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Christian_ good moring guys !:)06:29.35 
  first of all sorry for my bad english, im from germany :-P can somebody help me with gs cross compilation?06:30.52 
chrisl Christian_: cross compiling gs is pretty involved just now06:32.26 
  Christian_: There are some basic guidelines at the bottom of this page: 
Christian_ yeah i know :D i can compile gs 9.19 as arm binary but i got an issue while using it with cups06:34.51 
chrisl Just with cups? Does it work for other devices?06:35.42 
Christian_ thank you, i know the FAQs and followed them, arch.h is modified and ccaux is my host gcc06:35.49 
  yeah.. the strange thing is that i used pre-compiled binarys from debian repo and everything worked, even with gs.. 06:36.43 
  but now with self compiled cups and gs, gs gives no output if the device is cups06:37.22 
  I get this error from GS: "Unrecoverable error: VMerror in setdevice" any hints??06:37.52 
chrisl Sounds like it's running out of memory...... or thinks it is, anyway06:38.16 
  As I said, do other devices work?06:38.45 
Christian_ which can i test?06:39.02 
chrisl I'd try ppmraw - it's a fairly basic device06:39.27 
Christian_ ok, i give it a try, mom :)06:39.54 
  my commandline is: /usr/bin/gs -dDEBUG -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOINTERPOLATE -sDEVICE=cups -sstdout=%stderr -sOutputFile=%stdout -sMediaType=Plain -sOutputType=0 -r600x600 -dMediaPosition=7 -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792 -dcupsBitsPerColor=8 -dcupsColorOrder=0 -dcupsColorSpace=17 -dcupsInteger0=2 -scupsPageSizeName=Letter -I/usr/share/cups/fonts -c '<</.HWMargins[9.360000 9.360000 9.359985 9.359906:42.00 
  that doens't work too06:42.11 
  it gives me debug output and then unreadable output and that doenst stop till i kill gs06:42.53 
chrisl Well, you have gs writing the raster output to stdout06:43.35 
  That's probably your "unreadable output"06:43.57 
Christian_ but it doenst stop, if i pipe it to a file that file gets big till my filesystem is full06:44.39 
  sorry, that was the cmd:06:45.16 
  damn, that line is too long for my irc client06:45.42 
chrisl Use pastebin or similar06:45.53 
  test.pdf is a word2013 generated pdf with some text in calibri06:51.20 
chrisl Christian_: each page (from cups) is ~122Mb06:52.17 
Christian_ that means?06:52.36 
  ah ok, because of the resolution?06:52.49 
chrisl Well, it depends on the size of your filesystem....06:52.50 
  Christian_: did you remove our included cups sources?06:53.44 
Christian_ no06:53.55 
  thats my configure params: --disable-dbus --disable-gtk --disable-sse2 --with-system-libtiff --with-drivers=ALL --disable-compile-inits06:54.33 
chrisl Of course, that wouldn't affect ppmraw, so.....06:54.45 
  How about trying the ppmraw device with "-sOutputFile=/dev/null" and see if it runs to completion06:55.41 
Christian_ i compiles genconf for my target and run it06:55.41 
  oh wait06:56.04 
  ok, the files is 99,6MB big and gs completed06:56.19 
chrisl Is that ppmraw?06:56.50 
Christian_ yes06:56.56 
chrisl Can you view the output?06:57.03 
Christian_ sorry but with?? 06:58.08 
chrisl gimp, imagemagick, ristretto - most image viewers will open ppm06:58.41 
Christian_ ah my file extension was wrong06:58.45 
  sorry about that, unix printing is new for me06:59.06 
  yes, output is correct06:59.32 
chrisl OKay, so that's strong evidence the gs core is okay.07:00.39 
Christian_ i try the same with the cups oiutput right now07:01.56 
  ah ok, the output is 125,7MB07:02.14 
chrisl Yes, the cups raster has more stuff over and above the raw raster07:02.45 
Christian_ hmm, rasterview shows correct output..07:03.18 
  but why it doenst work with gstoraster and cups?07:03.39 
  i started with gs 9.06, 9.10, 9.16 and now 9.19, everytime the same error :(07:04.05 
chrisl I don't think we have gstoraster any more.....07:05.04 
  Christian_: I would check whether you used the cups source we ship, or linked to libcups - look in your Makefile and search for SHARE_LCUPS and SHARE_LCUPSI07:07.13 
Christian_ both is 107:12.14 
chrisl OKay, so you are using the shared libcups and libcupsimage. Hmmm. I'm at a bit of a loss07:13.22 
Christian_ hmm is it a problem that AR=ar ? it should be arm-v5te-linux-gnueabi-ar from my toolchain?07:13.31 
  maybe anything from my host is used while linking?07:14.20 
chrisl We don't use ar in the build. Frankly, if anything from your host was being used I'd be shocked if the link was successful, and if it did, totally stunned if it actually ran on the target07:15.45 
Christian_ hmm thats strange now..07:22.05 
  i removed gs from my host07:22.13 
  also cups and every lib related07:22.32 
  compilation was ok but if i start the command from ealier07:23.16 
  i get this error: ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1126: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_gray.icc | ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1754: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1126: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find default_gray.icc | ./base/gsicc_manage.c:1754: gsicc_set_device_profile(): cannot find device profile Unrecoverable error: unkno07:23.35 
  GPL Ghostscript 9.19: ERROR -1 reclaiming the memory while the interpreter finalization.07:23.45 
chrisl You're probably remove the ICC profiles, or removed them from the search path07:24.40 
Christian_ find / -name *.icc /usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript/gray_to_k.icc /usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript/default_gray.icc /usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript/default_cmyk.icc /usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript/ps_cmyk.icc /usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript/ps_gray.icc /usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript/ps_rgb.icc /usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript/lab.icc /usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript/srgb.icc /usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript/sgray.icc /us07:25.47 
chrisl Right, so possibly gs isn't looking in that location07:26.21 
Christian_ hmm they are present.. i never got this error before.. so make take anything from my host system i think..07:27.01 
chrisl There is a default path where we'll search07:27.55 
  You can change it with the command line option: -sICCProfilesDir=<path to profiles>07:29.26 
Christian_ ok, i'll give it a try! mom07:29.45 
chrisl It's possible it might expect a training "/" on the directory: "/usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript/"07:30.42 
Christian_ ok, the command is running.. can i set it while compilation? so that cups is working too?07:32.37 
chrisl Erm....... I guess it must be possible07:33.43 
Christian_ i try to find it myself :)07:34.02 
  but first i patch gstoraster to test it07:34.32 
chrisl Actually, saying that, I'm not so sure: the normal way we do it is that the iccprofiles directory is found relative to the Resource/Init directory......07:35.12 
Christian_ this is my rescource folder: /usr/share/ghostscript/9.19/Resource/Init07:35.58 
  make install doesn't install it, i install it to the target with my buildsystem (ptxdist)07:36.26 
chrisl Right, so on Ubuntu, in /usr/share/ghostscript/9.19 there would be an "iccprofiles" directory07:36.47 
Christian_ aha ok07:37.11 
chrisl You could probably just "ln" /usr/share/ghostscript/9.19/iccprofiles to "/usr/share/color/icc/ghostscript"07:37.38 
Christian_ it seems to work but: "Unrecoverable error: VMerror in setdevice" ... damn..07:40.13 
  probably its a gstoraster bug?07:40.23 
  i use cups-filters 1.0.6107:40.50 
chrisl Well, as I said, I think gstoraster was dropped some time ago - I thought it was now pdftoraster07:41.13 
Christian_ you mean in gs?07:42.04 
chrisl It was removed from the gs source tree quite a while ago07:42.23 
Christian_ yeah, gstoraster comes from cups-filters07:42.49 
  cups-filters also provide pdftoraster but... pdftoraster crashs if i try to print to a HP printer.. hplip needs gs to render i think..07:44.27 
chrisl Strange, the output from both should be a cups raster.... well, nevermind07:44.59 
Christian_ yeah, with samsung or other printers pdftoraster works fine.. i think they got some spezial things in der ppds07:45.34 
  so, gs works fine on my target but gstoraster/cups got problems with piping to gs?07:47.19 
  damn .. :(07:47.46 
chrisl I doesn't seem to be with pipe to gs, because I don't think we get as far as trying to read the input07:48.19 
  Possibly piping *from* gs07:48.35 
Christian_ yes of course, the way back from gs to cups, right?07:50.14 
chrisl Yeh. And I really don't know enough about cups to help debug what's going on there....07:50.51 
  Is your gstoraster a binary?07:51.16 
Christian_ yes07:51.24 
chrisl Hmm, mine too, but the one in the latest cups-filters archive is a perl script07:52.31 
Christian_ oh.. my target got no perl so i need a binary07:53.08 
  i dont unterstand why the procompiled debian binarys worked07:53.45 
  i think i try some newer cups-filters07:54.25 
chrisl I was just wondering if gstoraster called the gs exe, or whether it linked to libgs.so07:54.44 
Christian_ you want to see the file?07:55.10 
chrisl What file?07:55.34 
Christian_ gstoraster.c from my cups-filters src07:55.46 
chrisl The binary on my system doesn't list libgs, so I guess it must be execing the executable07:56.55 
Christian_ yes you're right07:57.16 
chrisl So, we've established that you are linking to libcups(image) and that's not working. How about forcing the build to use the cups source we ship?07:58.23 
Christian_ hm, the cups driver in gs is working till i output it to a file, only if the output is piped to gstoraster i got the error..08:03.20 
  so i think i have to try a newer cups-filters source08:04.04 
  definitely a big thank to you chrisl and i keep you informed !:)08:06.24 
chrisl Christian_: you could try using "-sOutputFile="|cat > out.cups" calling gs directly - that would establish if it's a general problem with piped output08:06.50 
Christian_ hmm i tried -sOutputFile=%stdout ..... > test.out08:12.52 
  that worked08:12.55 
  i looked into newer cups-filters sources, the gstoraster filter is not modified08:13.39 
  oh man.. i'm sitting since days at this problem08:14.07 
chrisl Christian_: Sorry, I'm at a bit of a loss on how to proceed. Everything that cups is doing seems to work when gs is called normally....08:30.52 
Christian_ me too chrisl :-D thank your for your support!! i tried the whole filters by hand on shell and they worked, i hope its a cups problem and its resolved when i update now..08:43.30 
chrisl Christian_: is it possible cups is doing something to the environment before applying the filters - like limiting memory available (ulimit)?08:50.44 
Christian_ chrisl you're right, an env variable causes the problem09:25.53 
chrisl Christian_: Aha! What variable?09:26.24 
Christian_ i'm not sure, cups sets about 30 variables09:27.22 
chrisl Hmm, nice and simple then :-(09:28.02 
Christian_ maybe you can see something?? :)09:28.33 
  otherwise its try and error 09:28.45 
chrisl First thing to try would be RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m09:30.06 
  Then TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp09:30.38 
Christian_ RIP_MAX_CACHE did it09:49.03 
  but only if i remove it, other values causes same error09:50.11 
chrisl Let me do a test here, and see if it causes problems09:52.15 
  Hmm, it doesn't cause a problem here.....09:55.26 
  Christian_: what other values did you try?09:56.39 
Christian_ i found this old bug: .. i tried 256m and 512m, now with 0 it worked09:57.01 
chrisl Well, to get a better idea of what's going on, you'd have to build a debug gs.... probably not worth the hassle09:58.39 
Christian_ oh my god, my hp printer is printing :-D :-)10:07.28 
  in cups i can configure the rip size10:08.05 
  can i provide you some debugging output?10:08.54 
chrisl At least the first part of the relevant debugging output is only available in a debug build.10:09.51 
Christian_ yeah i can do this.. how to enable it?10:10.11 
chrisl when you build gs, do "make debug" instead of "make" - the executable will end up in "debugbin"10:10.41 
  Oh, actually, there might be more... hang on10:11.03 
Christian_ hm, can i do this over configure?10:11.49 
chrisl You don't need to re-run configure10:12.06 
  So you want: make XCFLAGS="-DCUPS_DEBUG2" debug10:13.02 
  And you'll have to copy the debugbin/gs exe manually over your existing exe (there isn't a "debuginstall" target)10:14.13 
Christian_ thats no problem10:15.23 
  wow 41MB exe :-)10:24.18 
  ok how to proceed?10:24.26 
chrisl The easiest thing is to set RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m and try running the gs (cups) command line we tried earlier10:25.45 
Christian_ debug output comes to console?10:26.04 
chrisl Yeh.10:26.13 
  You should get a load of extra "DEBUG2" lines10:26.56 
Christian_ i'll give it a try after having lunch10:27.18 
chrisl The lines you are interested in are the ones with; "DEBUG2: cache_size = "10:27.56 
  For me they read: "DEBUG2: cache_size = 134217728"10:28.30 
  (not surprising with RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m of course)10:30.01 
  my target got 128mb ram10:32.00 
chrisl Hmm, so it's probably better to let Ghostscript figure out the raster memory itself, rather than force a value10:32.42 
  Christian_: so, the way this works is that Ghostscript tries to allocate memory for the output raster. Left to itself, it will try to allocate enough for the full page, and if that fails, it will repeat trying smaller sizes (so the page will be rendered in multiple bands) until it finds one that works *or* the available memory is genuinely too small even for banding to work.10:37.23 
  *If* on the other hand, the command line, or the device (as in this case), sets a required raster memory size, it will try that, and if it fails, just give up immediately.10:38.31 
  Christian_: in your case, you may want to (counter intuitively, maybe) try smaller values for RIP_MAX_CACHE, like 32m or 16m10:40.43 
  Or, as you found, set it to 0, so letting Ghostscript go through its retrying method - it depends what else you expect your target to be doing.10:41.56 
Christian_ ok thx chrisl for your help, i stay on RIP_MAX_CACHE 0 because i cannot guarantee that my system has 32m or 16m of free memory11:13.32 
  i also run a qt application and that can also take much ram at runtime11:15.52 
  but its funny that the precompiled binarys ran on the target without this issue.. and RIP_MAX_CACHE is 128m in there. but for now its okay for me :)11:18.03 
squ hi guys!11:32.47 
kens I can't seem to get identify to work, NickServ services unavailable :-(14:50.54 
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