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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/09/24)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/09/26)>>>20200925 
ator Robin_Watts_: fredross-perry: both those commits are on the master branch10:59.03 
sebras seems to me like mupdfdk might need to merge master onto its respective branches?11:08.31 
  or even better, merge to a single branch and use that for all platforms.11:11.32 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: I believe the plan is to converge as best we can, yes.11:37.21 
  aot, sebras: I'm just looking at bug 70285711:48.04 
  ator: ^11:48.11 
ator Robin_Watts_: there's still time if you want to get a fix for that in :)11:49.41 
Robin_Watts_ ator: That's what I'm trying :)11:54.02 
sebras "Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot lock execution history cache" I hate gradle. :-P11:55.57 
  ./gradlew --status && ./gradlew --stop && ../gradlew --status resolved it.11:57.43 
Robin_Watts_ ator, sebras: Urm... pixmap.c line 83...11:59.43 
  n? n? Surely h ?11:59.48 
sebras Robin_Watts_: it was n from the beginning: dcdb116ea172b2954d42304238f32183263ddfed12:03.18 
Robin_Watts_ yeah, but it was checking a different thing then.12:04.01 
  (I don't entirely understand it the check it was doing, but the malloc_array was checking for overflow for us.)12:04.39 
sebras INT_MAX / pix->n must be the maximum number of pixels an image can be wide.12:05.39 
Robin_Watts_ yes.12:06.07 
sebras why zeniko's original patch tested pix->w + pix->n - 1 is less clear to me.12:06.09 
  the next commit that changed it was d0b78f4166a1503ce522944002b3aab035724cd912:06.31 
Robin_Watts_ I have a fix.12:06.38 
  It doesn't SEGV now, but we leak a lot. Let me try to see why.12:06.49 
sebras zeniko seems to have been tryign to test pix->w > INT_MAX / pix->n12:07.47 
Robin_Watts_ We want to that that w * b <= INT_MAX12:08.37 
malc_ tell him to do or not do there is no tryi_GN_12:08.48 
Robin_Watts_ We want to test that w * n <= INT_MAX12:08.55 
  or rather to fail if w * n > INT_MAX12:09.16 
  which you'd think would be w > INT_MAX/n , but we're working in ints, so the right hand side rounds down.12:09.38 
  hence testing w - 1 > INT_MAX/n seems reasonable to me.12:09.49 
  actually, rounding down makes it a safer test anyway.12:10.24 
  so I don't get the -1 either.12:10.28 
sebras git grep '>.*/' | grep MAX12:10.42 
  that reveals a number of locations that do similar tests.12:10.50 
Robin_Watts_ I can't see any that do the -1 thing?12:16.11 
sebras nope, but along the lines of w > INT_MAX / n12:17.06 
  that's what I meant.12:17.09 
  and w >= INT_MAX / n is not correct.12:18.31 
  cgdae: welcome back! :)12:19.03 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: Right. I agree.12:19.21 
cgdae sebras: :-)12:20.44 
Robin_Watts_ Hmm.12:23.21 
  pixmap->stride is actually a ptrdiff_t.12:23.33 
  So we should be able to cope with larger sizes.12:23.42 
  But I'd need to change a prototype from taking an int to taking a ptrdiff_t.12:24.02 
sebras it is _now_, but was it _then_?12:24.03 
  maybe it should be w > SIZE_MAX / n12:24.12 
Robin_Watts_ ptrdiff_t is signed, SIZE_MAX isn't.12:24.30 
  At the moment we calculate it using an int, because of passing int strode.12:24.43 
  int stride.12:24.48 
  If I change that to a ptrdiff_t, that'll have knock on effects for the bindings, I bet.12:25.12 
  Let's ignore that for now.12:25.17 
  2 commits on robin/master then.12:26.37 
sebras ator: -mini and -viewer build fine with an updated jni/libmupdf12:26.41 
Robin_Watts_ And now I'll look at bug 70293712:28.16 
ator sebras: sebras/fix-java2 LGTM12:29.34 
sebras pushed.12:29.38 
  ator: -mini:sebras/master and -viewer:sebras/master prepared. I think they're correct, but maybe you want an 1.18.0-rc1 or something, I don't know.12:31.20 
  I need to go grab food 30 min ago.12:31.38 
Robin_Watts_ is in a similar position.12:32.10 
malc_ "api: Optional use of Tesseract to use OCR to extract text." the wording here could be improved methinks...12:32.15 
ator sebras: we're doing a 1.18.0-rc1 tag yes12:33.08 
sebras then my commits are shit.12:34.29 
Robin_Watts_ ok, part 1 of that bug is solved by the pixmap overflow commit.12:36.11 
  I'll look at part2 after lunch.12:36.17 
sebras ator: we got a security bug for jbig2dec today. I've been looking at it, but I don't have a fix for it yet.12:36.46 
  but then again, there are probably three more assigned to me.12:36.59 
  and a heap of oss-fuzz issues I haven't tended to.12:37.16 
  I will not be able to resolve any of these before the release.12:39.05 
Robin_Watts_ sebras: THat's the commit I'm looking at.13:43.30 
  THe first part is fixed with the pixmap overflow commit.13:43.40 
  And so it the second part.13:45.45 
  SO if we can get the 2 commits in on robin/master, we can close that bug too.13:45.58 
ator Robin_Watts_: both LGTM13:48.29 
sebras Robin_Watts_: I meant 702937, not 70285713:55.11 
Robin_Watts_ ator: Ta14:02.44 
  sebras: Yes. 702937 is fixed by the fix for 702857.14:03.12 
sebras then I give up for the week.14:04.33 
  there is no point in continuing.14:05.14 
Robin_Watts_ Hmm. I hope I didn't offend him. (I mean it's friday night where he is, so quitting is entirely reasonable...(14:06.46 
  So that leaves us with 2 security bugs. 700204 is a jbig2 one, and 701297 is a problem with our repair stuff that I can't see how to solve easily.14:07.53 
  ator: https://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=e5818fa57947e0f3d6146687dd3628bccc60acbf14:21.31 
ator if (pdf_annot_type(ctx, annot) == PDF_ANNOT_FILE_ATTACHMENT) could we abstract that into a function pdf_should_print_attachment() maybe?14:24.15 
Robin_Watts_ ator: Could do.14:27.22 
  Crap. I've just had a file die with division by zero in the overflow commit.14:27.45 
  ator: I think I should pull the top commit out and put in a fixed one.14:35.55 
ator go for it14:36.18 
Robin_Watts_ ator: Ok, 2 updated commits, clustering now.14:46.47 
ator both look fine to me15:12.20 
Robin_Watts_ ator: Pushed15:18.07 
  ator: 1 more on robin/master.16:19.32 
  I'm going to run through the open mupdf bugs and close the trivial ones I can.16:19.48 
fredross-perry Robin_Watts_: ator: I’ll just create new branches, then.16:23.44 
Robin_Watts_ If those are on casper, presumably they are tags?16:24.05 
fredross-perry presumably. I think it's just16:32.12 
  1. check out the numbered commit I'm at (as origin master)16:32.12 
  2. cherry-pick the one fix16:32.13 
  3. git push origin master:android-ice (or some such)16:32.14 
Robin_Watts_ Urm...16:34.55 
  That presupposes you're on master.16:35.03 
  and I suspect step 3 will fail, because the remote won't know what sort of thing android-ice is supposed to be.16:35.38 
  git tag android-ice16:35.46 
  git push origin android-ice16:35.56 
  would be safer.16:36.00 
  (or git branch android-ice, git checkout android-ice, git push origin android-ice, if you want to use branches)16:36.29 
fredross-perry Thanks, I do think I want branches. Btw I do ‘git push repo branch:new-branch’ to create new branches all the time. What’s not safe?16:40.25 
  I have git version 2.13.516:41.05 
Robin_Watts_ IME, git push repo branch:new-branch gives an error from the server16:57.53 
  unless new-branch is already a known thing on the server.16:58.04 
  If it works for you, then no problem.16:58.18 
  Well, I have no idea about Bug 702506. It's failing to write to stdout.17:05.00 
fredross-perry “gives an error from the server” - maybe it’s repo-specific?17:24.17 
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