Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/10/24)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/10/26)>>>20201025 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: Suppose you have a page with a 1000x1000 image in.12:08.40 
  If you render that at 1x scale (I.e. 72dpi), that might actually only actually render at 100x100 pixels.12:09.00 
  If you then scale that up by (say) a factor of 4, those pixels get interpolated to give you 400x400.12:09.34 
  but 15/16ths of those pixels will be 'invented' by the scaler.12:09.49 
  If on the other hand you rendered at 4x scale to start with, those 400x400 pixels would be produced from scaling the 1000x1000 image down.12:10.30 
sh4rm4^bnc i understand. how can i get the original resolution/dpi of the image ?12:11.24 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: If you have the fz_image, that's easy.12:12.52 
  But you are working at the page level, right?12:13.01 
sh4rm4^bnc right12:13.09 
Robin_Watts So the problem is, that in general you don't have a single image per page.12:13.43 
  I mean, you might, but most files don't.12:13.56 
  You could use the stext device.12:14.21 
sh4rm4^bnc extract the text and render that myself?12:14.48 
Robin_Watts Create an stext device, set the flag to include images, run the page to the stext device. close the device.12:14.51 
  That returns you a structure that describes blocks of text on the page.12:15.18 
  because you set the flag to include images, it'll include image blocks too.12:15.29 
  You can walk the structure to read the images and figure out the resolution etc.12:15.44 
  No, you'd still let mupdf do all the rendering.12:16.08 
  the purpose of the stext device is just so you can get the resolutions/positions of the images on the page.12:16.30 
sh4rm4^bnc hmm. wouldnt there be a way to tell mupdf to choose a bbox where all images are rendered at a resolution that corresponds to the resolution of the most hi-res image in the page?12:17.06 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: Not inbuilt, no.12:17.25 
  But if you want to do that, you do what I just described.12:17.39 
sh4rm4^bnc ok, thanks12:17.50 
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