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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/10/23)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/10/25)>>>20201024 
sh4rm4^bnc Robin_Watts, do you know why calling fz_scale_pixmap with some fractional zoom factor > 1 on the page render result produced at 1.0 scale produces different/worse results than rendering the page directly with the higher scale factor ?15:44.40 
malc_ sh4rm4^bnc: just a guess: pixmap_scale just does a raster scaling, rendering at a higher resolution results in a lot of vector math done at a "proper" resolution to begin with15:58.21 
sh4rm4^bnc maybe, what i find interesting is that when i zoom with mupdf-x11 the title changes a "dpi" rather than a "zoomfactor" number16:03.58 
  whereas i pass 72 dpi to initial page render command16:04.42 
  so maybe the trick is to find out the original dpi of the images stored inside the pdf16:22.19 
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