:21.18 
ator a shame though, I live the regularity of being able to return a void-expression from a void-returning function :(14:22.10 
sebras Robin_Watts_: yeah, I bloody hate them.14:22.34 
ator Yeah. Sometimes I get the urge to go analog...14:22.44 
Robin_Watts_ ator: likewise.14:22.46 
ator never lasts long though...14:22.54 
Robin_Watts_ Do I fix this by defining:14:25.58 
  #define return_jni_rethrow(env, ctx) { jni_rethrow(env, ctx}; return; }14:26.34 
  and changing 'return jni_rethrow(...)' to 'return_jni_rethrow(...)' where appropriate?14:27.00 
  Or do I write it out longhand?14:27.05 
  The former is more compact, the latter clearer.14:27.26 
  or do we do something whereby we do:14:28.37 
  return jni_rethrow(env, ctx, type); ?14:28.53 
ator I was wondering if we could do return jni_rethrow(env, ctx, ) with just a blank third argument for the return value14:29.30 
  #define jni_rethrow(E,C,value) { jni_rethrow...; return value; }14:29.54 
Robin_Watts_ So we can do: return jni_rethrow(env, ctx, void); or return jni_rethrow(env, ctx, int) or return jni_rethrow(env, ctx, ptr)14:29.54 
  not sure the CPP will accept that?14:30.04 
ator but emtpy argument may cause cpp to have a hissy fit?14:30.06 
  return_jni_rethrow_void() and return_jni_rethrow(value) maybe?14:30.57 
  I'd rather the macro here, TBH14:31.15 
  than writing it out longhand14:31.20 
sebras ator: is this would be a macro including the return keyword then..?14:31.27 
  or not in the case of void?14:31.33 
Robin_Watts_ zoomtime.14:32.19 
ator it would have to in case of void14:32.23 
Robin_Watts_ It'd be { jni_rethrow(whatever); return; } I think.14:34.55 
  or { jni_rethrow(whatever); return <whatever value>; }14:35.16 
ator sounds good to me14:35.41 
sebras I'm working on it.14:35.57 
  if you trust me to unfu...nction what I functioned up.14:36.26 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Sure. Go for it.14:37.28 
  And it's really not your fault if your compiler is not giving you warnings.14:37.47 
malc_ sebras: you are very selective with your ellipsises :)14:44.34 
sebras malc_: :)14:49.56 
ator I thought for manual duplex you print odd, then flip the stack over and print evens in reverse order15:01.15 
sebras Robin_Watts_: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/sebras/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=2a12ef6f46b7b7fad85dd442f1538e6fdc006d5015:05.08 
  ator: wrong channel?15:05.13 
  ator: oh, did noticed. :)15:05.33 
malc_ mini stroke?15:05.37 
ator sebras: LGTM15:06.26 
sebras ator: does it build without warnings at your place too?15:07.26 
  ator: I tested with gcc 10.2.0 and clang 10.0.1-515:07.46 
malc_ sebras: i'm impressed, dorothy i don't think you run Debian any more15:09.40 
ator sebras: I never got warnings15:10.16 
sebras ator: maybe we should look up what switch would enable those.15:10.43 
ator probably ones that would throw more problems our way15:11.04 
  -pedantic or some such15:11.10 
  or -std=c99 (or something strict non-"gnu")15:11.27 
sebras -Wreturn-type doens't seem to handle this. /me continues reading the manpage.15:11.44 
ator -Wpedantic throws it15:12.21 
  warning: void function 'Java_com_artifex_mupdf_fitz_StructuredText_walk' should not return void expression [-Wpedantic]15:12.35 
sebras with -Wpedantic I saw more instances of this. ok.15:13.54 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Why not just jni_rethrow_void(env,ctx); ?15:36.15 
  jni_rethrow_int(env, ctx); (cos it's always 0).15:36.49 
ator Robin_Watts_: rule #1, don't hide control flow. it would be shorter though.15:36.50 
sebras Robin_Watts_: ator suggested return.15:36.53 
Robin_Watts_ Well, "rethrow" implies the control flow.15:37.10 
ator it does, I have no preference either way15:37.25 
Robin_Watts_ I agree normally, that hiding control flow is bad, but I feel rethrow and throw have the flow implicit.15:37.50 
sebras ok. I can rename it.15:37.52 
ator jni_rethrow_int() makes sense, because the return value will never be used15:39.08 
  and jni_rethrow_jobject maybe15:39.27 
Robin_Watts_ jni_rethrow_ptr ?15:39.36 
ator or ptr15:39.41 
sebras what about return_jni_throw_uoe_value(env, "stream closed", -1);15:39.42 
  and return_jni_rethrow_value(env, ctx, -1); in e.g. FitzInputStream_available15:40.04 
Robin_Watts_ s/return_//15:40.10 
ator sebras: why is it -1?15:40.14 
  the return value will never be read on the java end, so what it is doesn't really matter does it?15:40.27 
sebras I think -1 comes from the InputStream interface.15:40.42 
Robin_Watts_ but if we've rethrown, the InputStream will never read the value, right?15:41.01 
  cos as soon as we return it checks to see if we've thrown an exception, and if so, shoots off to handle it without looking at the value. Or have I misunderstood?15:41.46 
sebras no, wait. I'm confused. we throw an exception anyway.15:41.55 
  Robin_Watts_: correct.15:42.10 
Robin_Watts_ So, 4 commits on robin/master, clustering now. ator has looked at the first.16:00.17 
  I'm going to test the last one on unix now.16:00.34 
  ator: I think there is a potential problem in parse_declaration_list in css-parse.c16:22.35 
  If parse_declaration returns NULL (because of memory exhaustion, presumably) and we go into the while and get to the following parse_declaration(), and that works, tail = tail->next will access tail, which may not be set.16:23.29 
  Oh, it's not memory exhaustion. It's a lookup for a css property that doesn't find anything.16:26.44 
sebras Robin_Watts_: I see no errors using -Wpedantic with what is on sebras/fix-java now.16:42.03 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Fab. Will grab that.16:42.15 
sebras Robin_Watts_: I'm sure you'll find something, but I can't. :)16:42.45 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Did you express an opinion on my rewritten jpx stuff?16:43.16 
sebras Robin_Watts_: not yet, not on the encoded byte align stuff either.16:43.38 
  ator: asked me to take a look at both before the release.16:43.48 
Robin_Watts_ Ta.16:44.19 
  sebras: You have a few: return_jni_rethrow_value(env, ctx, 0) in there.16:49.06 
  shouldn't those be: jni_rethrow_int(env, ctx) ?16:49.19 
  line 17 of buffer.c jni_throw_arg(env, "n cannot be negative");16:51.02 
  That needs to be... something else. jni_throw_arg_int(env, "n cannot be negative"); or something?16:51.27 
  yeah, lots of stuff like that.16:52.03 
malc_ sebras: btw a) -Wpedantic is not the same as -pedantic b) warnings in all the compilers i know (regardless of the source language) are a mess c) try clangs -Weverything for size!16:57.10 
sebras malc_: I was looking for a switch that triggers the warning to be emitted in gcc.17:01.18 
  malc_: -Wpedantic worked fine.17:01.25 
malc_ sebras: when it triggers nowadays it prints the name of the individual switch that enables it, that however is fragile on many levels17:02.26 
sebras Robin_Watts_: I wonder why I don't see any of those.17:03.15 
  I'm going of for a bit but I'll return and try to fix that.17:03.25 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: It's possible that there is a git fubar between you and me somewhere and i'm looking at something old.17:03.54 
  sebras: I'm going to have a bash at the commits. Yell when you come back so we don't both waste time on this.17:46.07 
  sebras: OK, I've pushed a modified version of your commit on robin/master. See what you think.18:51.05 
  sebras: OK, updated with a whole bunch of stuff. I think it's right, but I've got to step away now.19:10.48 
sebras just got back.19:17.37 
  Robin_Watts_: platform/java/jni/android/androiddrawdevice.c and platform/java/jni/android/androidimage.c still look strange in you patch.19:28.23 
  ther eare still comma expressions and return keywords..? return jni_rethrow(env, ctx), 0;19:28.38 
  and in android_AndroidDrawDevice_invertLuminance rethrow_19:29.28 
  void has become jni_rethrow().19:29.35 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Bugger.19:29.37 
sebras Robin_Watts_: besides that, renaming bonanza, but that's ok.19:29.58 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Oh, I missed all the android ones :(19:30.22 
sebras I guess you don't build the android .c-files so you didn';t see it.19:30.25 
Robin_Watts_ Will fix.19:30.32 
  sebras: Urm....19:35.22 
  in android_AndroidDrawDevice_invertLuminance it *should* be jni_rethrow_void() ?19:35.47 
sebras yes, but your commit changes it to jni_rethrow()...?19:36.50 
  at least according to my diff: git diff bb76d6223 749a2ddbf19:37.02 
Robin_Watts_ Let me commit what I have now, and we can look again.19:37.39 
  New version pushed.19:39.00 
sebras Robin_Watts_: ok, android_AndroidDrawDevice_invertLuminance() now looks sane.19:41.59 
Robin_Watts_ Oh, ass. In all this, I've lost my PDFGraftMap_graftPage java changes :(19:45.17 
  I'll redo those tomorrow.19:45.51 
sebras oh, sorry about that. :-/19:47.58 
  I never saw a commit about that, so presumably it was only in your working tree.19:48.23 
Robin_Watts_ I committed it, I think, but it probably got lost in a rebase.19:52.16 
  Absolutely my fault, and NOT a big deal.19:52.28 
sebras Robin_Watts_: maybe you can find it in "git reflog"..?19:53.40 
  Robin_Watts_: re: the commit -- it looks fine.19:53.51 
  Robin_Watts_: LGTM "Wrap jni_rethrow() and family in macros."19:56.21 
  Robin_Watts_: LGTM "java: Enable pedantic compilation warnings."19:56.27 
  Robin_Watts_: LGTM "Fix warning from linux java build."19:57.11 
  I'm not sure how that got there.19:57.17 
  I'll head to bed now, but I'll go back to reviewing your and ator's patches tomorrow.19:57.45 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Ta.23:00.44 
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