Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/09/27)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/09/29)>>>20200928 
ator Robin_Watts_: are we good to tag origin/master as RC1 now?09:59.58 
Robin_Watts_ ator: Sure.10:53.34 
  I'm going to keep looking at bugs for a bit, but nothing looks important enough to stop the release.10:54.16 
  Apparently Donald Trump paid $750 income tax in 2016 and the same in 2017.10:56.41 
  In 10 of the previous 15 years he paid no income tax at all.10:57.08 
  oops, wrong group.10:57.14 
malc_ wrong terminology too... it's a "channel" not a group10:59.51 
ator someone's been hanging out on facebook too much ;)11:01.27 
malc_ i have never used facebook, so thought usenet parlance was used... o tempores o mores...11:02.18 
ator I've never used facebook, but I hear enough people talking about facebook groups all the time.11:04.50 
  ...more than I hear of usenet11:05.10 
malc_ i read comp.arch religiously and most of the MLs i read are read through usenet gateway...11:07.45 
kens UseNet is pretty much dead these days11:10.04 
ator google killed it dead11:10.25 
kens The only group I subscribe to with any real activity is rec.games.roguelike.nethack11:10.30 
ator (not that it was much more than a living corpse by the time they got their hands on it)11:10.41 
kens It's been slowly dying for decades11:11.05 
malc_ comp.arch is alive and kicking11:11.26 
  once you kill file a few people11:11.47 
 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/09/27)Forward 1 day (to 2020/09/29)>>> 
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