
The core MuPDF library is designed for simplicity, portability, and ease of integration. For all these reasons, it has no global variables, has no thread library dependencies, and has a well defined exception system to handle runtime errors. Nonetheless, in order to be as useful as possible, clearly the library must have some state and needs to be able to take advantage of multi-threaded environments.

The solution to these seemingly conflicting requirements is the Context (fz_context).

Every caller to MuPDF should create a Context at the start of its use of the library, and destroy it at the end. This Context (or one `cloned' from it) will then be passed in to every MuPDF API call.

Global State
At its simplest, the Context contains global settings for the library. For instance, the default levels of anti-aliasing used by the text and line art rendering routines are set in the Context, as is the default style sheet for EPUB or FB2 files. In addition, the library stores its own private information there too.
Error handling
All error handling within MuPDF is done using the fz_tryfz_catch constructs; see ErrorHandling ErrorHandling for more details.

These constructs can be nested, so rely on an exception stack maintained within the context. As such it is vitally important that no two threads use the same context at the same time. See MultiThreading MultiThreading for more information.

When embedding MuPDF into a system it is often desirable to control the allocators used. A set of allocator functions can be provided to the Context at creation time, and all allocations will be performed using these. See MemoryManagement MemoryManagement for more information.

The Store
MuPDF uses a memory cache to aid performance, and to avoid repeated decoding of resources from the file. The store is maintained using the context, and shared between a context and its clones. See MemoryManagement MemoryManagement for more information.

MuPDF does not rely on threading itself, but it can be used in a multi-threaded environment to give significant performance improvements. Any thread library can be used with MuPDF. A set of lockingunlocking functions must be passed to the context at creation time, and the library will use these to ensure it is thread safe. See MultiThreading MultiThreading for more information.