
While MuPDF is running, it holds various objects in memory, and passes them between its various components. For instance, MuPDF might read a path definition in in the PDF interpreter, and pass it first into the display list and then on into the renderer.

To avoid needless copying of data, a reference counting scheme is used. Each significant object has a reference count, so that when one area of the code retains a reference to something (perhaps the display list), the data need not be copied wholesale. In the above example, the PDF interpreter might hold one reference, and first the display list and then the renderer might take others. Some references are held just for a short length of time, but others can persist for a much longer period.

During the course of displaying files, MuPDF loads various resources into memory, such as fonts and images. By holding these resources in memory throughout the processing of the file we can avoid reloading them each time they are required.

As the document is rendered, more memory is needed to hold rendered versions of glyphs from the font, or decoded versions of images. By keeping these decoded versions around in memory, we can avoid the need to re-decode them the next time we need the same glyph, or the same image.

Keeping all this data around can end up using a large amount of memory, which may be infeasible for some systems. Equally, not keeping any of it around will result in a drastic performance drop.

The solution is to keep as much around as can conveniently fit in memory, but not so much that we start to run out for other needs. MuPDF achieves this using a mechanism known as “The Store”.

The Store is a mechanism for holding blocks of data likely to be reusable. Whenever MuPDF needs such a block of data, it checks the Store to see if the data is there already - if it is, it can be instantly reused. If not the code forms the data itself (loading it, calculating it, or decoding it etc), and then puts it into the Store.

The MuPDF allocation code is tied into the Store, so that if an allocation ever fails, objects are evicted from the Store, and the allocation retried. This `scavenging' of memory means that we can safely keep lots of cached data around without ever worrying that it will cause us to run out of memory.