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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/05/07)2014/05/08 
mvrhel_laptop blah. a bit of work to make sure gsview is set up for 64bit and 32bit and to make sure things are handled gracefully if DLLs are missing or we have a mismatch06:11.04 
  not hard just a bit of abstraction06:11.24 
  done for the night though06:11.37 
kens2 chrisl there is (I hope) a commit on my repository to handle RGB images08:57.36 
frederick_sim Hi, I wanted to use muPDF on Xamarin platform08:59.24 
chrisl kens2: yep, got it09:00.37 
kens2 aha, thanks chrisl, good to know I didn't mess that up09:00.55 
  chrisl I looked at trying to get the JPEG decoder memory sorted out, and got thoroughly lost :-(09:01.18 
chrisl kens2: I looked at that a while back, and got pulled off onto something else - I'll look at it next09:01.54 
kens2 When you have time it would help, a lot of my test files keep falling into it. I'm going to look at Indexed colour now, I have a test case for that.09:02.29 
Robin_Watts frederick_sim: OK...09:10.00 
chrisl kens2: do you happen to have a simple test with only a jpeg image in it? Save me searching one out?09:10.53 
kens2 Offhand no, sorry09:11.03 
  every time I come across one I reject it and find another test file09:11.29 
chrisl OKay, I'm trying to find one without transparency or other nonsense in it09:11.53 
kens2 just a second I'll look as well09:12.09 
frederick_sim i downloaded the source it's in android NDK09:13.08 
  just wondering how to change it into xamarin android project09:13.37 
kens2 chrisl 01_0001.pdf looks plausible09:13.59 
Robin_Watts frederick_sim: I know nothing about xamarin, just looking now.09:14.40 
  So it's a C# based system?09:14.45 
chrisl kens2: I don't seem to have that - is it in tests_private?09:15.04 
kens2 that's what the web site syas ;-)09:15.04 
  It might be jst mine chrisl09:15.13 
  and it has an SMask, so froget that09:15.32 
jhabjan hi, anyone here knows in which gs release "gsapi_set_arg_encoding" api is introduced?09:15.37 
Robin_Watts frederick_sim: MuPDF is entirely written in C.09:15.38 
  jhabjan: 9.10 or later, IIRC.09:16.01 
chrisl kens2: don't worry about it, I'll have a file I can use somewhere09:16.12 
kens2 Maybe Bug688159.pdf, just a mo09:16.26 
Robin_Watts frederick_sim: So unless you plan to rewrite it into C# (or unless Xamarin supports C, which seems unlikely) I think you're out of luck.09:16.34 
jhabjan Robin_Watts: thanks09:17.04 
kens2 chrisl, yes Bug688159.pdf is a simple JPEG image and nothing else09:17.21 
  D'oh that's a JPX file, not JPEG, oops09:17.57 
chrisl kens2: it's okay, I think I've found one - it's got an ICC color space, but I don't suppose that matters for this09:18.18 
kens2 No, that'll be fine09:18.27 
  I think it barfs long before we get anywhere near worrying about that09:18.44 
chrisl I'll make a start this afternoon09:19.17 
kens2 OK thanks (back to colour spaces...)09:19.30 
tor8 sebras: because they're not part of adobe's set of files...09:57.35 
  for some reason they're missing, along with Adobe-Japan2-009:57.54 
  the Hojo files seem related to the Japan-2 CID set, which I think was released but then obsoleted so we might be able to get away with deleting the Hojo CMaps10:02.10 
sebras tor8: why don't we use jxrlib for jpeg xr in mupdf?10:22.01 
  tor8: I thought there was a licensing problem preventing us from using it..?10:22.14 
chrisl sebras: tor8 doesn't like jpegxr and would prefer it didn't exist..... ;-)10:22.57 
sebras chrisl: right, but it seems like it would be useful to be able to decode them.10:23.25 
chrisl gxps can.....10:23.51 
sebras chrisl: true.10:24.47 
chrisl sebras: 'course it's the just M$ code. I *think* the license is not compatible with the GPL, and not sufficiently open for Debian and the like10:26.04 
frederick_sim @Robin_Watts thanks10:26.06 
sebras chrisl: it is licensed under New BSD and under their patent promise.10:26.36 
  chrisl: there are links to this at the bottom om the wikipedia page. I haven't read the references though.10:26.56 
kens2 That sounds like it has changed, I don't remember it being like that before10:27.24 
chrisl It always was fairly permissive: " copy, distribute, and make derivative works"10:28.51 
  But I think the problem was: only in products "claiming conformance to the JPEG XR standard"10:29.43 
tor8 sebras: I took a brief look at jxrlib and it looks like it's the same code as the reference implementation10:34.40 
  which is absolutely dreadful garbage code10:34.51 
chrisl But is does seem to be under a more permissive license than the original release10:35.32 
tor8 with a new bsd license without the "only if you conform to JPEG XR and don't extend" clause it might be usable10:35.39 
  oh, it looks like they've cleaned up most of the warnings too10:37.19 
  but they still massively pollute the namespace with public functions that ought to be private10:38.02 
  my bad, none of the functions we use in the gxps implementation exist, so I guess it really must be a different code base10:40.55 
Robin_Watts tor8: In what way don't we conform to JPEG XR ?10:42.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that clause is incompatible with debians license guidelines10:42.39 
Robin_Watts oh, right, well, debian. pfft.10:42.53 
tor8 oh, I think what I might have confused me. the official WMP dev kit is what this code looks like, not the ITU reference implementation10:43.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: hey! I use debian. :)10:43.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: might also make it incompatible with GPL10:43.21 
  back when JPEG-XR was still called windows media photo10:44.04 
  or maybe it was when it was called HD-Photo10:44.19 
  what is it with microsoft and never settling on a name for something?10:44.33 
chrisl I think the BSD licenses are accepted by Debian10:44.52 
  As long as it's not "based on BSD with further restrictions"......10:45.29 
tor8 yeah. the problem with this code, if it's not improved since the original WMP SDK release ... it makes libpng look sane.10:46.07 
  the interface is just plain impossible, and you need THOUSANDS of lines of boilerplate just to decode the image10:46.32 
  well, thousands may be an exagerration, but the sample code is full of beautiful examples like this:10:47.43 
  Call( PKCreateFactory(&pFactory, PK_SDK_VERSION) );10:47.50 
  Call( PKCreateCodecFactory(&pCodecFactory, WMP_SDK_VERSION) );10:47.58 
chrisl But JPEG XR is required by XPS, so if you're supporting XPS......10:48.05 
tor8 Call( pDecoder->GetPixelFormat(pDecoder, &pix_frmt) );10:48.06 
  chrisl: yeah...10:48.27 
  there is a bug open for it :)10:48.34 
chrisl tor8: you could always drop XPS support......10:48.56 
kens2 tor8 2 questions related to indexed colour and Fitz:10:51.51 
  1) in fz_ghost_fill_image, if the indexed space is not a RGB base space, will the indexed->base point to the original space ?10:51.51 
  2) When the image does have an RGB base space, is the lookup table RGBa rather than RGB10:51.51 
tor8 the lookup table is RGB (or CMYK) or whatever number of components the base space has. no alpha channel.10:54.11 
kens2 OK that helps thanks. I guess I must be doing sdomething else wrong then10:54.41 
tor8 kens2: are you calling fz_new_pixmap_from_image?10:55.35 
kens2 Umm, not sure.10:55.44 
  One moment10:55.47 
  ATM I@m calling fz_image_get_+pixmap() Unless image->tile is non-NULL10:56.21 
tor8 I expect you do (or some variant of it) or you'll have compressed image data10:56.44 
kens2 Which I believe means its already cached10:56.45 
  Nope, just calling get_pixmap10:57.12 
tor8 kens2: that's what fz_new_pixmap_from_image calls10:57.38 
kens2 OK, would I be better wiht the higher level call ?10:57.57 
tor8 source/fitz/draw-device.c has a (more complicated than you need) example of how things fit together10:58.05 
kens2 I see this one doing decompression10:58.07 
tor8 kens2: yes, I think you'd be better off with the higher level call10:58.36 
  then we do all sorts of pixmap scaling and color conversion into the destination colorspace10:58.49 
kens2 OK I@ll look at that. Not sure why I'm using this one10:58.52 
tor8 which you can safely ignore10:58.56 
kens2 Eeek, I don't want colour conversion or scaling10:59.04 
tor8 yeah. so don't call fz_transform_pixmap or fz_convert_pixmap :)10:59.41 
kens2 OK.....10:59.56 
tor8 but new_pixmap_from_image does the decompression into a color+alpha pixmap11:00.02 
kens2 I'm already getting that for RGB (and undoing it again)11:00.21 
tor8 but I think your original question was about the colorspace11:00.22 
kens2 Sort of, it was limited to Indexed spaces, as the others seem OK at the moment11:00.39 
tor8 yeah. if you want you could run fz_convert_pixmap on the indexed colorspace to get it into the base colorspace11:00.59 
kens2 I'd prefer just to manufacture an indexed space to send to GS11:01.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts has the details of this more fresh in his head I think, he's messed quite a bit with the image/pixmap conversion steps11:01.32 
kens2 I'm creating the space myself now, and it all 'works' but the output looks incorrect.11:01.55 
Robin_Watts mmm, sorry? what ?11:02.21 
tor8 the indexed colorspace in mupdf is basically just a base colorspace + packed unsigned char lookup table11:03.14 
Robin_Watts Conceptually fz_images are just handles to an image. You should call fz_new_pixmap_from_image to get a pixmap.11:03.29 
kens2 That's what I thought, and I'm just pulling the data into an equivalent GS colour space, so it *ought* to work.....11:03.42 
Robin_Watts The specific method used is intended to be hidden as an implementation detail.11:03.56 
tor8 indexed image data is of the form (index, alpha) per pixel11:04.27 
  unless Robin_Watts has changed that while I wasn't looking 11:04.41 
kens2 AH, that would be it then, I haven't stripped the alpha11:04.42 
  Where does alpha live with a CMYK image ?11:05.01 
tor8 kens2: yeah. for simplicity in implementation all fz_pixmaps have an alpha channel11:05.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: Nope, not messed with that.11:05.06 
tor8 alpha is always last11:05.19 
Robin_Watts Alpha is always the last entry.11:05.21 
kens2 OK so I need to strip alpha for all num_components, I'm only doing it for RGB at the moment11:05.31 
Robin_Watts It used to be the first, but we changed that for some reason.11:05.35 
kens2 Robin_Watts : SO I gathered, hence my email to tech this morning11:05.42 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I believe so we would have fewer mismatches with other APIs that expect alpha last11:06.04 
  like PNG and GDI+ and OpenGL11:06.12 
Robin_Watts kens2: I ignored that, cos it looked like a gs thing.11:06.41 
kens2 Robin_Watts : it is....11:06.47 
tor8 kens2: you might want to check if any of the alpha values are != 255 ... some image formats have an embedded softmask channel11:07.07 
Robin_Watts yeah, I didn't realise this was a mooscript thing.11:07.07 
tor8 and I'm not sure if we have a flag for that11:07.12 
kens2 I was trying to tell GS to use an RGBa image, and have it drop the alpha rather than me doing it11:07.13 
  tor8 that's waaaay beyond where I am at the moment :-)11:07.37 
tor8 kens2: okay :)11:07.46 
kens2 will be happy to get a few more basic images working today11:08.04 
tor8 I think it only happens for JPEG2000 in PDF, and we apply the color key transparency on the alpha channel when decoding11:08.34 
kens2 Well, given that JPEG decoding doesn't work yet, I'm not going to worry about JPX11:09.08 
chrisl I don't think the graphics library currently handles images with an alpha channel - hence JPX images with alpha we have to decompress twice, once to setup a softmask from the alpha, and a second time to get the image samples11:09.25 
tor8 is it just me or is the cluster behaving oddly today?11:09.48 
kens2 That can be done at the time I guess. I can check for alpah while I strip it and abort and retry if its no 25511:10.02 
  For now I plan to ignore it, still fumbling through at this point.11:10.25 
tor8 you could restart and split out the alpha channel if it is not all solid11:10.29 
chrisl tor8: I haven't used the cluster today - odd in what way?11:10.29 
tor8 chrisl: I'm getting thousands of diffs where I expect none, in files that shouldn't be affected in any way by the patch11:10.54 
  I have added a few CMap resources, and am seeing LOTS of diffs11:11.22 
chrisl In XPS files, too......11:11.39 
tor8 let's see if bmpcmp tells me anything11:11.43 
kens2 I haven't done a cluster push recently11:11.45 
  Is it only at 300 dpi, or 72 as well ?11:12.14 
  Hmm, no both, very odd11:12.46 
chrisl And these aren't the new tests marcosw added - or maybe they are new for mupdf??11:13.23 
tor8 I have no idea11:13.46 
  they don't look new. I've seen the Ghent files in previous clusterpush diffs11:14.01 
kens2 Some of them can't be new, the bug693006.pdf for example11:14.13 
  CityMap is not new either11:14.28 
  in faxt none of them look new11:14.44 
  Want me to try a GS push and see what happens ?11:15.10 
chrisl They may not be new to us, but I thought they might be new to mupdf - but no, there's a bunch of sumatra tests in there11:15.39 
  Could be indeterminisms11:16.00 
kens2 I didn't think MuPDF had any11:16.23 
Robin_Watts tor8: Have you got my fast_cmyk_to_rgb fix in?11:20.58 
  If you push a vanilla tree does it show 0 diffs?11:21.14 
kens2 Hmm looks like I have a black/white mixup, white is coming out grey and black is coming out white11:22.54 
  Oh, and half my image is corrupted :-(11:23.11 
  Time to make a reduced test file I think11:23.37 
  After lunch11:23.42 
  tor shadings seem different at a first glance.11:27.32 
  Not wrong, just different11:27.39 
  Actually I take that back, its the reference images that look different11:28.10 
  change in a JPEG/JPX decoder maybe ?11:29.00 
DaDaDadeo I found a discussion that jroo successfully cross compiled ghostpdl back on 2014/03/12. I am able to create teh pcl6 binary, but it only runs on the build machine.11:34.30 
Robin_Watts DaDaDadeo: Then you aren't cross compiling it :)11:35.42 
DaDaDadeo I believe the arch.h file is not set correctly. I am stuck on "manually generate arch.h" with my level of experience. I am trying to run pcl6 on an ARM9.11:36.36 
Robin_Watts essentially you should ensure that CC is set to the compiler you want to use for building target binaries, and CCAUX is set to the compiler you want to use for building binaries on the host machine.11:36.37 
  ARM9 LE ? compiling on an x86 PC?11:37.22 
DaDaDadeo my configuration completes with no errors with this: ./configure CC=arm-linux-gcc CCLD=arm-linux-gcc CCAUX=gcc --host=arm-linux --target=arm-linux --without-x11:38.25 
Robin_Watts DaDaDadeo: You're building on a PC? then the --host looks wrong to me.11:40.00 
DaDaDadeo Yes. I am using a PC for an ARM9 LE11:40.43 
Robin_Watts 32 or 64bit OS on the PC ?11:41.11 
chrisl DaDaDadeo: I don't think you can cross compile just from the configure script - I'm fairly sure we don't support that (yet). You'll need to edit Makefiles, too11:41.24 
Robin_Watts If it's a 32bit PC, then you'll probably find that the arch.h is pretty much right. If it's a 64bit PC, probably not.11:42.01 
DaDaDadeo chrisl may have provided what I feared most. I will have to dig in then.11:44.30 
chrisl DaDaDadeo: there is a (slightly vague and incomplete) overview at the bottom of the page here: 
DaDaDadeo The FAQ was one of my first finds. I found the discussion you had with jroo (web search) that started on 2014/03/11 and jroo described the CC the next day. I 11:49.47 
chrisl DaDaDadeo: the ghostpcl/ghostxps builds are slightly harder than the ghostscript one to cross compile, but it shouldn't be hugely difficult11:51.32 
DaDaDadeo chrisl mentioned that you can leave out libtiff, I try using --without-system-libtiff in the main configuration but the log indicates it does not recognize the command.11:53.49 
chrisl DaDaDadeo: that doesn't leave out libtiff. I think you'll need to remove the tiff devices from the makefile(s). But I think if you use the libtiff we ship, it should be okay.11:55.06 
  Also, --without-x won't have an effect on the ghostpcl build either11:57.21 
DaDaDadeo There are two locations that I can congigure. First is the main folder and then the gs folder. When I configure in the main folder, I get an error regarding libitff because of the --host. I can then configure on the gs folder with no libtiff error. Either way. i still get a working pcl6 binary (PC only)11:58.14 
chrisl configure in the gs directory is for gs, not ghostpcl11:58.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes, your fast_cmyk_to_rgb fix is in12:01.30 
  the bmpcmp makes me think something's going on with jpeg decoding...12:01.42 
kens2 tor8 it looks like JPEG decodingto me12:02.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: Are you git submodule updated?12:03.12 
kens2 Inthe large images the diffs are at what look like tile boundaries12:03.15 
Robin_Watts Are you using or gitpush ?12:03.28 
tor8 kens2: which is odd, since that hasn't changed... but maybe there are git submodule or stale build configuration stuff around12:03.31 
  I have never gotten around to setting up gitpush12:03.40 
Robin_Watts will push your local jpeg libs too, I believe.12:04.03 
tor8 yes. and now I see what's wrong!12:04.24 
  I've managed to mess up my submodules so it's picking up the system libjpeg12:04.36 
Robin_Watts ah!12:05.04 
tor8 maybe that gitpush thing would be worth setting up!12:05.27 
Robin_Watts gitpush has other foibles :)12:05.53 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so, the commits on tor/master, I could use some opinions here12:09.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: which ones specifically?12:10.42 
tor8 I have added the UTF8 and UTF32 CMap resources, but there is a handful of ones I'm reluctant to put in (they're on tor/cmap-japanese-utf8) because they are all so big12:10.43 
  and the removal of the adobe-japan-2 based ones12:11.01 
  gs doesn't ship those, but I vaguely recall having added them in due to some bug report or other12:11.23 
  but I can't be 100% certain12:11.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: does a git history give any clues? bug number in the commit message?12:11.53 
tor8 it just says "add new open source cmap resources"12:12.04 
  so I think I've added them with no real concern12:12.10 
Robin_Watts We crunch the cmaps, right? They don't go into the exes in their raw forms.12:15.04 
tor8 yeah. but adding in the extra JISX2004 and JISX0213 tack on another 700k12:15.31 
  might be balanced out by dropping the Hojo CMaps though12:15.50 
Robin_Watts will there not be files out there that use these old cmaps ?12:16.26 
tor8 that's what I don't know12:16.43 
Robin_Watts We don't have mechanisms for loading external CMAPs do we ?12:17.26 
  MUPDF_CMAP_DIR or something.12:17.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we do, but because that entails runtime configuration of a directory we don't12:17.56 
  well, we have functions to load them, but not to actually locate the files12:18.19 
Robin_Watts If we added an environment var, then we could feel happier about dropping cmaps from the exes.12:18.33 
  keep the exes small etc.12:18.50 
tor8 the UTF-8 cmaps have other issues (they use input ranges >16 bit)12:19.32 
  yeah, but then we lose the single self contained binary benefits12:19.58 
  so I'm thinking we probably need to extend the pdf_cmap datastructure with 32-bit ranges as well12:20.19 
  that would be zero for most cmaps, but having a separate 32-bit range array would save us the bloat of making all ranges 32-bit12:20.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: All the commits in tor/master look fine to me (except the CMAP ones we are discussing)12:20.56 
  tor8: I concur.12:21.09 
tor8 thanks. I'll rebase and push the non-cmap ones12:21.23 
Robin_Watts Supporting the larger cmaps would be nice.12:21.43 
tor8 yeah. it's been annoying me that we don't.12:22.04 
Robin_Watts Part of me says "put all the cmaps in the exe and be done with it. We're not transferring stuff on floppies anymore."12:22.10 
tor8 but I've been reluctant to double the size of the cmap data structures just to get a few more bits in12:22.36 
  then I thought of having two separately sized arrays yesterday12:22.48 
Robin_Watts Part of me says "Have the smallest sane set in the exe and then a complete set optionally on disc".12:22.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: you're probably right.12:22.57 
chrisl You already have a build option to exclude CMaps, don't you?12:23.22 
Robin_Watts I wonder if we can be more cunning, and share sections from CMAPs.12:23.45 
tor8 chrisl: yeah, we do. -DNOCJK12:23.45 
  Robin_Watts: many of them already do with "usecmap"12:24.04 
Robin_Watts i.e. if lots of the cmaps have overlapping sections, can we combine them?12:24.10 
chrisl tor8: so -DNOOBSOLETECMAPS or something12:24.19 
Robin_Watts tor8: our compressed versions will not respect that though.12:24.20 
tor8 but maybe we could massage them and find ones that are pure subsets of others, and just use the superset12:24.24 
  the compressed versions also have the chained usecmap lookups12:24.50 
Robin_Watts OK, so it doesn't cost us much then.12:25.01 
  I wonder, are there more common areas we could identify?12:25.22 
tor8 the problem is it looks like these "newer" UTF-8 and UTF-32 cmaps are all autogenerated with no concern for size12:25.25 
  I suspect the various JIS flavours could be combined without too many adverse effects12:25.46 
  the Hojo CMap files are not available for download anymore, so I suspect we could drop them with no-one being the wiser12:26.47 
chrisl tor8: how many Hojo CMaps were there?12:28.02 
tor8 Hojo-[HV], Hojo-EUC-[HV] and UniHojo-(UCS2|UTF16)-[HV]12:28.57 
  all of the -H ones are pretty big, the -V are just usecmap with a dozen glyph overrides12:29.33 
chrisl In gs, we only have UniHojo-UCS2-H12:29.44 
  IIRC, we dropped a few obsolete cmaps a two or three years ago12:30.09 
  kens2: this libjpeg problem is going to be a ball-ache :-(12:39.46 
kens2 chrisl I suspected as much after my quick inspection13:08.48 
  Robin_Watts : tor8 it looks like fz_image_get_pixmap is not returning the indexed data, it seems to be expanding it to RGB (possibly RGBa)13:10.38 
tor8 kens2: what does the colorspace field of the pixmap point to?13:11.41 
kens2 Yes, in fz_decomp_image_from_stream if indexed then it calls fz_decode_indexed_tile and fz_expand_indexed_pixmap13:12.08 
  tor8 its an Indexzed space with an RGB base13:12.16 
tor8 the image->colorspace might be different from the pixmap->colorspace13:12.38 
  if it's been expanded, the pixmap->colorspace would be rgb13:13.00 
kens2 Hmm, OK but how (can) I get the original data, but uncompressed ?13:13.05 
  just a moment, I'll have to debug to that point13:13.14 
  Yes the tile colour space is RGB13:13.42 
Robin_Watts kens2: Yeah, we can't plot indexed colors in fitz.13:14.51 
kens2 I guess I cna work with that instead of the image colour space, I@m not sure what effect it'll have on pdfwrite13:14.53 
Robin_Watts so everything goes to rgb.13:14.59 
kens2 Robin_Watts : I really don't want everything in RGB, if its Indexed CMYK I need it as CMYK13:15.16 
Robin_Watts sorry, everything goes to rgb or cmyk or greyscale.13:15.30 
kens2 In the long run I'll need Separation and DeviceN too13:15.31 
Robin_Watts bah. Let me rephrase. everything goes to a non-indexed space.13:15.53 
tor8 all indexed images will get converted into its base colorspace13:15.56 
Robin_Watts what tor8 said :)13:16.03 
kens2 non-indexed I cna live with13:16.04 
tor8 the conversion to the output colorspace happens later in fitz13:16.30 
Robin_Watts I could make it so that you can optionally get the indexed data out.13:16.40 
kens2 I don't remember what pdfwrite does with Indexed spaces, I can check that later.13:16.42 
  Robin_Watts : I don't think I'm that bothered, at least not yet13:16.54 
  Maybe in the future for efficientcy, but now I understand what's going on I have some hope of getting realistic images out :-)13:17.18 
chrisl IIRC, indexed images are unpacked before passing into the graphics, so pdfwrite has heuristics to spot and recreate them13:18.11 
kens2 goes off to refactor the code..... One day I'll have to rewrite this properly13:18.17 
chrisl s/graphics/graphics lib13:18.20 
kens2 chrisl I'm not certain it does convert back to /Indexed at all, but maybe.....13:18.39 
  I have a sneaky suspicion there's an open enhancement request that it should13:19.04 
chrisl Oh, maybe it was distdv that did that.....13:19.15 
kens2 distdv certainly did13:19.22 
  IIRC it could look at the original colour space (ort passed it down via a USER message, or something like that)13:19.56 
  If memory serves, pdfwrite just doesn't ever see the information though13:20.17 
chrisl No, I think that's correct13:21.00 
kens2 Anyway, quick hackery in progress :-)13:21.28 
  Well, its come out all red, but its recognisable.....13:28.12 
  Oh, and there are blocks missing, that's weird13:29.04 
tor8 Robin_Watts: kens2: I can't remember, but do we use premultiplied alpha?13:33.51 
Robin_Watts I fear we do.13:34.04 
kens2 Urgh#13:34.10 
tor8 shouldn't matter at the moment, but when you split the alpha channel out you might have to undivide13:34.19 
kens2 Indeed :-(13:34.26 
  Well I was planning to store and insepct the alpha at the same time anyway, so, that's life13:34.44 
  At current rate of progress it's going to be quite a while before I need to worry about it13:35.15 
  I cna't quite figure out how I can have an image os nearly correc,t and yet still be wrong. I guess I need a simpler case.13:35.52 
  OK dumb question time. I've been using the image decode array from the source image, but obviously that;s not going to work for retrieving a pixmap. Can I assume the decode for the retrieved pixmap is always 0->255 ? Or should that more reasonably be 0->2^bits per component ?13:58.30 
tor8 the fz_pixmap data is always 0..255, all decode stuff has happened already13:59.04 
kens2 OK so 0..255 even for 12 or 16 bit input, and even for gray colour spaces ?13:59.32 
tor8 it's a todo project to add 1bpp and 16bpp spaces13:59.42 
Robin_Watts kens2: You shouldn't be using anything from inside the fz_image. Just get the pixmap from it and work with that.13:59.45 
kens2 Robin_Watts : I need to know what the pixmap is in13:59.58 
Robin_Watts what *colorspace* the pixmap is in?14:00.14 
  pixmap->colorspace ?14:00.18 
tor8 the pixmap is always color+alpha, 0..25514:00.31 
kens2 Yes, but also what the samples are encoded as14:00.32 
  THanks tor814:00.41 
Robin_Watts Everything you need to understand the content of the pixmap is in the pixmap.14:01.03 
  unless I'm missing something...14:01.12 
kens2 No you are probably correct, but that's not what I was doing previously, and I still need ot know how the pixmap is encoded, which is what tor just told me14:01.45 
  Now I know how to present that data to GS14:02.07 
chrisl It seems to me that this isn't going to scale well to Separation and DeviceN spaces.......14:03.04 
kens2 I don't see any way they can work at present14:03.17 
Robin_Watts chrisl: images in separation or devicen spaces decode to pixmaps in separation+alpha or devicen + alpha.14:05.22 
  where do you see the problem?14:05.38 
kens2 OK well I haven't got that far yet, but is hould be easy to add them. Manufacturing a GS colour space will be more interesting14:05.49 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I thought pixmaps were always in the device color space14:06.13 
kens2 No they are in teh 'base' space14:06.23 
  So Indexed gets decoded, other ones don't (or sa I understand, I could bw wrong)14:06.44 
  I'm not sure what happens with ICCBased spaces yet either14:07.05 
tor8 kens2: yeah, mainly because indexed images can't be interpolated for scaling14:07.17 
kens2 Quite so.14:07.26 
tor8 and the same for color keyed transparency, which is why we flatten that into an alpha channel14:07.51 
kens2 Well, that comprehensively broke my code ;-) at least seg faults are easy to locate14:07.53 
  ah num_planes is incorrect14:08.14 
chrisl So, at what point are DeviceN images, for example, converted to the "final" color space?14:08.21 
kens2 During rendering I think14:08.30 
  same as other cases where the image space doesn't match the selected device space14:08.49 
tor8 chrisl: after decoding, before scaling and rendering14:09.03 
chrisl I suppose it is easier with PDF than with Postscript.....14:09.16 
  So, The only way I can see to make libjpeg work is to take jpeg decoding out of the hands of fitz and do it explicitly in the fz_ghost_fill_image() method :-(14:10.09 
kens2 Oh.....14:10.27 
Robin_Watts chrisl: What's the problem with libjpeg?14:10.36 
kens2 That's going to be painful14:10.38 
  Robin_Watts : not libjpeg exactly14:10.45 
  Its thememory usage when both GS and MuPDF are present14:11.02 
chrisl Robin_Watts: memory management - ghostscript fudges the memory management to it uses the gs memory manager14:11.21 
Robin_Watts chrisl: And this is a problem with mooscript... why?14:11.40 
  presumably with mooscript you're overriding fz_malloc etc to use the gs memory manager too ?14:12.02 
chrisl Robin_Watts: because the only interface we have between mupdf and gs graphics lib is via the fz_device interface14:12.25 
  Robin_Watts: I haven't hooked the mupdf memory management yet14:12.52 
  But that wouldn't matter14:12.59 
Robin_Watts In order to create an fz_device, you must have an fz_context.14:13.14 
  and the memory management is setup in the fz_context creation.14:13.27 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Yes, but all the libjpeg setup is done in the fitz calls - so the libjpeg "private" data is set to the fitz context, not the gs context the code expects14:15.24 
Robin_Watts i'm a tad confused.14:18.25 
  as ever.14:18.28 
kens2 I was confused shortly after following the code, but what chrisl says makes sense to me (now)14:18.47 
Robin_Watts fitz sets up libjpeg only just before it calls libjpeg to do decoding.14:19.03 
kens2 Its probably clearer if you try debugging the mooscript code and see the flow14:19.06 
Robin_Watts hence surely fitz should setup libjpeg for its calls, and gs should setup libjpeg for its calls.14:19.34 
  or are fitz calls somehow ending up in gs or something?14:19.53 
kens2 suspects its the GS hackery14:19.56 
ray_laptop morning, all14:20.19 
kens2 Morning ray14:20.26 
Robin_Watts morning ray14:20.37 
ray_laptop kens2: Sorry about that pdfwrite bug I tripped over. I hope it's not too nasty14:20.46 
kens2 WOohoo indexed image now working :-)14:20.53 
  ray_laptop : I'm ignoring it for now :-)14:21.02 
chrisl It *is* gs hackery - libjpeg doesn't allow the memory management calls to be "hooked", so when we're building with our (gs) libjpeg source, we leave out the libjpeg memory management source files, and build in our own versions.14:21.24 
ray_laptop kens2: when was indexed images not working ?14:21.27 
chrisl Robin_Watts: ^^14:21.29 
kens2 ray_laptop : Mooscript; never worked14:21.43 
ray_laptop kens2: oh, mooscript. Cool14:21.57 
kens2 I believe Gray, RGB, CMYK and Indexed images now work14:22.16 
  more omcplex cases await further work14:22.25 
  Part of which is the JPEG stuff chrisl is talking about14:22.49 
ray_laptop kens2: yeah, like separation color spaces ?14:22.53 
kens2 Yep, and DeviceN, and chroma-key and, and, and.....14:23.15 
Robin_Watts So libjpeg under mupdf is not going through the fz malloc stuff?14:23.21 
chrisl Unless you've got similar hackery in there14:23.39 
ray_laptop how about the JPXDecode nonsense where the data defines the colorspace differently to the PDF Image dict ?14:23.43 
kens2 That's up to MuPDF :-)14:23.55 
  I'm only going by what it hands me for a colour space14:24.10 
ray_laptop kens2: I see. So it's already "resolved" correctly by the time you get it14:24.20 
kens2 Resolved, decoded, uncompressed.....14:24.32 
Robin_Watts chrisl: OK, so how about we write a common bit of hackery.14:24.36 
  If MuPDF is having libjpeg call malloc/free then we need to fix that.14:25.49 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'm not sure, that might work.14:26.01 
  Robin_Watts: it is possible you have similar stuff in there already - mooscript is using the libs and their builds from the ghostscript world...14:26.53 
Robin_Watts if we could write the bit of libjpeg that you'd really hope was there (where you pass in malloc/free pointers) then we can use the same piece of code for both gs and mupdf.14:27.09 
  I can't immediately see it :)14:27.15 
chrisl I'd possible have more success if I was in the correct directory.....14:27.38 
Robin_Watts Yeah, we're calling jmemnobs.c which calls malloc. How shite is that?14:27.41 
tor8 chrisl: how do you handle the case with a system libjpeg?14:28.01 
kens2 Badly ? :-)14:28.09 
chrisl tor8: the memory management calls aren't built when SHARE_JPEG==114:28.34 
kens2 Possibly it just uses malloc in that case I guess14:28.35 
chrisl Yes, so it goes off to the "normal" libjpeg implementation14:28.54 
Robin_Watts chrisl: This would seem a nicer fix than having to do major surgery?14:29.12 
kens2 The major surgery chrisl was descirbing woudl be 'painful' at best14:29.35 
  I don't think we want to get into decompressing JPEG data behind the back of MuPDF14:30.04 
chrisl Actually, I think what I was talking about would be much easier - but a hacky, short term solution at best14:30.14 
  Robin_Watts: But I do think a shared implementation would be good.14:30.42 
  If, of course, tor8 is amenable..... if not, I won't even bother!14:31.28 
tor8 chrisl: amenable to what? a shared fix for custom memory allocators in libjpeg? I'm all for that!14:33.24 
chrisl tor8: okay, I'll look at that tomorrow, then.... it's just it gets a little hacky accounting for using system libs.....14:34.24 
tor8 I'd just stick a macro in our customized libjpeg headers14:35.03 
  and ifdef based on the existence of that14:35.10 
  unless we're somehow building with our copy of the headers and linking against the system, but that's worth fixing if so14:35.32 
chrisl I've trying to get away from patching the third party libs source.....14:36.03 
  s/I've/I've been14:36.03 
tor8 ah, right. that makes for more build system trickery.14:36.59 
chrisl tor8: personally, I'd rather handle in the makefiles....14:37.42 
tor8 but yes, we could simply not build against jmemnobs in mupdf and have a common API for custom allocators in both mupdf and ghostpdl source trees14:38.04 
  and pick that in the makefile14:38.08 
chrisl Yes, that's essentially how the gs stuff current works14:38.32 
kens2 chrisl I pushed that commit to my repo, images shold be a lot better now (as long as htey aren't JPEG)14:39.58 
tor8 chrisl: so basically base/sjpegc.c with callbacks?14:40.32 
chrisl tor8: basically, yes14:41.07 
  tor8: I was thinking I'd put the common stuff in a separate source file.14:42.56 
  kens2: got it14:43.02 
Robin_Watts IF we get it nice enough we could offer it upstream.14:43.07 
kens2 Looks like I misunderstand the purpose of image->tile.......14:43.20 
tor8 yeah, there's a lot of gs specific stuff in there. a common file jmemcb.c we could use in both would be perfect, and hopefully pass upstream14:43.23 
Robin_Watts Why are you using image->tile ?14:43.46 
kens2 Well I assumed if it was already set I didn't need ot use get_pixmap14:44.02 
  Clearly I do14:44.06 
kens2 wonders where I copied this source from originally14:44.21 
chrisl I did offer to implement memory management callbacks in libjpeg a while back, but got no response - maybe a "can't see the point" response.... not sure14:44.48 
Robin_Watts kens2: fz_images were introduced to mupdf a while ago as part of a (fairly major) rework that allows us to keep images around compressed.14:45.24 
kens2 aha, OK JPX images now working also14:45.26 
  Robin_Watts : so the simple answer from my POV is always just toe get a pixmap14:46.06 
Robin_Watts so it's possible that mooscript wasn't properly updated to cope.14:46.12 
  kens2: Yes.14:46.15 
  Unless you'd rather get the compressed data.14:46.20 
tor8 kens2: you could have an else at the end of the colorspace testing chain that forcibly converts to RGB14:46.31 
kens2 Oh no, I'm very happy with the uncompressed data14:46.36 
Robin_Watts Then yes, always get a pixmap :)14:46.44 
tor8 and then you'll handle (if not ideally) any other odd cases you haven't got special case code for14:46.46 
kens2 tor8 yes you're probably correct14:46.56 
  Robin_Watts : yeah the problem is chris and I are beating on this in 'spare time' and I haven't looked at it since the last staff meeting. One fo the firsat things I had to do this time was get it to build again.14:47.48 
  tor8 how could I cope with the cases not yet handled ?14:48.32 
tor8 kens2: there's an example in mupdf/source/tools/pdfextract.c:writepixmap()14:48.34 
kens2 Even better :-)14:48.41 
kens2 goes off to look (I still need to commit the fix that stops looking at image->tile too)14:49.00 
tor8 create a new pixmap to hold the converted data using the colorspace you want, then call fz_convert_pixmap(dest, source)14:49.03 
chrisl I think we should take Robin_Watts's suggestion of adding a mooscript build to regression testing in the near future.....14:49.18 
kens2 Interesting, Looks like a good way to get more stuff working immediatley14:49.23 
  chrisl one to discuss with Marcosw :-)14:49.40 
chrisl Well, I figure after the next staff meeting would be soon enough, so we can discuss it in person14:50.10 
kens2 tor8 don't look too closely at this code yet, its evelving rapidly14:50.19 
  or even evolving14:50.30 
  No elves involved at this point14:50.43 
chrisl "changing" does not always imply "evolving".......14:50.56 
kens2 believes its already fitter than it was this morning :-)14:51.19 
tor8 kens2: no worries, just curious, and I might be able to point you to things you don't know exist :)14:51.24 
kens2 Given I know nothing, that's certainly true14:51.39 
Robin_Watts kens2: I am aware of the problems with "spare time" projects :)14:52.22 
  It's probably not helped by the fact that we rip the floorboards up on mupdf fairly often.14:52.47 
kens2 That's going to become more true with time14:53.15 
  At the moment we aren't using much (its all very primitive yet), but as we add more funcitonality that will likely become a problem14:53.44 
Robin_Watts It's happening less and less now.14:54.27 
  but having a regression test would prevent it being such a problem.14:54.44 
kens2 Probably good from chris and my POV :-)14:54.45 
Robin_Watts it's probably trivial for us to fix mooscript at the time we move a floorboard - but it gets harder the longer it's left.14:55.16 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'm just waiting for tor8 to disappear for a couple of weeks and reappear with mupdf rewritten in Go.......14:55.46 
kens2 Yeah, I am going to try and make a point of doing 'something' between every staff meeting. If nothign else it should be a soothing distraction for a trans-Atlantic flight14:56.11 
  Hmm anyone got a PDF file with an image which is not JPEG compressed and uses Separation or DeviceN ? :-)15:01.23 
Robin_Watts One of the QL turkey files I'm sure.15:02.34 
kens2 I cna always make one, its probably quicker than searching the QL test files.....15:03.20 
  coffee first I think15:04.25 
ray_laptop kens2: I think that there are ones in the PDF FTS set. I'll run a scan...15:06.09 
chrisl Okay, I'm off to play squash - I may be back later, depending on how I feel afterwards........15:06.20 
kens2 ray_laptop : don't worry I'll build one myself, its not hard.15:12.16 
  LOL the URL quoted by the person complaining that our web site doesn't disable password autocompletion returns a 'content not found' error.15:14.22 
ray_laptop kens2: try tests_private/pdf/PDF_1.7_FTS/fts_04_0403.pdf15:14.29 
kens2 thanks ray15:14.36 
ray_laptop kens2: it definitely has a complicated colorspace, but it might be Indexed where the base space is Separation15:15.15 
  I'll look at a few others15:15.22 
kens2 ray_laptop : really don't worry, I cna make one form the turkey in a few seconds, and that way I know the PDF file doesn't have any other content.15:15.45 
  Other content might break mooscript at present15:15.53 
  OK the FTS one does have a image that now gets converted to RGB, so it works :-)15:16.52 
  The file is not 100% correctly rendered for the non-image ocntent, but that's a different problem15:18.05 
ray_laptop kens2: 1600 is also an Indexed colorspace with a DeviceN base space with Separation components, but the "Alternate" is CalRGB, so mupdf might just be punting and using the Alternate15:27.05 
kens2 one's enough ray15:27.54 
ray_laptop kens2: 1702 has images with a sampling of colorspaces including DeviceN, Lab along with "normal" device spaces15:31.29 
  kens2: and 2429 has DeviceN where a transfer function is added for one of the pair15:33.24 
kens2 ray one is enought right now, honestly15:33.38 
ray_laptop kens2: I'm done. Just figured I'd go ahead and grab a bit more for you to chew through later :-)15:34.45 
mvrhel_laptop good morning15:57.12 
Robin_Watts Morning mvrhel_laptop.15:59.05 
  marcosw: Are you here?15:59.07 
kens2 wonders if we could pass transfer functions to GS and get them right that way.16:19.29 
  Night all16:50.07 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: ping ?17:33.01 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: morning17:33.07 
Robin_Watts morning.17:33.11 
Robin_Watts There was an ETS mail that came to support the other day.17:33.23 
cinap_lenrek i get "File has an invalid xref entry: 8353."17:33.36 
  then it tries to rebuild17:33.40 
  and then crashes17:33.43 
  Error: /typecheck in --get--17:33.50 
  Operand stack:17:33.50 
  PageCount --nostringval-- Count17:33.50 
Robin_Watts Have you replied to it?17:34.01 
cinap_lenrek i looked in the pdf17:34.04 
Robin_Watts cinap_lenrek: gs or mupdf ?17:34.15 
  cinap_lenrek: and what version?17:34.23 
  oh, that must be gs.17:34.39 
cinap_lenrek a pretty old version of ghostscript17:34.51 
  (on plan9)17:34.53 
Robin_Watts cinap_lenrek: Well, I'd advise you to try 9.14, cos if that works, we aren't going to go looking for a fix for an old version.17:35.13 
cinap_lenrek the missing reference is for the /Pages object17:35.16 
  i know17:35.33 
  but i cant17:35.35 
  ghostscript is bigger than the whole plan9 kernel17:35.47 
Robin_Watts So?17:36.48 
cinap_lenrek isnt new version even using c++?17:36.51 
Robin_Watts no.17:36.57 
cinap_lenrek ok17:37.14 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: I have not. I recall seeing it but now it's not showing up in my in basket. I wonder if I accidnetly marked it as spam or somthing else weird is going on.17:37.27 
  never mind, it was in the tech folder (I recalled it being sent to support).17:37.53 
Robin_Watts It was sent to support.17:38.07 
  but the word 'tech' does appear in the CC email? :)17:38.24 
henrys cinap_lenrek: you will certainly want the gcc toolchain not he host tools17:38.58 
cinap_lenrek see?17:39.23 
  i dont want that17:39.25 
  i want to understand whats wrong with that pdf17:39.49 
  or how its supposed to work in general17:39.58 
  /Length 7763 /Root 8353 0 R17:40.06 
  thats the first missing reference17:40.12 
  but that seems to recover17:40.24 
  i greped the pdf for 835317:40.31 
Robin_Watts It's probably a PDF with compressed object streams.17:40.34 
cinap_lenrek and theres a object definition for it17:40.37 
  is there some kind of pdf structure dumper?17:41.03 
  it resolves the /Root object reference, then that has /Pages 8294 0 R17:41.50 
  and that seems unresolvable17:41.57 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: I'm not familiar enought with ETS to answer his quesitons so will have to forward it to someone else. Are you the current ETS engineer?17:42.10 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: I have my finger on my nose :)17:42.51 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: that just shows you are guilty :-(17:43.11 
Robin_Watts It's either me or Michael, I think.17:43.20 
  cinap_lenrek: PDF 1.6 introduced a new type of object stream, the compressed object stream.17:43.55 
cinap_lenrek Robin_Watts: ah17:44.09 
  can i quickly check if thats the case?17:44.20 
Robin_Watts The idea is that rather than objects being explicitly listed one after another in the file, they could be compressed into streams.17:44.26 
  I suspect your very old version of gs does not understand this. Or if it does that there is another bug.17:44.42 
cinap_lenrek i see <</Filter/FlateDecode ...>>stream in the pdf17:44.50 
  its 8.x something17:45.08 
Robin_Watts You'll see that in most PDF files.17:45.21 
marcosw_ since mvrhel_laptop isn't paying attention I'll send it to him.17:45.23 
mvrhel_laptop hey17:45.29 
cinap_lenrek ah17:45.43 
mvrhel_laptop I was simply hoping it would go away17:45.50 
Robin_Watts I suspect that michael and I can work together to come up with a reply.17:45.58 
mvrhel_laptop I can live with that17:46.06 
henrys marcosw: I just briefly read the email and it look like RTFM17:46.19 
Robin_Watts I think henrys should handle all customer technical questions from now on. :)17:47.06 
mvrhel_laptop the ETS email says that ray told them we had SSE2 for ETS?17:47.33 
henrys Robin_Watts: that would thin the customer ranks17:47.42 
Robin_Watts There *was* an SSE version of ETS.17:47.52 
  I don't think it's current.17:47.57 
mvrhel_laptop oh that is right17:48.02 
Robin_Watts My instinct would be to tell them that we have taken Ray outside and beaten him up. There is no SSE implementation currently.17:48.28 
mvrhel_laptop hehe17:48.41 
Robin_Watts unless you want to look at reviving it? but I suspect that's not a quick job.17:48.55 
mvrhel_laptop no that is not going to be a trivial task17:49.08 
henrys and gs/toolbin/halftone/ETS/_eb_sse2 is a figment of his imagination17:49.16 
Robin_Watts henrys: And that is why reading the docs is a bad idea.17:49.40 
mvrhel_laptop these are not the droids you are looking for....17:49.49 
cinap_lenrek AH17:50.02 
  i compared with a working pdf17:50.09 
marcosw_ henrys: so the answer is RTFM but not pay attention to it?17:50.16 
cinap_lenrek this one has /Type/ObjStm17:50.26 
  Robin_Watts: is that what you where refering to?17:50.41 
Robin_Watts could be.17:50.46 
cinap_lenrek i'll look in the spec17:50.58 
Robin_Watts henrys: That is NOT the current version of ETS.17:51.25 
mvrhel_laptop well for one thing the sse2 stuff is all written in assembly instead of intrinsics17:51.27 
  yes. who checked this in?17:51.34 
Robin_Watts Raph, presumably.17:51.47 
henrys Robin_Watts, mvrhel_laptop: well that's really a bug then right, the README says "Compiling SSE2"17:51.52 
Robin_Watts hehe, git blame on README.txt points the finger at someone other than me :)17:52.30 
mvrhel_laptop oh crap17:52.54 
  ok. let me clean up this mess17:53.16 
  Robin_Watts: let me draft some sort of reply 17:53.35 
  and then run it through you first17:53.43 
Robin_Watts henrys: I was given ETS a while ago. I hacked on it for a bit to clean it up, and then it got passed to michael.17:53.56 
  At no point did either of us touch the SSE2 stuff.17:54.03 
  And given the state it was in when we got it, I wouldn't trust the SSE2 stuff to work at all.17:54.23 
henrys well can we fix the README to reflect that?17:55.15 
mvrhel_laptop if we did any SSE2 stuff, it really should be rewritten with intrinsics. henrys: yes. I will get this cleaned up17:55.27 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Is the version in gs up to date with the version in ets.git then?17:55.53 
mvrhel_laptop I am going to check that carefully Robin_Watts 17:56.06 
Robin_Watts cool. Let me know if I can help. Any distraction from SO gratefully received.17:56.53 
mvrhel_laptop be careful what you wish for ;)17:57.06 
  going to grab some lunch, then I will review all of this17:57.44 
  want to get an installer for gsview made and have people play around with it a bit. hoping to get that done this week17:58.19 
  but I prob. should do a little testing on 32 bit and windows 7 here first17:58.42 
Robin_Watts Anyone who was using MetalScroll (or RockScroll) on VS2005/8, apparently it doesn't work on 2010.18:13.43 
  But MS have released this, which does the same thing: 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: btw sse2 optimization could be done by a consultant. It is fairly well contained, no gs knowledge really...18:14.44 
mvrhel_laptop true18:14.53 
  Robin_Watts: I have it on 2010 and 201318:15.09 
  I think you can find on the VS website18:15.23 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I'll look around for someone.18:15.28 
Robin_Watts metalscroll? Or the Power thing?18:15.34 
  ooh, that's so nice!18:16.02 
henrys or if anyone on the staff wants to make a recommendation ...18:16.02 
mvrhel_laptop the 
  Robin_Watts: ^^18:17.08 
Robin_Watts Is that different to the one I linked to?18:17.12 
henrys marcosw_: did you see my IRC comment about banding vs. non banding and ray's recent fix?18:17.19 
Robin_Watts Productivity Power Tools looks nicer than MetalScroll.18:17.28 
mvrhel_laptop yes it does actually18:18.27 
marcosw_ henrys: with C411.bin? i'll take a look.18:18.44 
henrys marcosw_: ray has fixed that one but I thought we were doing banded vs non and that one was noticeable, it wasn't pixel level18:19.44 
marcosw_ henrys: only new banded vs. non differences are reported. 18:21.46 
henrys marcosw_: oh of course18:25.04 
marcosw_ I could run a banded vs. non comparison but I thought I did that some time ago. Though if I did I clearly missed C411.bin.18:25.52 
henrys marcosw_: sounds like a torture that should be infrequent as possible18:26.41 
  marcosw_: are a lot of the problems filtered with fuzzy?18:27.06 
marcosw_ henrys: yes.18:27.43 
henrys marcosw_: well your call.18:30.26 
luciddavid hello18:50.55 
ghostbot what's up, luciddavid18:50.55 
luciddavid how can ghostscript be configured to only output spot colors and no CMYK?18:51.41 
Robin_Watts Using what output device ?18:52.30 
luciddavid TIFF for instance18:52.49 
Robin_Watts I believe you can do that using tiffsep.18:52.52 
luciddavid any specific details?18:53.26 
  I'm thinking that SeparationColorNames is what you want.18:54.53 
  You can specify which separations you want to come out.18:55.08 
luciddavid So - given a PS file for example with some number of spot colors - 12 for instance - where each color is named as it is used...18:56.31 
Robin_Watts gs -sDEVICE=tiffsep -o out.tif -c "<< /SeparationColorNames [ /Spot1 /Spot2 ] >> setpagedevice" -f input.ps18:56.38 
luciddavid And I want to output a composite date - with NO CMYK channels18:56.53 
Robin_Watts Oh, you want a *composite* with no CMYK?18:57.14 
luciddavid yes18:57.40 
Robin_Watts Not sure that's possible with a standard device.18:57.52 
  mvrhel_laptop, chrisl, or ray_laptop might know more.18:58.29 
luciddavid ok thanks - let me play with the tiffsep idea18:58.35 
chrisl No, composite *only* contains standard colorants18:59.48 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: I think there is a way to do this but it will require an icc profile and the format is going to be PSDCMYK19:00.03 
  but there will not be CMYK19:00.16 
  i.e. photoshop output is the only way to do this19:00.34 
  luciddavid so the psdcmyk device19:00.53 
chrisl It's hard to see how you'd make sense of the output19:01.00 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: photoshop has the mapping of each colorant to equivalent CMYK values19:01.18 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: how does it know what the mapping is?19:01.36 
mvrhel_laptop that is in the psd image format19:02.24 
  chrisl; i.e. it has the equivalent CMYK colors for the spot colors19:02.58 
chrisl So we extract the tint transform from the source, and embed it in the psd image?19:03.18 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: we determine the equivalent CMYK value for max colorant. tonal levels may be off. of course if you have a DeviceN ICC profile then you will be all set19:04.13 
luciddavid We have an implementation in our TaskForce rip that generates our RLE format, we currently have color options - Grayscale, CMYK, CMYK+Spot - we now need to add a new option SPOT Only19:04.53 
mvrhel_laptop but, I don't know if photoshop is set up to handle that case (i.e. a Device N icc profile)19:04.57 
  luciddavid: is that a single spot or multiples?19:05.32 
luciddavid Leonid retired a while back and my other developer is not as current in the GS word19:05.46 
  Multiple spots (up to 16 of them)19:06.09 
mvrhel_laptop luciddavid: let me see what the color manual says. hold on19:06.22 
  i forget these things19:06.32 
luciddavid So I'm trying to wrap my mind around what might be involved in this19:06.46 
  Thanks for your ideas and help!19:07.19 
chrisl I can't help but feel it would be easier to output to separate plates, and then combine them into your custom format - but I may be wrong.....19:07.30 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I would look at page 6 in GS9_Color_Management.pdf19:08.13 
luciddavid This is for our trapping software - so we need bands with all channels19:08.19 
mvrhel_laptop luciddavid. In order to get spot only, you are going to have to create some sort of an ICC profile for your output though. This may not really work for you19:09.57 
luciddavid certainly not an "easy switch" 8)19:10.35 
mvrhel_laptop I would look over the psdcmyk devices and tiffsep devices carefully though and you should be able to figure out how to get only spots out.19:10.56 
  the first 4 will always by CMYK unless you are doing some funny ICC stuff19:11.11 
luciddavid ok thanks19:11.30 
  Just one more question19:15.21 
  How hard would it be to make an ICC profile that did nothing to spot colors but eliminated cmyk?19:15.50 
chrisl luciddavid: really mvrhel_laptop is the only one to answer that, and he's just headed off to lunch......19:20.13 
luciddavid no problem - thanks19:20.39 
  I'll do more reading19:21.03 
chrisl And I'm off for the evening, now......19:22.14 
cinap_lenrek hm19:47.04 
  how is one supposed to know what the objectstream is for a reference?19:47.19 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so it looks the the ets c code is all correct. henrys: I will updated the documents. and should I go ahead and remove the SSE2 code and files?19:47.30 
  hmm there is also altivec stuff in there19:49.29 
  which I doubt works any longer too19:49.48 
  the code is going to be in the git history if anyone needs to get to it19:51.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I reckon removing it is the smart thing to do.19:56.56 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I don't know why I did not clean this up to begin with...19:57.20 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: You were probably doing about 8 urgent jobs at once :)19:58.19 
mvrhel_laptop perhaps. I honestly don't remember being the one who checked this in.. 19:58.58 
  I do think I was the last one playing around with it when I added the PSD format 19:59.27 
  so that max could do some testing19:59.39 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yes if it isn't tested and in working order let's get rid of it.20:12.31 
mvrhel_laptop ok20:12.40 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: did you check if it is in sync with Robin_Watts git branch?20:12.50 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: yes it is correct20:13.05 
  OK. I fixed the README to reflect where we are20:13.46 
  removed all the vec and sse2 files20:13.55 
  made sure it built and ran20:14.05 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I'd say document his other stuff and send it back to marcosw_ , he's not a lot of fun to talk to if memory serves.20:19.55 
  and the sse stuff is an enhancement which we can't really quantify exactly, maybe 50% ? not sure.20:21.12 
mvrhel_laptop who knows. 20:22.03 
  Robin_Watts: just sent you a patch to look over. Fairly simple since it is just a bunch of file deletions and some changes in the ReadMe.txt20:23.20 
  henrys: I will finish the email to marcos later this afternoon.20:35.33 
  need to head out for bit right now20:35.39 
ray_laptop seems like a deal. Dell core i7 2.66 GHz laptops -- 4Gb RAM, only 160Gb HD, DVD R/W, 14.1" WXGA, no OS $399 -- Add Windows 7 Pro for $15 -- rerfurbed, of course, but does have a 30-day warranty and longer warranty for extra $20:52.28 
  this would have been near $1000 when new a couple of years ago20:54.54 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok I went ahead and pushed the ETS changes and sent a detailed email to marcosw22:59.53 
  now I think I have another support question to answer....23:00.31 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Not sure we should be removing the patent messages.23:20.58 
  And I'd have left ipviewer.html in there.23:21.36 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. I will add that all back23:21.50 
Robin_Watts I guess we remove the COPYING.txt thing because it's covered by the COPYING.txt in the gs distro?23:22.25 
mvrhel_laptop that would be my thought23:22.35 
  it is confusing otherwise23:22.40 
Robin_Watts OK, otherwise it looks good.23:22.41 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: quick question23:27.37 
  so I already pushed the patch. sorry about that. but I have a fixed version here. 23:28.08 
  If I push this one, will it just write over the last one, or do I do a forced push?23:28.40 
  mine is on the top of the commits still at git.ghostscript.com23:29.03 
  hoping that Robin_Watts is still here......23:29.46 
Robin_Watts sorry, yes.23:29.53 
mvrhel_laptop I don't want to screw up the repository...23:30.10 
Robin_Watts urm... just push one adding the missing bits back in.23:30.19 
  I'll do it. It'll just take a mo.23:30.31 
mvrhel_laptop oh ok. I was hoping to have it just be one commit23:30.53 
  but that is fine23:30.57 
  Robin_Watts: if you had anymore to add to my email to marcosw please chime in23:31.18 
Robin_Watts nah, that would require a force push, and I don't think we can justify that here (it's not like the cluster will be upset)23:31.34 
mvrhel_laptop ok23:31.46 
Robin_Watts Your email looks good to me.23:33.19 
  Do I just mention that patents exist that cover this?23:36.02 
  Or do I tell people to contact Artifex for more details?23:36.16 
  actually... one thing in the email...23:38.20 
  If they identify the exact set of options they want to use, then the code can be simplified.23:38.43 
  That will remove various switches within the inner loop, and that will give a speedup.23:38.59 
  So the code as is can possibly be sped up without going to assembly immediately.23:41.15 
  Did you ever form an opinion about the issue raised at line 706?23:41.48 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: good point. about code clean up once they settle on what they want23:42.32 
  Robin_Watts: no I have not looked any more at the grayshade g value stuff. But the fact that you have an argument and it matches with the code (not the paper) makes me not worried about it23:44.44 
Robin_Watts No, I think the paper and the code agree.23:45.06 
  and I disagree :)23:45.09 
mvrhel_laptop oh I see23:45.13 
  your last line seems to say that the code agrees with your logic23:45.36 
  which I would take to me what I said above23:45.47 
Robin_Watts Let me reread.23:45.49 
mvrhel_laptop s/me/mean/23:46.01 
Robin_Watts oh, I see. So the code agrees with what I was saying.23:47.16 
mvrhel_laptop ok good23:47.24 
  papers have a way of getting out with errors, and unfortunately cant be fixed later...23:48.03 
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