
MuPDF is written as an extensible framework for handling different document types. Each different document format provides a fz_document_handler structure that provides the required callbacks to recognise and open files of its supported type. For example:

extern fz_document_handler pdf_document_handler;
extern fz_do...
extern fz_document_handler svg_document_handler;

At startup, the calling program must register the required document handlers. It can either register them each individually, by repeatedly calling fz_register_document_handler:

fz_register_document_handler: Register a handler
for a d...
...t_handler(fz_context *ctx, const fz_document_handler *handler);

For example:

fz_register_document_handler(ctx, &pdf_document_handler);
... fz_register_document_handler(ctx, &svg_document_handler);

or, it can use a convenience function to register all the standard handlers enabled in a given build:

fz_register_document_handler: Register handlers
for all ...
... build.
void fz_register_document_handlers(fz_context *ctx);