Log of #mupdf at irc.freenode.net.

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2021/06/10)Fwd 1 day (to 2021/06/12)>>>20210611 
artifexirc-bot <i.wont.tell> Hey guys, I have a question about mutools:00:28.11 
  <i.wont.tell> When we use mutool clean we have the params -c and -s but, what is the difference between those two? Would using -s imply the use of -c?00:28.11 
  <i.wont.tell> Kinda the same question with -A and -AA, would use -AA imply the use of -A?00:28.13 
artifexi- <clam> ator: https://tpaste.us/K5jo06:28.52 
  <clam> ator: stumbled upon the fact that with html font inside fz_stext_char is incorrect. happens when text is not handled by the css font and fitz falls back to charis sil09:59.26 
  <ator> clam: I'm on vacation the rest of the month. File bug reports or I will forget!10:48.55 
  <clam> ator: will do11:21.44 
  <cgdae> I'm looking at table detection for extract. A common technique uses opencv's `adaptiveThreshold()` as part of detecting table lines. I think it would be fairly easy to write a standalone implementation of what this does, but alternatively could we add opencv as a third-party library in mupdf?12:32.36 
  <cgdae> Later on the algorithm uses other opencv functions getStructuringElement(), erode(), dilate(), findContours().12:39.08 
  <Robin_Watts> Bringing in other dependencies is never done lightly.14:03.56 
  <Robin_Watts> but certainly you can try stuff by pulling it in, and we can reimplement to remove the requirement later if that's best.14:04.41 
  <cgdae> Ok, willdo. ta.14:19.03 
  <malc> is any of the avih around?18:15.24 
  <avih> i am18:15.32 
  <malc> avih: mind a shell related pm?18:16.07 
  <avih> sure, but why pm?18:16.25 
  <avih> well.. i.e. i don't mind, but i'd prefer non pm unless it actually requires privacy18:17.08 
  <malc> cause avih: cause it has little to do with mupdf and on top of that i get notifications (i'd get them in the wild too, but, alas, people stopped using "nick: " prefixing as of late)18:18.01 
  <avih> not sure i get the reasoning, but whatever. shoot in a pm :)18:18.55 
  <malc> avih: let me explain, it here, when you use "malc: " scheme my irc client does some magic so i get notified that someone has addressed me even if on another workspace (browsing the web for instance)18:21.11 
  <avih> i know what notifications are, but i'm not actually that interested in the reason. i understand you have one, so pm is fine. go ahead :)18:22.04 
  <malc> avih: i doubt that you know that my notifications involve (e)lisp, python filesystem fifo's and a lot of love, are completely bespoke and too dear to my heart to even begin to describe :)18:24.13 
  <avih> we all have our favorite setups. i don't judge :)18:24.48 
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