Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/11/03)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/11/05)>>>20201104 
Robin_Watts Greetings #mupdf people. We are considering our options w.r.t. communication channels at the moment. There is a motion in place that we should move our private discussion channel off IRC to either slack or discord. With that, we are therefore considering maybe moving our public channels (#mupdf and #ghostscript) too.15:24.46 
  How would regular users of this channel feel about that? malc_?15:25.21 
  Would using discord or slack instead be a problem for you? All opinions welcome.15:25.56 
sam_ I really like the simplicity of IRC and I already use it for a bunch of open source projects.15:26.20 
  As a distro maintainer, being able to just ping people here is really helpful, but I don't expect you to base your needs just off me :)15:26.37 
  It's also nice that I can use any medium I want, more or less, to get on IRC.15:26.53 
Robin_Watts sam_: I understand the "I am on irc already, so not having to swap platform is easy" argument. It's one I've already made to the people keen on changing.15:27.38 
malc_ Robin_Watts: i don't know about regular users sorry. personally i have never used discord and don't thing i will start unless there is a irc gateway of some sort15:27.42 
  ...*an* irc...15:28.20 
sam_ Robin_Watts: Definitely. I think it helps a lot that I need to be on IRC for a tonne of other projects, it's not just about not wanting to learn something new15:28.24 
  I do actually *have* Discord, and I find it kind of.. noisy?15:28.30 
  Like, it's a bit shinier than IRC, and I find it quite hard to just search for messages or anything.15:28.44 
Robin_Watts sam_: discord can at least be accessed without needing an account, and there are apps for web/windows/linux/mac/ios/android, so it is at least accessible.15:28.45 
  sam_: I hear you.15:28.57 
sam_ IMO Discord > Slack though, because Slack is way more awkward to sign up for as a casual user.15:28.58 
  And what you said about the platforms15:29.12 
Robin_Watts sam_: That is my feeling too.15:29.15 
malc_ Robin_Watts: if it aint broken... and all that jazz. my official name in passport is Ludit Retrogradovich Oldfaartov though15:30.52 
sam_ Robin_Watts: Hopefully it's a bit helpful to have someone outside actually saying these things. I was a bit upset by Mozilla ditching IRC too, but I also don't wanna just be a grouch, so it's not like I'll abstain if I need folks on some other service. :)15:31.42 
  I guess the real question is, are there people out there who want to communicate with you, who won't because of IRC?15:31.56 
  Or are they all sufficiently techy that IRC isn't a problem?15:32.03 
  A bridge would resolve any issues for me btw, and there's some out there I know of.15:32.24 
clam besides i have this doppelganger that makes sure i do not miss any juicy mussip15:32.26 
Robin_Watts sam_: You know of a discord to irc bridge?15:32.51 
  I have heard of slack -> irc bridges (though slack disabled their official one, AIUI).15:33.24 
sam_ There's a few, but let me find out what a channel I lurk in is actually using.15:33.26 
  this is like the Pidgin of bridges15:34.31 
  (or Adium/Bitlbee, if those were/are your thing.)15:34.43 
malc_ used Bitlbee even managed to use it with skype...15:36.34 
Robin_Watts sam_: Is that bridge something that each user has to install? Or something that I can install and set up just once, and it automatically mirrors all users/messages ?15:38.16 
sam_ Robin_Watts: You guys would run it, then on either side, messages would on this side look like: <mupdf_bot> [discord] <Robin_Watts> hi guys from Discord15:39.22 
  It's a bit low-tech in a way, but it works.15:39.34 
kens likes kiss15:40.34 
ator I found this https://github.com/reactiflux/discord-irc but haven't tried it15:44.02 
Wizzup Robin_Watts: I'm mostly idling here but I can say that for me as a users I wouldn't be in either discord or slack to report bugs or ask questions15:44.51 
kens ator that looks broadly similar15:45.07 
  I like the animation on their example15:45.34 
sh4rm4^bnc Robin_Watts, i'm strongly opposed to using web junk like discord15:47.44 
  one needs a bleeding edge browser to use it, and it sucks like 100% cpu while using it15:48.09 
  also you move from an open protocol to some corporate single-point-of-failure lock-in15:49.40 
  at least *currently* one can use it without registration, but that may change, and soon they'll ask for your phone and credit card number15:50.56 
  if the people demanding change like to use shiny emojis like on their smartphone, afaik they can also do that in clients like ixchat, or webbased ones like irccloud15:53.24 
ator sh4rm4^bnc: the most driving force behind the suggestion is reliable offline communication and searchable history, neither which the realtime nature of IRC provides.15:54.35 
  and the fact that there are no good IRC clients for portable devices; and of the ones that do you need to run an IRC bouncer to get something even remotely satisfying and that's a big ask for non-techies15:55.30 
sh4rm4^bnc s/ixchat/hexchat/15:55.40 
  don't you have a log already?15:56.01 
Robin_Watts sh4rm4^bnc: For public channels, yes.15:56.20 
kens yes, but the non-techies do't like that either15:56.20 
Robin_Watts For the private channel, we do too, but we can't search it in the same way (someone (probably me) would need to write a script)15:56.50 
clam is kind of glad that he finally had bitten the bullet and planted a doppelganger here and elsewhere...16:01.09 
  might be a non-starter for ssh deprived non-techies though... yes16:01.45 
Robin_Watts sam_: I'm struggling a bit here trying to get a bridge setup. Do you have access to an example one you could share, please? The exact irc runes are eluding me. it looks like it claims to be connecting (and passing SASL etc), but it's not actually joining the damn channel.18:55.38 
artifexirc-bot [discord] <RobinWatts> test message to discord #mupdf19:13.34 
Robin_Watts test message to irc #mupdf19:14.39 
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