
1 Introduction
 1.1 What is MuPDF?
 1.2 License
 1.3 Dependencies
2 About this book
3 Quick Start
 3.1 How to open a document and render some pages
4 Naming Conventions
 4.1 Prefixes
 4.2 Naming
 4.3 Types
5 The Context
 5.1 Overview
 5.2 Creation
 5.3 Custom Allocators
 5.4 Multi-threading
 5.5 Cloning
 5.6 Destruction
 5.7 Tuning
 5.8 Summary
6 Error handling
 6.1 Overview
  6.1.1 Why is fz_var necessary?
  6.1.2 Example: How to protect local variables with fz_var
 6.2 Throwing exceptions
 6.3 Handling exceptions
 6.4 Summary
7 Memory Management and The Store
 7.1 Overview
 7.2 Creating the Store
 7.3 Reacting to Out of Memory events
  7.3.1 Implementation
8 The Document interface
 8.1 Overview
 8.2 Opening/Closing a document
 8.3 Handling password protected documents
 8.4 Handling reflowable documents
 8.5 Getting Pages from a document
 8.6 Anatomy of a Page
 8.7 Color Considerations
 8.8 Rendering Pages
 8.9 Presentations
  8.9.1 Querying
  8.9.2 Helper functions
9 The Device interface
 9.1 Overview
 9.2 Device Methods
 9.3 Cookie
  9.3.1 Detecting errors
  9.3.2 Using the cookie with threads
  9.3.3 Using the cookie to control partial rendering
 9.4 Device Hints
 9.5 Inbuilt Devices
  9.5.1 BBox Device
  9.5.2 Draw Device
  9.5.3 Display List Device
  9.5.4 PDF Output Device
  9.5.5 Structured Text Device
  9.5.6 SVG Output Device
  9.5.7 Test Device
  9.5.8 Trace Device
10 Building Blocks
 10.1 Overview
 10.2 Colorspaces
  10.2.1 Basic Colorspaces
  10.2.2 Indexed Colorspaces
  10.2.3 Separation and DeviceN Colorspaces
  10.2.4 Further information
 10.3 Pixmaps
  10.3.1 Overview
  10.3.2 Premultiplied alpha
  10.3.3 Saving
 10.4 Bitmaps
 10.5 Halftones
 10.6 Images
 10.7 Buffers
 10.8 Transforms
 10.9 Paths
 10.10 Text
 10.11 Shadings
11 Display Lists
 11.1 Overview
 11.2 Creation
 11.3 Playback
 11.4 Reference counting
 11.5 Miscellaneous operations
12 The Stream interface
 12.1 Overview
 12.2 Creation
 12.3 Usage
  12.3.1 Reading bytes
  12.3.2 Reading objects
  12.3.3 Reading bits
  12.3.4 Reading whole streams
  12.3.5 Seeking
  12.3.6 Meta data
  12.3.7 Destruction
13 The Output interface
 13.1 Overview
 13.2 Creation
 13.3 Usage
  13.3.1 Writing bytes
  13.3.2 Writing objects
  13.3.3 Writing strings
  13.3.4 Seeking
14 Rendered Output Formats
 14.1 Overview
 14.2 Band Writers
 14.3 PNM
 14.4 PAM
 14.5 PBM
 14.6 PKM
 14.7 PNG
 14.8 PSD
 14.9 PWG/CUPS
  14.9.1 Contone
  14.9.2 Mono
 14.10 TGA
 14.11 PCL
  14.11.1 Color
  14.11.2 Mono
 14.12 Postscript
15 The Document Writer interface
 15.1 Usage
 15.2 Implementation
16 Progressive Mode
 16.1 Overview
 16.2 Implementation
  16.2.1 Progressive Streams
  16.2.2 Rough renderings
  16.2.3 Directed downloads
  16.2.4 Example implementation
17 Fonts
 17.1 Overview
 17.2 Inbuilt Fonts
 17.3 Implementation
18 Build configuration
 18.1 Overview
 18.2 Configuration file
 18.3 Plotter selection
 18.4 Document handlers
 18.5 JPEG 2000 support
 18.6 Javascript
 18.7 Fonts
II  MuPDF Internals
19 The Image interface
 19.1 Overview
 19.2 Standard Image Types
  19.2.1 Compressed
  19.2.2 Decoded
  19.2.3 Display List
 19.3 Creating Images
 19.4 Implementing an Image Type
 19.5 Image Caching
20 The Document Handler interface
 20.1 Overview
 20.2 Implementing a Document Handler
  20.2.1 Recognize and Open
  20.2.2 Document Level Functions
  20.2.3 Page Level Functions
 20.3 Standard Document Handlers
  20.3.1 PDF
  20.3.2 XPS
  20.3.3 EPUB
  20.3.4 HTML
  20.3.5 SVG
  20.3.6 Image
  20.3.7 CBZ
21 Store Internals
 21.1 Overview
 21.2 Implementation
 21.3 Reference Counting
 21.4 Scavenging memory allocator
 21.5 Using the Store
  21.5.1 Overview
  21.5.2 Handling keys
  21.5.3 Hashing
  21.5.4 Key storable items
  21.5.5 Reap passes
22 Device Internals
 22.1 Line Art
 22.2 Text
 22.3 Images
 22.4 Shadings
 22.5 Clipping and Masking
 22.6 Groups and Transparency
 22.7 Tiling
 22.8 Render Flags
 22.9 Device Color Spaces
 22.10 Layers
23 Path Internals
 23.1 Creation
 23.2 Reference counting
 23.3 Storage
 23.4 Transformation
 23.5 Bounding
 23.6 Stroking
 23.7 Walking
24 Image Internals
 24.1 Compressed Images
 24.2 Pixmap Images
25 Text Internals
 25.1 Creation
 25.2 Population
 25.3 Measurement
 25.4 Cloning
 25.5 Language
 25.6 Implementation
26 Shading Internals
 26.1 Creation
 26.2 Bounding
 26.3 Painting
 26.4 Decomposition
27 Stream Internals
28 Output Internals
29 Colorspace Internals
 29.1 Non ICC-based Colorspaces
 29.2 ICC-based colorspaces
 29.3 Calibrated Colorspaces
30 Color Management
 30.1 Overview
III  The MuPDF Interpreters
31 PDF Interpreter Details
 31.1 Overview
 31.2 PDF Document
 31.3 PDF Objects
  31.3.1 Arrays
 31.4 PDF Operator Processors
  31.4.1 Run processor
  31.4.2 Filter processor
  31.4.3 Buffer processor
  31.4.4 Output processor
 31.5 Copying objects between PDF documents
  31.5.1 The problem
  31.5.2 Grafting objects
  31.5.3 A further problem
  31.5.4 Graft maps
32 XPS Interpreter Details
 32.1 Overview
33 EPub/HTML Interpreter Details
 33.1 CSS rules
 33.2 Shaped text
 33.3 Bidirectional text
34 SVG Interpreter Details
IV  Tools, Libraries, and Helper Routines
35 MuTool
 35.1 Overview
 35.2 Clean
 35.3 Convert
 35.4 Create
 35.5 Draw
 35.6 Extract
 35.7 Info
 35.8 Merge
 35.9 Pages
 35.10 Portfolio
 35.11 Poster
 35.12 Run
 35.13 Show
36 MuOfficeLib
37 Transitions
38 MuThreads
V  Platform specifics and Language Bindings
39 Platform specifics
 39.1 Overview
 39.2 C API
 39.3 C++ API
 39.4 Python
 39.5 Java
 39.6 Javascript
A How to contribute to MuPDF
 A.1 Licensing
  A.1.1 GNU AGPL
  A.1.2 Artifex Commercial License
 A.2 Copyright Assignment
 A.3 Coding Style