Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/11/01)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/11/03)>>>20201102 
ator sebras: yeah, found another warning: thirdparty/jbig2dec/jbig2_image.c:350:35: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'unsigned int' and 'int' [-Wsign-compare]11:57.56 
sebras Ugh12:50.17 
ator sebras: tor/master is in need of review when you've got some time to spare13:59.19 
malc_ ator: not that i know what it means but curious nevertheless why the luratech change of heart?15:41.56 
ator owned by a competitor, nobody wants it, gets rid of technical debt15:46.29 
malc_ ator: hope you can remove the submodule residue too, submodules in mupdf is ginormous15:49.33 
sebras ator: btw didbyou see someone44s request during the weekend?15:50.12 
  ator: to have a confirmation dialog box when reloading if the file is dirty.15:50.56 
  at the face of it, it makes sense to me, but I haven't thought it through or checked the code further.15:51.54 
ator malc_: clone --shallow or whatever it's called15:55.35 
  sebras: that's one of the commits on tor/master15:55.44 
malc_ ator: does not really work in some cases, which cases those are i do not remember15:56.02 
ator malc_: yeah. it's a bit unfortunate.15:56.16 
malc_ ator: aye... the submodule checkout is ~2Gb15:56.51 
ator malc_: really? mine's at 200-300Mb tops15:57.37 
  du -sh .git/modules says 289M15:57.53 
  and that's probably got more cruft in it that is actually cloned (all my experiments with other thirdparty libraries leave cruft in there too)15:58.18 
malc_ ator: sec16:03.18 
  ator: 139M here, but that's compressed git stuff, it feels like it fetches A LOT more when cloning with recurse-submodules16:04.29 
  i might be seeing stuff though16:04.38 
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