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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/10/11)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/10/13)>>>20201012 
malc_ sebras: i'm curious why do you have used __FUNCTION__ instead of __func__ in 025598384cb4493146be1fd86c758a4fbf100503 ?00:34.16 
aksr hi. any eta on when the annotation will be available for the desktop version?03:31.11 
malc_ aksr: it's too early04:13.03 
aksr too early?04:17.54 
sebras malc_: I learned __FUNCTION__ before __func__. :)04:33.23 
  aksr: mupdf-gl can do annotations already.04:33.52 
malc_ sebras: __func04:34.02 
  __ is a c99 feature, so no surprise there :)04:34.23 
aksr sebras: ty, can you explain me why it's early without gl?04:42.26 
sebras aksr: early? you meant malc_ comment? I think he meant that the mupdf developers might be awake yet.04:48.00 
aksr ah ;)04:48.35 
sebras aksr: also you wrote "annotation" so I expect you mean any type of annotation?04:48.40 
aksr yes04:48.58 
sebras aksr: some annotations are supported (e.g. highlighting and ink annotations), while other's are not (e.g. movie and 3D annotations).04:49.31 
malc_ sebras: your _malc_ comprehension skills are impeccable!04:49.32 
aksr is there a way to extract all annotations (e.g. which are highlighted) into a file?04:50.42 
sebras aksr: mupdf-gl can't do that.04:51.33 
  aksr: "mutool show" can be used to look at individual PDF objects, but then you need to understand how the PDF format works pretty well. and it is not automatic by any means.04:52.35 
  aksr: and what do you want in the output file after extraction? text only? what if the annotation is an image? do you expect the output file to be a plain text file or a PDF?04:53.34 
  I'm not sure I understand your question fully. :)04:53.46 
aksr plain text file04:53.53 
  whatever i'm reading, i always have a pencil beside me04:54.31 
malc_ sebras: btw the reason for __func04:54.51 
  __ comment was that msvc might have trouble with __FU..__ (a GNU extension)04:55.34 
  sebras: then again msvc's c99 support is not stellar either04:55.58 
sebras malc_: this is just debugging code. if it runs in gcc/clang on my linux box, then that's enough.05:04.51 
malc_ sebras: just you wait till you have to do a co-debugging with Robin05:06.12 
sebras aksr: I can't think of a way to extract e.g. the highlighted parts of text from a PDF.05:06.14 
  malc_: hopefully I will have solved the issue I'm looking at by then. :)05:06.38 
malc_ sebras: just you wait till you get hit by RSI and, with tears in your eyes, proclaim typing less for those __funcs__ might have saved me, oh i should have listened to all-wise russie05:08.53 
ator segfaultNN: (for the logs) js_getglobal(J, "JSON"); js_getproperty(J, -1, "parse"); js_pushnull(J); js_pushstring(J, "...json text..."); js_pcall(J, 1);10:20.16 
stensal ator, thank you very much for your reply. I figured out a solution much like yours except I use js_pushliteral by reading the code. I have another question, how can I see the source locations of syntax errors or runtime errors. my guess I need to use js_try and print out the error object. Any example would be greatly appreciated. BTW I really18:41.38 
  love your mujs, it's so simple to use and the code are very pleasant to read.18:41.38 
  my webclient keeps disconnecting from the server, what irc-client do you guys recommend?18:44.47 
  nvm, I figured out how to print out the error object.18:49.01 
malc_ stensal: just do '/ctcp $nick VERSION' for all nicks that would show you what clients people use19:04.34 
sam_ Hey guys. 1.08, 1.09 aren't on the website, but they're tagged in git. Are they official releases?20:08.58 
  (Sorry, for mujs, I mean.)20:09.10 
sebras sam_: those ought to be official releases, yes. I think ator might have forgotten to generate the tarballs.20:10.02 
sam_ sebras: that's no bother, I just didn't want to push it into Gentoo if I shouldn't ;)20:10.18 
sebras sam_: this discussion will probably prompt ator to generate new tarballs for those versions shortly.20:10.51 
sam_ no hurry at all both, thank you for replying so quickly20:11.06 
sebras (tomorrow?)20:11.07 
aksr sebras: something like this could work for annotations: mutool show file.pdf grep | grep '/Contents.*/Type/Annot>>'20:43.46 
  but, often i get something like this: /Contents<FEFF005700650073007400650072006E002...20:44.13 
  (even though annotations are just highlighted text)20:45.08 
sebras aksr: https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference_archive/pdf_reference_1-7.pdf at the end of section 3.2.3 you'll find hexadecimal strings explained.20:46.47 
  aksr: also note that the /Contents listed here is not necessarily the string being e.g. underlined.20:47.54 
  you can do mutool show file.pdf pages.*.Annots.* to show all annotations on all pages, but understanding the information contained in those are rather difficult.20:48.44 
  aksr: I understood that you wanted the e.g. underlined text, not e.g. a popup textbox associated with an annotation.20:49.43 
  anyway, time to sleep.20:49.50 
aksr sebras: you understood correctly20:50.47 
  in short, i want highlighted and underlined annotations20:54.13 
  ..to extract...20:54.23 
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