Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/11/09)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/11/11)>>>20201110 
captainchris hi everybody12:06.28 
  anyone use zathura as pdf viewer12:06.37 
artifexirc-bot <sebras> @ator for thr record: I believe I've reviewed and LGTMed everything on tor/master.12:27.45 
  <sebras> /me figures @ator has forgotten12:28.21 
sebras figures @ator has forgotten12:29.17 
malc_ is once again bedazzled by "i believe i did something in the past.." construction.12:29.36 
sebras hm I need to lookup how to do/me using Discord, apparently this was not the way...12:30.47 
ator @sebras okay, thank you!12:31.27 
sebras malc_: I believe I've reviewed everything, but maybe I've missed something..?12:33.11 
ator @sebras https://discordia.me/en/chat-commands lists /me12:33.13 
sebras if so I'd like ator to remind me.12:33.25 
artifexirc-bot <ator> RAWR! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻12:34.05 
  <sebras> /me is not sure if it actually works...12:34.26 
malc_ sebras: that's not at all my initial interpretation, which was - i believe i did a, b, c OTOH maybe i'm approaching senility and really did nothing of the sort12:34.36 
artifexirc-bot <ator> Oops. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻12:34.42 
  <ator> Oops. ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)12:34.55 
  <ator> The table is now back.12:35.07 
artifexirc-bot <ator> is italic.12:35.27 
malc_ bloody kids with their kana and discord12:35.39 
ator that's all /me does12:35.39 
  that /tableflip built-in chat command must be very useful.12:36.02 
malc_ ator: it came out bold here, not italic12:36.03 
artifexirc-bot <sebras> like italic is useful and carriers over to IRC...? ¯\\_(ツ)\_/¯12:36.16 
ator malc_: wait, what, you have formatting in your IRC client?12:36.21 
malc_ ator: it's a bloody irc client inside by emacs (ERC) - ofcourse i do12:36.53 
ator @sebras I pushed those changes to origin/master on friday12:40.59 
malc_ italic bold hmmm12:49.43 
clam nope, can't yet produce it12:50.17 
Wizzup btw, not sure if you anyone here cares, but I brought up MRC compression in PDFs a while ago here, and I now mostly have it working with some python computer vision and mupdf, and tbh it's pretty competitive with the foxit/luratech pdf compressor, I can share the code later if anyone is interested12:52.45 
  (The jbig2 support helps a lot in the compression)12:52.56 
artifexirc-bot <sebras> @ator so you did. apparently I looked only at tor/master.12:53.22 
ator @sebras it's annoying how discord forces you to tab-complete when tagging people whereas the irc-bridge does it automagically12:54.03 
artifexirc-bot <sebras> mmm. with the IRC bridge I wonder if I'll ever give up IRC...12:56.00 
malc_ ator: lamenting the unfairness and annoying nature of te universe is a a tell tale sign of... sometihng12:56.01 
skejg ator: just in case, with those changes, mupdf now fails to build at all on macOS: https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70310813:16.49 
malc_ ator: it's possible to make github build mupdf on (every?) commit, so that breakage like the one skejg described won't go undetected, there are github actions that do that for llpp, though it wasn't developed by me13:21.32 
  ator: https://github.com/moosotc/llpp/commit/b18f2c7c24747bda449c4fb1a945063a4d9058c413:23.26 
  this should be bold13:42.45 
clam he13:43.22 
malc_ sorry13:43.36 
  inverted apparently those are mirc control codes of some kind13:48.57 
  ator, sebras: https://www.boblycat.org/~malc/scratch/irc-faces.png13:53.38 
ator skejg: stupid apple with their stupid tools again. empty libraries work on everything else...14:08.04 
skejg ator: while we are here, there also was another problem, exactly prior to these friday changes: https://bugs.ghostscript.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70309314:14.56 
  sorry for being a bit of a pain :)14:15.12 
ator skejg: hmm, I thought I'd answered that one before14:16.40 
  anyway, Apple's glut implementation doesn't support unicode and/or clipboard access14:16.55 
  we build a fork of freeglut which adds those, but freeglut doesn't have a macos port14:17.10 
  you may have some luck building the linux/unix version of freeglut with X11 and GLX, but I haven't tried it14:17.26 
malc_ ator: isn't xquartz deprecated?14:18.01 
skejg ator: I see, thanks! closing this one then?14:18.03 
ator skejg: I don't have (and don't want) any apple hardware, and want to stay as far away from Apple's ecosystem as I can :)14:18.39 
skejg :)14:19.11 
ator that said, if you can get it to work, I won't object to getting any patches in14:19.12 
skejg well, I'm exactly a developer... can do some small things but don't really program, unfortunately :)14:19.49 
ator but Xquartz was being deprecated and needed a separate install way back when I last did any Apple development nearing on 10 years ago now14:20.07 
malc_ skejg: i think you have missed "not" there14:20.44 
skejg malc_: probably missing it still? :) could you elaborate please?14:22.11 
malc_ skejg: "<skejg> well, I'm exactly a developer"14:22.54 
skejg oh yes :)14:24.03 
  sure thing, thanks! I'm certainly NOT a dev :)14:24.17 
malc_ skejg: have i implored you to try llpp yet? it does build on macos at least14:25.36 
skejg malc_: Thanks, I'll try it out!14:27.02 
malc_ skejg: please notify me if you'll manage to build it, tia14:28.36 
skejg malc_: OK14:29.41 
sam_ hi all. "#include "mujs.h" in platform/gl/gl-main.c is unconditional, is it right to then understand the gl frontend always needs mujs?16:33.44 
ator sam_: yes. it uses mujs to load and save navigation history and bookmarks as JSON.16:41.39 
malc_ ator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvL_Q5g2TH018:17.53 
sam_ ator: thank you18:25.59 
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