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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2020/12/08)Fwd 1 day (to 2020/12/10)>>>20201209 
SanDita How to create a new Page, write the Bitmap data into it and save it into the document?06:37.44 
  pdf_add_page how is it add bitmap data?08:29.51 
sebras SanDita: pdf_add_page() adds a page and its contents, but you also need to add the image itself.08:42.18 
  SanDita: if you want to do everything manually I suggest looking at source/tools/mucreate.c::create_page() since it shows how it calls add_image_res() (which calls other API functions), and then pdf_add_page().08:43.26 
  SanDita: if you don't need to do this in C, maybe mutool create is suitable. an alternative is to write a javascript and supply it to mutoolrun08:44.22 
SanDita this dir not this file08:59.49 
  this dir no this file09:00.25 
  pdf_document *document = pdf_open_document(ctx, fileName_);09:04.06 
  document, 2, pdfObj);09:04.07 
  The page I added with the above code is blank. I am sure that Pixmap is a piece of image data09:04.08 
sebras SanDita: http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=mupdf.git;a=blob;f=source/tools/pdfcreate.c;h=e98a8a3c5d1cdd68c306216f837d52d22d0a1ff1;hb=HEAD#l13909:05.58 
  this is create_page() from mutool create.09:06.18 
  as you can see it calls add_image_res() to add the image, and then pdf_add_page() to add the page.09:07.19 
  this just adds the image so it can be displayed on the page.09:08.16 
  to make it appear you also need to provide a suitable Contents string.09:08.30 
  you can see an example here: https://mupdf.com/docs/manual-mutool-create.html09:08.35 
  to know what operators to use you'll need to read the PDF Reference09:09.04 
  SanDita: if you want to script it, maybe this works for you? mutool convert -F pdf -o out.pdf pic.jpg09:13.46 
SanDita I am running MUPDF on android09:14.48 
  I want to transfer the JAVA Bitmap data to JNI and then create a new page of PDF and insert the PDF file and save09:15.39 
  Or is there an easier way to replace the data of a certain page09:31.19 
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