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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2021/06/08)Fwd 1 day (to 2021/06/10)>>>20210609 
artifexirc-bot <avih> ator: i think your mujs gh repo lacks the tag 1.1.305:10.04 
  <avih_> ator: how did you compile the data at mujs/utftype.c ?14:51.13 
  <avih_> is that exhaustive by some Unucode version N?14:51.38 
  <ator> avih: nowhere near complete, it's data from 2002-ish23:46.39 
  <ator> I've been meaning to getting around to doing something about it...23:46.56 
 <<<Back 1 day (to 2021/06/08)Forward 1 day (to 2021/06/10)>>> 
ghostscript.com #ghostscript