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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/10/21)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/10/23)>>>20201022 
sh4rm4^bnc added libmupdf support to my ebook viewer https://github.com/rofl0r/SDLBook/00:27.10 
  unlike mupdf-x11 it supports smooth scrolling over page boundaries00:27.27 
malc_ sh4rm4^bnc: https://tpaste.us/QW4b is needed on my system to build sdlbook thusly: "LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/x/rcs/git/mupdf/build/native CPATH=$HOME/x/rcs/git/mupdf/include make"03:06.22 
sh4rm4^bnc malc_, is that with a static build ?03:14.38 
  of mupdf03:14.50 
malc_ sh4rm4^bnc: yes03:16.58 
sh4rm4^bnc hmph, it seems mupdf ships without pkgconfig file03:17.50 
  i've never seen CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH env vars, what are they for ?03:19.20 
  also its odd that you need -lm03:19.37 
malc_ sh4rm4^bnc: back in the day motivation for starting my own program to read pdfs was also continuous scroll, it even had a optional djvu support years ago, but i've abandoned it03:19.50 
  sh4rm4^bnc: they are like adding -I and -L respectively to gcc/clang03:20.34 
  sh4rm4^bnc: why is it odd?03:20.49 
sh4rm4^bnc because i removed usage of ceil(), the only math func i used03:21.08 
  is it required by libmudf ?03:21.29 
  does make process the CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH vars ?03:21.50 
malc_ sh4rm4^bnc: gcc/clang do03:24.12 
  /usr/bin/ld: /home/malc/x/rcs/git/mupdf/build/native/libmupdf-third.a(one.o): undefined reference to symbol 'acos@@GLIBC_2.2.5'03:25.48 
sh4rm4^bnc interesting. btw there's also config.mak where you could stuff your C/LDFLAGS into03:26.25 
  ok, will re-add -lm then in any case03:26.40 
  i use musl libc which has libm inside libc so i dont catch such errors03:27.19 
  what's your impression so far of the prog?03:30.44 
malc_ sh4rm4^bnc: well, i'm biased.03:32.16 
sebras sh4rm4^bnc: https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70302410:26.51 
malc_ feels almost like Elon Masks latest kid reported the issue10:36.35 
sebras malc_: ?10:41.07 
Robin_Watts sebras: We should run that patch past cgdae, cos he uses openbsd, which is awkward for the sake of it.10:44.52 
  likewise, it'd be good to test it on the mac.10:45.08 
sebras Robin_Watts: that's why I didn't simply apply sh4rm4^bnc's patch.10:45.12 
Robin_Watts yeah, no criticism at all!10:45.28 
sebras Robin_Watts: I know. sh4rm4^bnc seems impatient though. :)10:46.07 
Robin_Watts sebras: Any thoughts on: https://git.ghostscript.com/?p=user/robin/mupdf.git;a=commitdiff;h=eaa20f4e9f9a7dcca1d3d1cc7f27736b8e09241610:46.13 
sebras s/seems/seemed/10:46.15 
  Robin_Watts: I'm looking at replacing some of the digital signatures fixes with pauls suggestion of removing cleared signatures from the unsaved signatures list.10:47.09 
  Robin_Watts: I have found differences to the current approach but I don't know why yet.10:47.24 
  Robin_Watts: I'd prefer to work on that until settled, if that's ok?10:47.41 
Robin_Watts I'm trying to parse that...10:47.53 
sebras Robin_Watts: TLDR: not now.10:48.08 
Robin_Watts I mean, the bit about what paul is suggesting.10:48.19 
sebras Robin_Watts: ok.10:48.24 
  Robin_Watts: remember the commit that removed the signer from the signature info stored in doc->unsaved_sigs?10:48.52 
  Robin_Watts: paul proposed removing the entire entry from doc->unsaved_sigs, not just clearing its signer.10:49.11 
Robin_Watts right.10:49.17 
sebras Robin_Watts: in an attempt to undo everything that pdf_sign_signature() did.10:49.28 
  Robin_Watts: when I tested this I didn't end up with any exceptions10:49.40 
  Robin_Watts: but I _do_ end up with xref sections whose /Prev skip over a prior xref sections.10:50.01 
Robin_Watts so if I sign a sig, don't save it, and then clear the sig the document basically doesn't change?10:50.03 
sebras I don't know why it skips.10:50.06 
Robin_Watts Getting a new xref section, I would expect.10:50.20 
sebras Robin_Watts: open a form pdf, sign a signature, clear the signature, sign the signature with another cert, save the file.10:50.27 
Robin_Watts but skipping over... that seems odd, yes.10:50.28 
  OK. I'll shut up and let you be.10:50.46 
  Yell if I can help.10:50.51 
sebras Robin_Watts: yes, my initial thought is that pdf_clear_signature() doesn't yet fully undo what pdf_sign_signature() did because one of the things it did was to request a new xref section and update the annotations appearance stream. I think both of those changes are still in the file when saved.10:51.29 
  they are saved with the current approach as well, but the /Prev pointer in the Root object doesn't skip over the xref section where the signature was cleared.10:52.10 
  at least this is what I _think_ is happening.10:52.18 
  Robin_Watts: do you mind looking at the freetype things jogux raised? https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70302210:52.50 
  Robin_Watts: that issue seems to be high prio for them as well.10:53.09 
Robin_Watts ok.10:56.06 
jogux Chris said it wasn’t exploitable in gs. I have no idea if that applies to mupdf.10:56.33 
  Chris said “Since we only allow outline glyphs, it's not actually going to affect us”10:57.01 
malc_ sebras: it sucks having to explain (attempted) humor... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_musk#Relationships10:57.09 
  cf sh4rm4^bnc10:57.29 
Robin_Watts jogux: It probably won't hurt for me to pull freetype up to the latest version anyway.10:57.37 
sebras malc_: ah. :)10:57.41 
Robin_Watts jogux: gs and mupdf use freetype differently.10:57.57 
  mupdf uses a bit more of it's capabilities than gs does, AIUI.10:58.08 
jogux Robin_Watts: agree. knowing if it is exploitable or not may still help. (Lisa may need to send out a notification…)10:58.14 
Robin_Watts but quite possibly not this much.10:58.26 
  jogux: Well, that'd be a question for ator, I suspect.10:58.51 
jogux https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?59308 has a link to the font that causes the problem. Not sure what the easiest way to try and get mupdf to process that font is.11:00.32 
sebras Robin_Watts: jogux: probably to use mutool create (https://mupdf.com/docs/manual-mutool-create.html) to build a PDF that references that font file.11:04.50 
jogux I’m surprised no one else seems to have created such a pdf yet (or at least they’ve not made it public if they have…).11:15.29 
Robin_Watts I have created a PDF. It doesn't crash.11:20.26 
jogux I’m not sure if it’s meant to crash or just show an address sanitiser issue11:20.45 
Robin_Watts will test with sanitize and valgrind.11:21.29 
jogux you can probably breakpoint also breakpoint load_sbit_image, if that’s not called I suspect we can’t end up in the exploitable code. Or maybe Load_SBit_Png as that’s the problem code I think.11:22.05 
Robin_Watts sanitize doesn't complain.11:24.31 
sebras Robin_Watts: tested valgrinding the debug build too?11:25.29 
  Robin_Watts: sometimes valgrind catches things ASAN doesn't11:25.38 
malc_ jogux: why would you need pdf? fitz can do html and external fonts within them11:26.31 
  so it's rather simple really11:26.40 
jogux malc_: well it wasn’t my suggestion :-) But you make a good point, even if it’s not expolitable via pdf it may be exploitable via html.11:27.44 
Robin_Watts valgrind also works fine.11:28.47 
malc_ jogux: and i've just tried, mupdf errs on this font11:29.10 
Robin_Watts Load_SBit_Png calls pnglib, right?11:29.18 
jogux yeah, I believe so.11:29.27 
Robin_Watts We don't use pnglib in mupdf, ergo, we can't be affected.11:29.31 
malc_ i take that back...11:29.52 
sam_ (so what did you make crash? ;))11:31.06 
malc_ sam_: no11:31.31 
jogux Robin_Watts: This seems like a good point :-)11:31.35 
malc_ sam_: still i have used the wrong methodology11:31.48 
sam_ ahh11:31.52 
jogux I guess we must have this code path disabled in freetype somehow.11:33.37 
  presumably FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_PNG just isn’t defined.11:35.19 
  yeah, that seems right. scripts/freetype/slimftoptions.h:#undef FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_PNG. ace.11:37.08 
  So there’s no panic to upgrade freetype. Thanks Robin_Watts.11:43.54 
sam_ thanks all :)12:01.53 
user38 Greetings everyone...12:09.35 
kens Afternoon user3812:10.36 
Robin_Watts user38: Hi12:10.40 
  I updated the patch last night, a link to it is on the bug.12:10.56 
user38 Robin_Watts, I applied the patch this morning, after I took out a/ and b/, it applies cleanly, but now the 64-bit version of mupdf-x11 works while the 32-bit version crashes. I've been working on getting build=debug working since. It's compiling the 32-bit version now, hopefully it will finish.12:13.15 
Robin_Watts Ta.12:18.23 
user38 Robin_Watts, the crash is still happening at 0x0047acfc in cmsSetAdaptationState (ContextID=ContextID@entry=0x2759f38, d=-1) at thirdparty/lcms2/src/cmsxform.c:6413:20.02 
  64 prev = ptr ->AdaptationState;13:20.17 
  That's 32-bit mupdf-x11. 32-bit mupdf-gl crashes in the same place.13:21.22 
  I'll go build=debug 64-bit now.13:22.48 
Robin_Watts user38: Even with CMS_WOSSNAME set to 8 ?13:25.27 
user38 Let me check.13:25.42 
Robin_Watts CMS_PTR_ALIGNMENT13:26.49 
user38 Robin_Watts, that's gone:13:29.16 
  > fgrep CMS_PTR_ALIGNMENT ./thirdparty/lcms2/src/lcms2_internal.h#ifndef CMS_PTR_ALIGNMENT# define CMS_PTR_ALIGNMENT sizeof(void *)#define _cmsALIGNMEM(x) (((x)+(CMS_PTR_ALIGNMENT - 1)) & ~(CMS_PTR_ALIGNMENT - 1))13:29.29 
  I removed my patch, thinking yours would put it back in...13:30.06 
  Robin_Watts, okay, let me put it back in...13:31.09 
  Then it's clear why it's crashing.13:31.18 
Robin_Watts user38: Right. lcms is a separate beast. It's a submodule.13:32.36 
  I have a fix for that working its way through, but it's not there yet.13:32.52 
  user38: Thanks!13:33.02 
user38 I'm so sorry.13:33.16 
Robin_Watts no worries at all.13:33.29 
sh4rm4^bnc sebras, thanks for adding the bug report. the description isnt quite right, mupdf does build successfully but mupdf-x11 fails at runtime because the full path to the .so is hardcoded in DT_NEEDED table13:50.15 
  malc_, does your joke refer to the continuous renaming of musk's kid ?13:50.44 
Robin_Watts and the fact that he is named with lots of strange characters.13:51.35 
malc_ sh4rm4^bnc: you and sebras are hell bent on making me doubt my satirical prowess don't you??13:51.48 
  finally a voice or reason13:52.10 
sh4rm4^bnc :)13:52.13 
malc_ and from an englishman no less... my dry rosso humor and stiff lower lip are probably close enough...13:53.01 
sh4rm4^bnc in case the patch isnt understood: $^ expands to all dependencies of the target, we pass it through subst to replace foo/bar/libmupdf.ext with -Lfoo/bar -lmupdf13:53.22 
  and the path is saved in $(OUT)13:54.06 
  $(subst...) is a GNU make feature, but i believe i had seen other GNU-specific things, though i might be wrong13:55.23 
malc_ sh4rm4^bnc: the Make* files are choke full of GNUisms the very first non comment line in Makerules has two gnuisms in it13:58.06 
user38 Robin_Watts, after putting the lcms2 patch back in, except for the 64-bit mupdf-gl, all other mupdf-* 32- and 64-bit binaries work, and that without build=debug and with -O3.14:24.23 
  I find it curious that the 32-bit mupdf-gl works while the 64-bit doesn't.14:25.10 
  Thank you kindly for your help.14:25.34 
  For me this is a good stopping point for the day, I'll be checking the bug for updates (if any) tomorrow morning and checking in here afterwards. I wish you all a nice and pleasant evening / the rest of the day.14:27.28 
sh4rm4^bnc i'm using pix = fz_new_pixmap_from_page(ctx, page, ctm, fz_device_rgb(ctx), 0) to render a pdf page, but it seems quite slow (takes up to 300 ms on my machine). is there a faster way ?14:28.15 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: Depends what you mean.14:29.06 
  Clearly the time is dependent on page contents.14:29.20 
sh4rm4^bnc right. in this case it's scanned books from the last century.14:29.44 
Robin_Watts If you're repeatedly rendering the same page (perhaps at different zooms) then using a displaylist will help.14:30.01 
  Ah, if you use scans of more modern books, they'll probably be faster.14:30.25 
sh4rm4^bnc example https://0x0.st/iDlf.png14:31.32 
  i've been examining whether i could request a 8 or 16 bit image format but that doesn't seem to be available14:34.10 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: request from what?14:34.25 
sh4rm4^bnc from fz_new_pixmap_from_page() via the colorspace14:34.55 
malc_ sh4rm4^bnc: you can have 16bit BW image14:35.20 
Robin_Watts You can get an 8bpp greyscale image.14:35.59 
  You can't get an 8bpp color image.14:36.06 
malc_ sh4rm4^bnc: i would also recommend using llpp as the benchmark, it is (to the best of my knowledge) most efficient pdf reader out there14:36.09 
sh4rm4^bnc i see only fz_device_gray/rgb/bgr/lab/cmyk14:36.41 
malc_ Robin_Watts: huh? the b&w pixmap mupdyf produces is 16bit... y+alpha14:36.58 
sh4rm4^bnc how would i request those formats? is fz_device_gray 8bit ?14:38.21 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: It is.14:47.49 
  I suspect most of the time is in the decoding of the image, and possibly the scaling of it.14:48.20 
  the decoding of the image will be the same time regardless of what colorspace you ask for.14:48.42 
  malc_: mupdf can produce stuff with or without alpha.14:49.07 
sh4rm4^bnc i see. so requesting an inferior format might only save some milliseconds14:49.24 
  probably i should use a thread that preloads bordering pages14:49.52 
  so there's no delay in the UI14:50.14 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: That would work.14:50.20 
  but as I say, if you're planning to allow stuff to be zoomed, then use a display list.14:50.56 
  what format are the images within the PDF?14:51.18 
sh4rm4^bnc i have no idea14:51.27 
  what's the advantage re: zooming with a display list ?14:52.17 
Robin_Watts Display list holds everything nicely in memory to rerender the page.14:53.46 
  It removes the PDF format parsing overhead.14:53.58 
  On top of that, subsequent renders will be faster anyway, assuming you have a reasonably sized store, cos the images will be cached decompressed.14:54.37 
malc_ Robin_Watts: fz_device_colorspace is Y+A15:08.47 
Robin_Watts Nope.15:09.03 
  Trust me, I wrote large sections of the rendering code. :)15:09.33 
  It is perfectly possible to get mupdf to return rendered pixmaps with no alpha plane.15:09.54 
  It maybe that the particular helper function you are using returns alpha by default, but it doesn't have to.15:10.25 
malc_ Robin_Watts: i do trust you, however when i specify fz_device_gray i get Y+A which i feed to LUMALPHA textures15:10.25 
  Robin_Watts: arguing from my side is stupid, you are either absolutely right and i miss some api detail or deranged and beyond salvation15:11.48 
Robin_Watts fz_pixmap *fz_new_pixmap_from_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page, fz_matrix ctm, fz_colorspace *cs, int alpha);15:12.47 
  IF you pass alpha = 1, you get alpha data. If you pass alpha = 0, you should get just raw 8 bit data.15:13.07 
sh4rm4^bnc oh interesting15:15.36 
  is the pixel data packed ? if so i could request rgb+alpha and just memcpy it onto my surface15:16.00 
  but if stride is > x*bpp then that won't work15:16.27 
  though the pixel-copy part only takes 8ms anyway15:17.35 
malc_ Robin_Watts: i don't use fz_new_pixmap_from_page15:19.13 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: If you get mupdf to make the pixmaps, then the stride will always be n*w.15:22.30 
  (where n = 2 for grey+alpha, or 1 for just grey)15:22.47 
  If you want a different stride, then you have to create the pixmap structure yourself.15:23.02 
  but mupdf will honour it.15:23.16 
sh4rm4^bnc nice, saves one conversion pass then15:23.38 
Robin_Watts MuPDF data is always packed as <process colors><spot colors><alpha> where some of those may be optional.15:23.56 
sh4rm4^bnc hmmpf, caching display lists doesnt seem to make a big difference21:29.19 
  rendering from the display list with zoom factor applied still takes 280ms21:30.20 
  isn't there any function to apply a fz_matrix for scaling to an existing fz_pixmap?22:19.25 
  i had hoped to be able to use fz_get_pixmap_from_image to do so, but it doesnt seem to work22:20.01 
  that would allow me to save the rendered page at original resolution, then scale as needed when drawing22:34.41 
Moult peeks in the channel22:42.30 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: There is a pixmap scaling function, yes.23:22.04 
  fz_scale_pixmap, but it's not in the public API, just the internal one, currently.23:22.25 
sh4rm4^bnc i just discovered it reading the source23:23.06 
  scaled = fz_scale_pixmap(ctx, image, m.e, m.f, m.a, m.d, clip)23:23.14 
  hmm, doesn't seem to like clip being NULL... the scaled image returned is 2x223:31.26 
Robin_Watts I'm off to bed. I'm going to be playing with that tomorrow myself, I think.23:32.31 
  FWIW, my test code with that works fine with clip being NULL.23:33.27 
sh4rm4^bnc ok thanks23:35.14 
  it works when i replace the values from the transform (with a zoomfactor of ~ 1.5 in m.a/m.d) with the w/h of the output rect23:45.41 
  hmm, applying that scale func produces a far less crispy image23:51.43 
  oh hmm, wonder where that 120 dpi value in mupdf's title comes from23:55.35 
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