8.8 Rendering Pages

To render a page, you first need to know how big it is. This can be discovered by calling fz_bound_page, passing a fz_rect in to be populated:

   fz_bound_page: Determine the size of a page at 72 dpi. 
   Does not throw exceptions. 
fz_rect *fz_bound_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page, fz_rect *rect);

MuPDF operates on page contents (and annotations) by processing them to a Device. There are various different devices in MuPDF (and you can implement your own). See chapter 9 The Device interface for more information. For now, just consider devices to be things that are called with each of the graphical items on the page in turn.

The simplest way to process a page is to call fz_run_page:

   fz_run_page: Run a page through a device. 
   page: Page obtained from fz_load_page. 
   dev: Device obtained from fz_new_*_device. 
   transform: Transform to apply to page. May include for example 
   scaling and rotation, see fz_scale, fz_rotate and fz_concat. 
   Set to fz_identity if no transformation is desired. 
   cookie: Communication mechanism between caller and library 
   rendering the page. Intended for multi-threaded applications, 
   while single-threaded applications set cookie to NULL. The 
   caller may abort an ongoing rendering of a page. Cookie also 
   communicates progress information back to the caller. The 
   fields inside cookie are continually updated while the page is 
void fz_run_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *transform, fz_cookie *cookie);

This will cause each graphical object from the page contents and annotations in turn to be transformed, and fed to the device.

For finer control, you may wish to run the page contents, and the annotations separately:

   fz_run_page_contents: Run a page through a device. Just the main 
   page content, without the annotations, if any. 
   page: Page obtained from fz_load_page. 
   dev: Device obtained from fz_new_*_device. 
   transform: Transform to apply to page. May include for example 
   scaling and rotation, see fz_scale, fz_rotate and fz_concat. 
   Set to fz_identity if no transformation is desired. 
   cookie: Communication mechanism between caller and library 
   rendering the page. Intended for multi-threaded applications, 
   while single-threaded applications set cookie to NULL. The 
   caller may abort an ongoing rendering of a page. Cookie also 
   communicates progress information back to the caller. The 
   fields inside cookie are continually updated while the page is 
void fz_run_page_contents(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *page, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *transform, fz_cookie *cookie); 
   fz_run_annot: Run an annotation through a device. 
   page: Page obtained from fz_load_page. 
   annot: an annotation. 
   dev: Device obtained from fz_new_*_device. 
   transform: Transform to apply to page. May include for example 
   scaling and rotation, see fz_scale, fz_rotate and fz_concat. 
   Set to fz_identity if no transformation is desired. 
   cookie: Communication mechanism between caller and library 
   rendering the page. Intended for multi-threaded applications, 
   while single-threaded applications set cookie to NULL. The 
   caller may abort an ongoing rendering of a page. Cookie also 
   communicates progress information back to the caller. The 
   fields inside cookie are continually updated while the page is 
void fz_run_annot(fz_context *ctx, fz_annot *annot, fz_device *dev, const fz_matrix *transform, fz_cookie *cookie);

These functions enable viewer applications to generate separate display lists for page contents and annotations. This can be useful if annotations are frequently changed, as it allows regeneration/redraw to happen on a per-annotation rather than per-page level.

All three of these functions (fz_run_page, fz_run_page_contents, fz_run_annot) take a fz_cookie pointer. The Cookie is a lightweight way of controlling the processing of the page. For more details, see section 9.3 Cookie. For most simple cases this can be NULL.